Primary 2 4.11.19

Primary 2 are well under way with their new topic: People Who Help Us! Last week we were learning about the role of a Police Officer and how they help and support the local community. This week we are learning about Paramedics. We are very excited about a Paramedic coming to visit our classes to talk to the children, and hopefully they will be able to bring an ambulance to school so the children can see what it is like inside. We are going to think of some very interesting questions to ask our paramedic too!

We have started learning some of the songs for our Nativity this year! Primary 2 will be partnering up with Primary 3 to put on quite a show! Parts, words and song words will be issued in the next couple of week so please look out for these.

New homework activities are being issued today. Thank you so much to all the boys and girls who managed to complete their homework activities and share them with the class. Some of the work and effort has been fantastic! There has been some activities been set on Education City for the children too. Usernames and Passwords were handed out at the beginning of the year.

Primary 7 are coming round with poppies this week for a small donation and Primary 5 will be selling Children in Need merchandise soon.

P.E days- Indoor Tuesday, Outdoor Thursday (Well done to the boys and girls who remember their kit regularly.)

Any questions, feel free to contact one of us,

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver


Primary 4 week beginning 20.2.17

Welcome back after our short February break. We hope you a had a lovely time.

We would like to thank all the parents and carers who attended parents evening. We would like to remind anyone who could not make it to feel free to make an appointment at another time that is more convenient.

This week we have started to look more closely at the features of non-fiction texts. We will be continuing to learn about them and use them in various lessons across the curriculum. If you have access to any books at home, please ask your child to teach you about their features.

We have continued to learn about electricity in science and have been experimenting with conductors and insulators this week. Next week we will be planning to build our own homes with working circuits in them.

Next week we will also be learning about comic life in I.C.T. We are hoping eventually, to create our own comics we made when we were learning about D.C Thompson and Dundee using the Comic Life software.

We are looking forward to having lots of visitors in our school next week and showing them all of our hard work.

Reminders for 20.2.17

Homework –
Maths sheet
class talks (if applicable)

P.E Kit
P4S – Tuesday and Wednesday
P4D – Wednesday and Friday this week

please ensure your child has a label on all items of clothing.

Thank you for your continued support, Miss Donaldson and Miss Smith.

Primary 7 Week Beginning 12.09.16


Primary 7 have had an exciting week. On Tuesday we had visitors from the Japanese society. We learned about Japanese food, clothes, games and much more. We enjoyed learning how to use chopsticks and making origami.

As part of the Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebrations we watched Matthew Fitt on Authors Live. Matthew is particularly well known for his Scots translations of Dahl’s stories. He made us think about words we might already know from the Scots language. Some of our favourites included braw, crabbit, dug, and mingin. We discussed some Scots language that we might use at home and also came up with some names for sweeties in Scots.

A number of pupils are not coming to school prepared with suitable PE kit. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear for doing PE outside.

Next week we will be working on ‘My life so far’ on Friday so please bring it in to school on this day.

Next week:

Monday – Holiday

Tuesday – In service

Wednesday – Children back to school

– PE

Thursday – Residential meeting about France visit



No spelling homework next week

Big homework focusing on an aspect of Japan



Thank you for your continued support

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 9.9.16

Primary 7 have had another really busy week this week.

In science we have been learning all about the structure of the Earth. We focused on the 4 main layers and found out the properties of each one. Next week we will be looking at different types of rock and how these are formed.

We have been learning about internet safety and the importance of telling an adult if something worries us.

For our topic we found out where Scotland and Japan are on the world map. We have been busy identifying some of the main features of each country including rivers, mountains, seas and cities.  We have also been looking at the differences and similarities of land use between Japan and Scotland. We will be learning about some of the key industries in Japan and using our knowledge to create a collage.

Next week we look forward to some visitors from the Japanese Society. Check out blog next week to see what we found out!



Outdoor PE – Monday (weather permitting)

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on the correct days



Spelling homework – Due Friday 16th

Topic homework – Due Thursday 15th


Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 4, 20.5.16

This week began with a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth. We found out how the world was created according to the theory of the Big bang. We also learned about the phases the world has gone through in order for us to have the chemicals and products within the world. This fed into ‘Our Community’ topic as it taught is how coal and gases were formed.






This led nicely to Tuesday where we had a visit from a lady from Library Services. She brought with her lots of artifacts from museums from the shale mining times in West Lothian. We learned about the lights they used down the mine and what it was like to live without electricity. The battery which powered their light in their helmets weighed a lot and we discussed the difference between batteries then and now. We also got to explore fossils in rocks and learned how these were made.



On top if this, our last visitor came into school from the community. His name is PC McMahon and is one of the community officers from this area. He came to tell us how he helped the community and was able to answer questions about what he did. The children asked very good questions as a result of knowing lots of information from Mrs Vance’s visit! We definitely made him think!

We have one last visit as a result of our letters and it is Monday the 30th of May. We will be visiting Morrisons to find out what part they play in the community and to have a little tour.

There is no further progress with the butterflies / caterpillars and they are all still in their chrysalises with no change. Our worms are doing well and are creating lots of patterns for us to follow in their soil. We will probably set them free soon.

STOP PRESS Four of the butterflies have hatched and have been released today (Friday)

Well done to the Deer Park team in sports day today, however we need to find out the results from the infant sports day to see whether they are overall winners or not. Thank you to all the parents who came along to participate, and for the tug of war at the end!


Monday 23rd – Holiday

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday – Dress Rehearsal for the show (performing to the school)

Saturday 28th – SCHOOL FAIR


Due Friday 27th : Spelling as normal

Reading pages plus activity:

Red – Ch 3 and 4 of The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble

Blue – P.74 – 87

Green – P.65 – 77



Primary 4, 13.5.16

Thank you to everyone bringing in their junk…we now have a collection gathering in the corner of our classroom and it will be put to good use next week and the week after. I can’t wait to see the mini-beasts created from it as the plans are very thorough and have some excellent ideas for movable parts.

We have some very exciting news! Our caterpillars have turned into chrysalises and we watched them turn before our very eyes! One caterpillar was still choosing his position on Monday morning but the rest had gone to sleep, attached to the lid by their tails. By Tuesday we watched them turn one by one, going from this:


to this:


We will keep you updated of any butterfly appearances 🙂

Also this week we had our visitors from West Lothian Youth Foundation as well as a player from Livingston F.C Youth Team. The children were very intrigued by what they had to say and ad lots of questions for them.

Another visitor we had this week was a lady called Christine from Child Smile who came to speak about the work they do for the community. It also fitted in with our health topic this term which is healthy eating, healthy teeth and health and hygiene. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and hoped they were putting what they know into practice at home. She brought with her a present for each of the children. Here is a picture of us all with our gifts of toothpaste and a toothbrush:


We were out enjoying the weather this week doing a little mini bug hunt. We successfully found all kinds of mini-beasts for inspection and learned a little more about their habitats and where they like to hide.  There weren’t many places to look as our allotments are no longer there. We are looking forward to our proper mini-beast hunt at Hopeton House where we will be doing a pond dip as well as a mini-beast safari. This is happening at the end of term and more information about this trip will follow.

Here we are enjoying the outdoors with some of the bugs we collected:

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Remember we have our trip to Dynamic Earth on Monday. Please bring a packed lunch, those who have lunches provided will receive theirs from the school.

Sports day will be Thursday, please wear house colours (see below). It will start at 9.30am.



Monday 16th – Dynamic Earth, packed lunch required.

Tuesday 17th – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday 19th – Weather permitting – Sports day 9:30am. Please wear house colours:

Raeburn – Green

Waverley – Red

Sutherland – Yellow

Deer Park – Blue

Please bring in costumes if you have not done so already.




Due Friday 20th – Spelling as normal

Reading –

Red: The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble ch.1 and 2

Blue: p.60 – 73

Green: p.53 – 64



Primary 4 6.5.16

Our organised Day for Change is here and staff and children are arriving in school in their pyjamas as I type! We will let you know the success of the day just as soon as we have final totals.

Our V.I.Is are growing and hopefully be turning into a chrysalis very soon. Here is an update of their progress:


This weekend we want to wish Skye Thayne huge amounts of luck reciting her Burns poem for the finals!  We can’t wait to hear how you did on Monday 🙂 Very proud class and teacher but all credits go to you for the fantastic effort and work you have put into it!

Next week we have people from West Lothian Youth Foundation coming in to talk about the work they do within the community. This is as a result of the letters we sent to Livingston F.C.

Children were given letters about our trip a week on Monday (16.5.16) to Dynamic Earth. This was as part of the Golden Ticket win we had whereby the school was permitted free entry to Dynamic Earth for trips. We are very excited about this. Please ensure your child has returned the purple form to permit them to go.

We are holding a small talent contest next Friday in order to choose one act for the final talent show in June, held by our House Captains. We are all very excited about this and preparing our acts. It’s going to be hard to choose just one from such a talented class!



Purple trip form returned as soon as possible.

No PE kit required on Monday 9th.

Outdoor PE kit required for Tuesday.

Homework Diaries signed.

Junk to be collected for mini-beast challenge in school.


Spelling as normal

Due Friday 13th May – Reading: Read the following pages and complete an activity.

Red – Chapter 7

Blue – P.47 – 59

Green – P.41 – 52

Miss Smith’s Maths Class – Homework on position: please familiarise yourself with angles through accessing and playing these games online. If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, please let me know as I have alternative hand outs.


Primary 4, 5.4.16

What an interesting week we have had with lots and lots going on!

We had two V.I.Ps in our classroom and two V.I.Is… We will begin with the V.I.Ps. After we sent our letters out to the community, we had three responses to our letters, one from PC McMahon who will be visiting us in the next couple of weeks and Mrs Vance and Mr Cowan, parents of children in our class. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you both for coming in to chat to us and tell us more about the part you play in your communities. We found it fascinating and asked lots of questions. Both visits led to fantastic discussions afterwards with the children too. We did some research on John Newland (after a few google searches for his correct name) and found out a little more about his part in the Bathgate community and their Galaday. We are looking forward to finding out more about free pool too! It was very good of you both to give up your free time and we thank you.

Also, today I received an e-mail from Livingston F.C in response to the letters sent to them. The children do not know this yet but they are going to try to send a player for a meet and greet with the class, as well as someone who can explain a little more about what they do in our community. We shall see if any of the children read the blog and mention it tomorrow!

Now for the V.I.Is…(Very Important Insects) we have been lucky enough to acquire 35 worms and 5 caterpillars to help us study mini-beasts for our topic. We have set up a worm farm at the back of the classroom and have been watching them wriggle their way down into the soil.  The caterpillars have been very lazy so far, at times we have had to check whether they are still alive, but all 5 are doing well and have grown so much over just 4 days. We are excited to see what they will look like as butterflies.

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Next week we are off Monday and Tuesday, and on Friday we have our Day for Change. Children will be fundraising for UNICEF on this day and are looking forward to not having to get ready for school. They tell me they are going to roll out of bed and come in wearing their pyjamas they slept in!

We have a talent show at the end of the school year being organised by the house captains. We will be holding a contest in the classroom very soon to decide who goes through to the final, so be thinking about a talent you can showcase if you wish to take part! Watch out for reminders in diaries to find out when this will be.

We have also been working on the acting and songs for our school show with lots of practice dates in the diary. Costume letters will also be coming out soon so please look for these in bags. If there are any problems with any aspect of the costume required, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will do our best to help out.


Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd – holiday

Wednesday 4th – return to school

Friday – Day for change. Bring any spare change you wish as a donation to UNICEF and come to school in your pyjamas.


Reading due Friday 6th May:

  • Red Chapters 5 and 6
  • Blue p.33-45
  • Green p.28-40

Please begin collecting appropriate junk for our mini-beast challenge. Children have chosen a mini-beast to do a class talk on (information to follow) and in class are being asked to create a mini-beast from junk with movable parts. Any junk for this would be greatly appreciated.

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