Primary 7 – 10.03.17


This morning we are off to DCHS to take part in the Hurricane challenge. We will give you more details of how we got on next week.

We are continuing to practise for our school show, Alice the Musical. The children have been working very hard learning their lines and the songs. Please continue helping them with these and I’m sure we will have a fabulous show! Please can you send in all costumes as soon as possible. Thank you.

The children had their last dance rehearsal in PE and they will be performing their dance to P1s and the rest of primary 7 on Tuesday.

PSA Spring disco was a great success. The children had a great time dancing their socks off!




Spelling homework

Maths homework

Practise songs

WW2 Project due Friday 17th March


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 7 – 03.03.17


We are pleased to report our Inspectors were very impressed with our school and children, you should be very proud of your children!

The children have been practising hard this week for the school show – Alice the Musical. Please can you help them to learn words and songs as from next week the children will not be using their scripts.

Miss Wilson’s maths set had a visit from Miss Thomson from DCHS. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

It was World Book day yesterday and P7 read books with their P1 buddies to celebrate. We are hoping that this will become a regular occurrence.

Next Friday the children will be going to DCHS for a transition activity – The Hurricane Challenge. More details to follow.



After school clubs have now finished

Spelling homework

Maths homework

Continue to learn songs and scripts for school show

Continue to work on My Life So Far

WW2 Personal Project

PSA Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March – please send money in an envelope


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 6 04.01.17

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope that you had a fantastic festive period. We were very happy to welcome the children back to school today and hear about their exciting holidays.

This week is the start of a very busy term for Primary 6. Today we began learning songs with Mr Platt for the P6/7 Show which this year is “Alice in Wonderland”. Some children have chosen to audition for bigger roles in the production. Everyone will find out their role within the show in the next couple of weeks. Please look out for scripts in your child’s school bag. We appreciate all of the support you give children to prepare for school shows at home.

We will be continuing to work on “A Tale Unfolds” for the first few weeks of this term until our class film has been completed. Once this is completed we will begin work on our new Interdisciplinary topic: The Titanic.

This week the children have also been reflecting on their own progress last term and will set themselves new goals for what they would like to achieve both in and outwith school in 2017. Please discuss these targets with your child.

PE days are now:
Indoor PE – Monday
Outdoor PE – Thursday

Thank you for all your support. See you next week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 4 27.5.16

Good morning all!

We have seen 5 of our caterpillars turn into butterflies and fly away this week. It was very exciting. They were brown and orange and very bright when their wings were open.



This week we had the dress rehearsal for the show ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. The children were fantastic, and have learned so many words and songs, you are in for a very impressive afternoon if you plan on coming to see us. Tickets are on sale for £2.50 at the office and it is first come first served. The show takes place next Wednesday at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. Children should be dropped back off at the church for 6:15 to be ready for the evening performance. If for any reason your child cannot attend, please let the school know at your earliest convenience.

We made our mini-beasts from junk this week and boy do they look good. It is amazing what the children have produced by themselves and we have had some fantastic ideas for movable parts. Their research and plans were followed and amended as they worked creating their model, allowing them to see the importance of planning and being flexible in their planning when things do not o to plan.


This weekend is the Summer Fair. It starts at 11 and finishes at 1 pm. I hope to see as many of you as possible for lots of fun there!



Please sign homework diary

Summer Fair Saturday 28th May 11am-1pm

School Show Wednesday 1st June 1:30pm and 6:30pm



Spelling as normal

Miss Smith’s Maths group – Direction homework (see sheet)

Reading due Friday plus an activity

Red – Chapter 5

Blue – p.88 – 101

Green – p. 78 – 92

Primary Five 29th April 2016

In Maths this week Mrs Jamieson’s group have been working with fractions and Mrs Steel’s group have been dividing.

In Language we have started to look at the poetry of Grace Nicholls and write our poems based on what we have read.  The children have come up with some excellent ideas and have written some lovely poems.

In Health we have started working on our Drug Education topic and this week we have been looking at smoking and how this affects our health.

The school show rehearsals are continuing and we would remind the children who have parts to keep learning their words as we will soon be expecting them to practise without scripts.

Next Wednesday all the P5s will be taking part in their swimming assessment at Deans High School.  Please remember to send swimming kit with your child on Wednesday.  Swimming suits and shorts/trunks only please.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary Five 22nd April 2016

This week we continued our rehearsals for the School Show.  The songs are really coming on and the actors are doing a great job so far.  Please remind your child to learn lines if they have a part as we will be focussing on stage directions in class.

In Language we have been looking at the poems of Grace Nicholls.  We have been reading her poetry, discussing the type of language she uses and talking about the things we like about her poems.  We have also had a go at writing our own poems based on her poem ‘Morning’.

This term in French we will be learning vocabulary that we use in a cafe.  This week we looked at French words for different drinks.

In PE this week we started our new topics- Athletics and Mini Golf.  We are lucky to have two PE students in this term to help us out.

Please remember gyms kits-Indoor kit on Tuesday and outdoor kit on a Friday.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary Five 18th March 2016

This week has been assessment week in Primary Five.  All work has been done in an assessment jotter. This will give a snapshot of the children’s work and the intention is that this will be repeated every term.

In Science we have been continuing work on Solids Liquids and Gases.  We have investigated the changes in solids when they are put in water and looked at which solids dissolve and which do not.  We have also done an experiment with oil and water to make our own lava lamps.

This week we started work on the P4/5 school show ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’.  The main parts have now been given out but there are still other parts to assign.  We are looking forward to starting rehearsals with Mr Platt next week.

Next week we will be doing some work on Easter along with finishing off note taking in Reading and doing some Problem Solving.

We hope you have a good weekend

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary 7 11.03.16

Hello everyone!

Primary 7 have had a very busy week. On Wednesday the Primary 6 and 7 children performed “Hosanna!” in front of the whole school and staff. The children performed excellently with fantastic singing, beautiful dancing and superb acting! Miss Farren and I were so proud of all of the children. Please remember that you can come to watch “Hosanna!” next Wednesday 16th March at 1:30pm or 6:30pm at the Pentecostal Church in Fells Rigg. Tickets are available from the office.

Change of timetable

As of next week our timetable will change somewhat. Outdoor PE will still be on a Tuesday afternoon for both classes. However, indoor PE times are changing to a Wednesday afternoon until the end of the summer term. Next week is an exception as due to our show performances Indoor PE will be on a Thursday (17.3) for one week only. We will remind the children of this in class. The children will also no longer have art with Ms Fox but will continue working with Mr Platt in music on a Wednesday.

Our WW2 topic is nearing its end. The children have worked very hard throughout this topic and have been enthusiastic about their learning. In order to celebrate what we have learned we have invited “Home Front Histories” into school on the last week of term for a full day interactive workshop. Miss Farren’s class will attend the workshop in school on Monday 21st March and Miss Clark’s class will go on Tuesday 22nd March. On these days children are encouraged to come into school dressed as a child in the 1940s. We are sure it will be a fun and informative day for all! 🙂

Thank you. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Primary 7 – 26.2.16

Happy Friday everyone!

This week in Primary 7 we started work on an ICT challenge. Children in groups of 4 had to create their own PowerPoint showing different fashions/uniforms during WW2. The children then had to write a script and record their own voices on the computer program “Audacity” to give their audience more information about fashion in 1940s Britain. Next week we will work on rehearsing the timings of our voice recordings and PowerPoint slides to ensure they are in sync. Then we will present our finished product to the rest of the class.

Children are continuing to work hard on “Hosanna!” (this years P6/7 show). All lines should be memorised by Monday, please support your child with this at home if necessary. Please note that the date of the show is Wednesday 16th March and all children are expected to attend both the afternoon show and the evening show. If your child cannot attend the evening show please send a letter into school as soon as possible to let the school know.

In science this week we have been learning about coal mining. The children explored the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land through conducting an experiment. We used a tool (toothpick) to “mine” for coal (chocolate chips) in our land (a cookie!) We discussed the importance of the force we used when “mining” and the impact that this had on our “land” (or cookie!) Some cookies were relatively unaffected by the mining whilst others were completely destroyed! The children now understand the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land. Next week we will move onto learning about oil and the impact that fossil fuels are having on our environment.

Primary 3 have organised a World Book Day event for the whole school on Thursday 3rd March. Children can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. There is no charge for this event. As part of our World Book Day celebrations Primary 7 will also be visiting their P1 buddies in the afternoon in order to read with them and complete some activities on their favourite books. We’re all looking forward to this 🙂

Please bring both outdoor and indoor PE kit next Monday and Tuesday. Also please note that our homework schedule is:

Spelling – due Friday each week
Maths – due Thursday each week
Reading – will be given out on Wednesday 2nd March and due in the following Wednesday (09.03)

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Miss Farren & Miss Walker

Primary 7 21.01.16

Hello everyone!

We’ve had a very busy week in Primary 7. On Monday we enjoyed a trip to The Risk Factory. There we learned all about the dangers of different places (such as railway lines, building sites and farms) and how to keep safe. We also learned about how to prevent a fire from happening in our homes and saw the effects that vandalism can have on people’s lives. We even got the chance to save 2 people from a burning building and some children were able to call 999 to get help from the fire brigade (this was all a scenario thankfully!) The children all behaved brilliantly throughout the trip – well done! We’d also like to thank all of the parent helpers who accompanied us. Your help is much appreciated 🙂

The children got the chance to show what they had learned at The Risk Factory through creating safety leaflets in writing. The leaflets are really beginning to come together and we hope to have the finished articles up on display before parents night.

This week, rehearsals began for the school show. In the next couple of weeks the children will begin to find out their roles in the show and will have words or songs to practise at home. The school show will be on Wednesday 16th March with one performance in the afternoon and one in the evening. It is expected that all children participate in both performances so please try to keep this evening free if possible.

Our World War 2 Topic is going well. This week we have designed, carefully chosen resources, and created our very own WW2 Gas Masks! They are already looking fantastic. Miss Farren and I were pleased to see the thought and care that went into designing the gas mask and deciding which materials would be most effective. We will upload a picture of the finished articles when they have been completed!

Please remember our PE days for this term are:
Indoor: Monday
Outdoor: Tuesday (weather permitting!)

Also, a big well done to Aaron, Molly, Joy & Aidan H who were the winners from both classes of our Burns poetry recital. Tomorrow they will take part in the Whole School Burns Competition! Good Luck to you all 🙂

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Primary 6

It’s been an exciting full first week back.  We’ve been finishing off the film we have created – A Tale Unfolds.  The film has involved the children creating the characters, deciding on the plot, writing the scripts and voiceovers and filming the scenes.   We certainly are a talented bunch in P6!

Next week we start our new topic ‘Titanic’ – watch this space for ongoing updates.

Everyone has been learning a Robert Burns poem to recite in class next week.  We’ve been practising in class but please also support your child to practise their poem at home if you can.

A date for your diaries:  the P6/7 show ‘Hosanna’ will be on 16th March.  We’ll be deciding on parts over the next couple of weeks so please let us know if your child is not likely to be able to make that date (there will be a performance in the evening as well as during the day).

We have a busy time ahead – thanks for all your support and help,

Mrs Muir, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Smith

PE Kit Reminder

Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit on the following days:

P6M:  outside PE Monday, inside PE Tuesday

P6KS:  inside PE Tuesday, outside PE Wednesday


Happy New Year from Primary 7!

Hello & Happy New Year!

We hope you have had an enjoyable festive break. We are happy to be back and are looking forward to a busy term ahead full of learning.

This week, we started our new Interdisciplinary Topic of World War II. So far the children have been very interested in what we are learning about 1930’s Britain and 1930’s Germany. Next week we will begin to learn about the life of Anne Frank. If anyone has any resources or memories they could share with us we would be delighted to hear from you.

Today the children chose a Burns Poem they would like to recite to the class in 2 weeks time. They have been given their poem home with them today. Please encourage your children to practise and memorise their poem at home. We will also be working on helping the children to learn their poems in class. 2 children from both classes will then be chosen to recite their poem in front of the school at the annual Burns Assembly. Good luck everyone!

In the next 2 weeks the children will begin learning and practising for this year’s P6/7 School Show! The show this year is called “Hosanna!” Your child may receive lines to memorise, please encourage your children to practise these at home.

Some reminders:

– Indoor PE is now on a Monday and Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday for both classes. Please ensure your child brings appropriate kit to school on these days.

– Next week your child will receive spelling homework (given on Monday, due in on Friday) and maths homework (given on Monday, due in on Thursday) as normal. The children will no longer have a news book to complete this term. The children will also receive reading homework in the coming weeks. There will be more information about this in the next P7 newsletter.

Thank you, as always, for all of your suppport. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

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