Tag Archives: winter safe

Winter Ready Activities Primary 4 and Primary 5

Here are some ideas of what you can do if the school is closed in the event of bad weather.


  • Complete games and challenges on SUMDOG.
  • Use numbergym to practise times tables.
  • Use ‘Just in Time’ for mental maths practise.  (http://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/starter_October12.asp?ver=stu)
  • Create some mental maths word problems to challenge your class when you return to school.
  • Build a snowman and measure how tall he is.


  • Continue to read your accelerated reader book.
  • Write a book review if you have completed your reading book.
  • Create a ‘Word Wizard’ or ‘Character Cop’ to show your understanding of your book.
  • Design a new front cover, blurb and title for your book.
  • Create a diary entry for your snow day, to tell us all about what you did, how you felt, where you went? etc.
  • Make a Winter Ready poster detailing how to keep safe in the bad weather.

Hope you have some fun in the snow and remember to keep wrapped up warm and stay safe!

Mrs Canning, Miss Crease and Mrs Quin