Primary 2 30.8.21

Primary 2 had a great week last week! They continued to settle back into school routines and enjoyed working and playing with their friends in the new play areas.
This week we are finishing our work on ‘In our hearts’, a book all about feelings. The children will be exploring the feeling of ‘shyness’ and will be putting their feelings books together to bring home. They will also be learning about the final SHANARRI buddy and will finish their buddy diary.
This week we are beginning our structured phonics and maths work. We will be revising the sounds sh, ch, th and ng from Primary 1 in phonics and will be looking at the numbers 1-30 in maths. Please look out for a reading book coming home today in homework folders. This book is to come to school every day so that we can read regularly in class. We will be assigning one SEESAW task for homework this week. A password for SEESAW has been sent home today in homework folders. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing your child’s homework and we would be happy to help.
A reminder that all children need indoor shoes to wear in class. PE days are Wednesday and Thursday, please come to school prepared for PE on these days. PE kit consists of a white T-shirt, navy/ black trousers or shorts and a school jumper.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy and Miss Belleza

Primary 2 Homework and Update 5.10.20

Hello Everyone,

Please find attached this week’s homework with starred activities and optional activities.

Homework Sheet – Monday 5th October

Last week in Maths, we continued exploring the properties of 3d shapes and learned about their vertices, faces and edges. The children had lots of hands-on opportunities to build models using cubes, cuboids, spheres, pyramids, cones and cylinders.

In Health and Wellbeing we continued to explore the Shanarri indicators for wellbeing through our lovely characters.

We worked with Included Isabella and the children designed a playpark which would be suitable for all. They came up with super ideas including ramps for wheelchair users, adapted swings and roundabouts.

This week in Maths we will continue to practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and will be exploring shape and colour patterns.

In Writing we have introduced a describing bubble to children which encourages them to add detail by using adjectives to describe size, colour, shape, texture etc.

This week we look forward to speaking to many of you at our online parent’s evening on Wednesday or Thursday.


-P2 PE days are Wednesday and Thursday and where possible this will continue to be outdoors so please can your child wear appropriate clothing and shoes to school.

-We plan to use the forest adjacent to the school for further outdoor learning after the October holidays and you will have received a permission form with dates – please can you return this to school as soon as possible.

-October holidays –

All break – Friday, 9 October 2020

Pupils resume  – Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Mrs Harris and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 25.9.20

Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday!

For a short week, it has been a busy one. Primary 3 have been working so hard on our mini Health topic. We discussed all of our buddies jobs in our community and even mapped out our community and all of the ways it helps people. We then created models of our dream communities from craft materials and even learned how to fold paper to make it 3D. Our dream communities involved lots of ways of keeping active with arenas, kick boxing studios, horse riding, roller blading ramps, play parks and pools. We talked about and made our dream housing to ensure we are safe, healthy and nurtured.

We created imaginative collaborative stories about our buddies and their work in the community. We took turns to write one sentence each and the stories twisted and changed depending on what that person’s idea was at the time of writing. They turned out very well and are up on display!

We used our ICT skills to type them up and then used ‘Audacity’ to record our stories by reading our parts of the story aloud.

Next week, on Monday, homework folders will be sent home. Homework will take the same format as last year, minus the share-it jotters. The homework activities will be put on a sheet and into the children’s folder. There will be no share-it jotter, however should you wish to hand tasks in, they can be written on the back of the sheet. Primary 3 will be given a little more responsibility every Monday, in writing up our little homework diary to remind us of our tasks.

We would appreciate it if the folders can be in the children’s bags each day at school in order for them to access their reading books. We use these in our lessons and Primary 3 reading work will be based on their reading books that week. Usually the reading books are completed over 2 weeks with some exceptions. If your child is the exception, further instruction will be given in their yellow homework diaries.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 2 Update 14.9.20

Hello Everyone,

We had another busy week in Primary 2 last week and have been continuing our Superhero topic chosen by the children. They particularly enjoyed carrying out an investigation to find out the best material to create a Super hero cape! In Writing, the children used some super adjectives to describe the view a Superhero would see from the sky. After the September break we will link out Superhero topic to ‘real life’ heroes in our People Who Help Us topic.

As part of Health and Wellbeing, we had great fun meeting our SHANARRI characters who will help us learn about the 8 well-being indicators- Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. The children loved Safe Stella the Superhero Rabbit, Health Henry the Apple, Achieving Andrew, Nurturing Nora, Active Amiir, Respected Rhya, Responsible Robbie and Included Isobel!

This week in Numeracy we will focus on counting sets and representing numbers in different ways e.g. using tens frames, in numbers, in words, building towers etc. In Writing, the children will write an acrostic poem using their ideas from our Superhero topic. Children are continuing to read in class and homework and reading books will be issued from week beginning 28th September.

Reminders: Outdoor PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please send children to school in PE kit . Please send children to school with a water bottle each day.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Mrs Harris and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 31.8.20

Primary 2 have settled very well back in to school. They have been working hard recognising numbers up to 30 and beyond. We have also been naming 2D shapes and creating shape monsters. Some have even been displayed on the wall!

We have be doing some reading aloud in class in small groups and discussing character features and personalities. The children have also been writing about themselves and wrote a short story about a superhero.

In science we are learning about our senses. Last week we put our eyes to the test and this week we are investigating our hearing. We have also been having lots of discussions about our feelings. Every day the children share their feelings by placing their name on our feelings chart. We have also been talking about SHANARRI and what it means to them.

Primary 2 have been fantastic at playing in their area and washing their hands! Let’s keep it up!

Primary 2 have P.E on a Wednesday and Thursday so please send your children to school with their P.E kit on. Please make sure the children come to school with a water bottle and names written on clothes/jumpers. Thank you.

We hope you have a super week!

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver


Primary 3 28.8.20

We are now firmly set in our new routines within Primary 3, with today marking our second whole week back in school with the new rules.

There are lots of changes between Primary 3 and Primary 2 and so far, the children seem to be enjoying it. When they were asked what is the best part of P3 so far, they said they have been enjoying music, art and the P3 reading. They reported that the worst part of P3 is not being able to hug people.

Our topic is well under way, looking at the health and well-being indicators and curriculum through the study of Fantastic Mr. Fox. The children read a script with expression, and have been learning about real foxes and how they stay safe, healthy and nurture their young. We have been discussing adjectives, and had a go of using a thesaurus to up-level our words.

We created our own questions to gather information within the class using a frequency table. We then turned our information into our own bar graphs. We had fun doing this and our graphs look super.

The weather this week has been touch and go with the rain, however we did manage to get out for PE and the children’s skipping skills are improving every time! We are now trying some tricks and next week will be looking at French skipping and ankle skipping as well.

Thank you for supporting us with the new rules. The children have been coming to school prepared and ready for the day ahead. Thank you also for returning the rules agreement letter and the achievement letter. Can we take this opportunity to remind parents if you have not already, please return these at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for you continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 4 28.8.20

Hello everyone

It has been fantastic to see the children happy and settled in class this week. The boys and girls have been working very hard and are surprising Mr Woodward and I all the time with the quality of their written work and how well they are adapting to the new school routines.

This week in maths we have been exploring length. We used rulers and metre sticks to measure the length of various objects in the classroom. We also developed the skill of estimating by making an “educated guess” about the length of much larger items in our classrooms. Next week we will explore items in the outdoor environment whilst also looking at a new length – millimetres.

This week in Health we have been exploring SHANARRI. SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) are wellbeing indicators that the children have been exploring this week in class through a group challenge. Each group has been given one of the SHANARRI indicators to research. They then created a poster that shared their new found knowledge and understandings,. Next week they will present their information and poster to the class. Please ask your child for more information on this as they are now experts on this subject! 🙂

Last week you should have received a newsletter home detailing our plans for the coming term. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed for the outdoors and can stay in their PE kit all day. As the Scottish Government expectation is now for the children to be outdoors as much as is possible then please note that the children may also be outside at breaks or lunches when the weather is wet/windy. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear/waterproof jacket etc to be outside comfortably in this kind of weather even if the weather is dry when the children are leaving for school. Thank you for your support with this. Please note that the children should also bring a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled upon request throughout the day.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2/1 27th August 2020

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2/1 this week.  In Maths the Primary Ones have been working on numbers to 10.  We have been mainly focusing on the correct way to form numbers 0,1 and 2.  We have also been counting together, challenging ourselves to see how far we can go! The Primary Twos have been working hard on some consolidation of addition.  We have been using cubes and number lines to add numbers to 20.

In Language the Primary Ones have been working a little on rhyme.  This is something that you can work on with them at home, asking them if they can think of something that rhymes with cat/bug/pen etc.  We would also encourage you to read rhyming stories together and discuss the words that rhyme.  The Primary Twos have been consolidation blending 4 letter words.  Again this is something that the children can be trying at home, encourage them to try and hear 4 sounds in a word e.g. slug, nest etc.

We have also started our work on SHANARRI in class this week. We have been focusing on SAFE and HEALTHY before moving on to ACTIVE, NURTURE, ACHIEVE and RESPECT next week.  We have been sorting safe and unsafe activities and looking at what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

We would like to remind you to send your child with a bottle with water in it each day, please no juice or flavoured water.  Gym days are Tuesday and Wednesday where children can come to school in their gym kit, which should be suitable for outdoors.

Thank you for your continued support this year so far, if there is anything you should wish to discuss, please telephone the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

P2/1 5th September 2017

Welcome back to all the boys and girls and a special welcome to the new Primary One boys and girls who have all settled in really well and are learning the rules and routines of the classroom.

For the first two weeks of term we have been focusing on rules and routines- getting unpacked and remembering where to hang coats and put bags etc.  We have also been looking at the SHANARRI wheel and especially at being healthy. We have talked about healthy food and in the weeks to come we will be discussing hand washing, sleep and brushing our teeth.

We have also started our first topic ‘Our School’.  We have discussed what we would like to learn about and are hoping to invite some of the members of staff into our classroom to ask them questions about their jobs.

Some reminders for the week ahead-

Monday- indoor gym, please remember gym kit with name on.

Tuesday- Reading homework, common word book practice, Maths (usually every other week).

Thursday- we hope to visit the library on a Thursday when possible so look out for a library book coming home.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Steel

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