Primary 5 – 11.12.2020


It has been an exciting week for Primary 5 in the lead up to the Christmas holidays!

The children were working on creating 3D Shapes from nets in maths this week.  This was quite a fiddly task however the class managed really well! Next week we are hoping to use our new skills to create a 3D Christmas decoration.

In Writing, the class were given the bad news that Santa’s elves were unwell and therefor Santa would not be able to deliver presents to everyone. The children worked hard on a persuasive letter to Santa discussing why they should be one of the few to receive a present! We had some great persuasive discussion and after the chaos of 2020 it is hard not to disagree that each one of them deserves a gift this year. However, good news from the North Pole tells us that all the elves are fully recovered and ALL children will be receiving their presents. Phew!

In Science, the children have been working extremely hard on their Endangered Animals fact-files and are now complete. Next Monday, they will be presenting their research to the class and we cannot wait to hear all their fantastic findings.

This week all the learners completed their first solo class talk on their landmark model and leaflet. It has been fantastic to see all the different creations that have been brought in and hear the lovely stories of making it home with family members. Each learner had created a tourist leaflet to go with their model to persuade others to visit. By the end of the presentations, we had planned a road trip around the United Kingdom to visit all these landmarks!

Primary 5M have been working hard on the Advent Calendar of Kindness this week and completing lots of different actions to spread happiness in the school and classroom. Our Box of Kindness is growing every day and soon will be taken to the local foodbank.

During PE lessons this week the class have continued to clock-up lots of miles towards the Primary 7 challenge to run to the North Pole. As a school, we have covered over 400 miles and have reached somewhere north of the Shetland Islands in the Atlantic Ocean!

In ICT, the children have joined a new Microsoft Team called the 12 Sways of Christmas. There are 12 challenges and the children can chose which ones to complete. This can be continued at home if they wish, and do not forget to share their creations with the class too!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • Homework on TEAMS this week, there will be a festive themed spelling and numeracy task as well as a Science Investigation – stock up on your ice cubes!
  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 – 06.11.2020


It has been a great week in Primary Five!

In Reading the children have continued working in their Reciprocal Reading groups. They have been doing well in their independent discussion groups where they each hold a role (Big Boss, Predictor, Summariser, Clarifier and Questioner) and each contribute to the discussion. We have been very impressed with how well they have been working independently.  

In Writing this week, the class were working on persuasive letter writing. The children were given the hard task of persuading Nicola Sturgeon to allow Bonfire Night parties this year. We heard really great arguments from the class on why they deserved a party. It was hard not to disagree with them!  

In Maths the children started learning about coordinates. We were pleasantly surprised by the excitement and knowledge the learner had for this topic. We have also been working on angles in shapes. We had a lot of fun playing Simon Says: Angles Edition!  

In Science, we have continued with our new topic of Endangered Animals. Everyone chose an endangered animal from Scotland to research over the term. We were shocked to find out that so many Scottish animals are endangered!

This week we started our new topic on Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We had a great conversation discussing everything we already know about the topic and then what the learners hoped to learn throughout the topic. We also practiced our map reading skills as we used an atlas to label a blank map with the key features in the four countries. A tricky task but the class did excellent job!

The children have distributed their posters they made last week to each class to advertise the Children in Need activities; Dress Down Day on Friday 13th November bring £1, Duck Race choose a duck for 50p and Pudsey wristbands for a reasonable donation.  


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a numeracy quiz and an activity based on our Rights Respecting Schools- Article 45 – UNICEF. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 1 – Home Learning 10.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We would like to thank all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 that have completed some of the activities from UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools pack. We are using the photos you upload to the Learning Journals as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation later in the year. We would like you to have a look at this week’s Article, number 42 – Knowledge of Rights. What do you think is needed for every adult and every child to know about children’s rights? Choose one of the following activities to complete today:

  1. Article 42 says that all adults should know about rights. Why do you think this is important?
  2. Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel about that? Can you think of any problems children might face? Write a story called “Child with no Rights”.
  3. Do you know your ‘birthday right?’ This is a fun idea thought up by schools in the North East of England – look up, and remember if you can, the article with the same number as the day of the month you were born. Try to get all your family and friends to know their ‘Birthday Right’. Here are all the rights on one page.
  4. Watch the video on this Unicef page. Does it inspire you believe that the rights of children and young people are important? Having watched this, produce something creative (art, music, poetry…) entitled Children’s Rights Matter. Share your work with others.

Do you know children have rights? Have a look at the 1989 UN Convention on  the Rights of the Child. (With images) | Childrens rights, Children's rights,  Child advocacy

We look forward to seeing all of your fantastic ideas on the learning journals.

Thank you for all of your support with this,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Home Learning – 27.05.20

Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you are all well and are enjoying getting involved in some of the home learning activities this week.

This week UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School’s article of the week is Article 15 – Freedom of Association. Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. What is needed for you to enjoy the right to get together and join up with other children? (For example clubs, organisations, safe places etc.)

Look at the following pictures: What is happening here? What rights are being shown here? Talk to an adult about all of your ideas!


Activity Time!

Choose one of the following activities to explore today to help you stay in touch with other children during these challenging times:

  1. Make a list of 5 children that you would like to get in contact with. Write them a letter or video call them this week to find out how their week has been.
  2. Think about a group or club you are part of. Create a poster or leaflet to encourage other people to join. Make sure to list all of the reasons why it is a good idea to join this group.
  3. Imagine you are meeting a new child for the first time – it could be in a club or in your class. Make a list of  questions you would like to find out to get to know them. What would you tell them about yourself?
  4. The word ‘association’ is interesting. You have perhaps heard of the Football Association (FA) or the Automobile Association (AA) Look up the meaning of ASSOCIATION and explain to somebody in your home what it means.
  5. Think of your favourite places to meet up with other young people. What makes for a place good for children/young people to get together?

We can’t wait to share some examples of your work on the school blog!

Thank you for continuing to share all of your hard work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 20.5.20

Happy Mercredi everyone!

We hope you are well and are enjoying the activities on the grids that were given out yesterday. We can’t wait to see what you share with us on your learning journals. Remember do what you can and also fit in time for play, relaxing and helping out around the house.

The Rights Respecting School article for this week is focusing on Article 28 – the right to education. Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

Give yourself one minute to think of as many reasons as you can why education is important for children and young people. You can think about how it helps you! What does it help you with? What might it mean for your future?

Here are some activities you can try:

  • Imagine you have been asked to create your ideal lesson timetable for a day or a week at home or in school. Plan it out and decide what you would include and what you would leave out. Make sure it will provide children with a really good quality education!
  • What do you think makes a good teacher? This video might give you some ideas! Draw an outline of your ideal teacher and surround it with words that describe what that teacher is like.
  • Teachers and learners go together! So now think about what makes a good learner? Imagine you are talking to a younger brother, sister or friend who is about to start school. Describe to them how to be a really good learner! Invent a cartoon character to represent this good learner.

I like the idea of drawing and writing down what makes a good teacher and a good learner. If you have time to do this activity we would love to see your ideas on your learning journals.

Thank you for continuing to share your work with us!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 Home Learning – 13.05.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you are all having a lovely time at home and are continuing to enjoy all of this beautiful sunshine. We hope you have all managed to access the 3 weekly learning grids and are enjoying exploring some of the activities on there. Make sure you are still leaving lots of time for relaxing, playing and helping out at home too.

We would be grateful if you could all take the time to complete West Lothian Council’s School Meal survey 2019-2020 : . The survey is very short and won’t take much time to complete!

The Rights Respecting School article of the week is focusing on Article 14 – Freedom of thought, belief and religion. Have a conversation about times your views have been listened to and your choices respected. Can you name all of the places you feel welcome? Now it’s time to choose from one of the RRS suggested activities for this week:

  • Thoughts and beliefs are usually really important to people. Write down some things you believe in strongly. Share these with your family or discuss them with your friends.
  • Food choices are really important to some people. Find out about the food rules of veganism or a specific religion. If you have the ingredients at home, why don’t you have a go at making a dish with your family? Watch this video from the BBC and its humorous exploration of food and religion
  • List as many religions as you can think of. Do you know what symbols are linked with these religions? Have a go at drawing them if you can.
  • Why do you think religious buildings are important? Think of and draw a building that is important to you or make a sculpture of one of these buildings using things you can find around the house (old cereal boxes, empty toilet roll etc.). This could be a religious building like a church or a temple, or even a school or a library. Write a sentence or two about why this building is important to you.

If you would like some further information about these activities then you can download this week’s pack by following this link:

Previous sets (Article 24, Article 12 and Article 7 are still available if you would prefer to choose one of these activities instead!). We would love to see some examples of your work on the Learning Journals! Thank you for continuing to share your work with us!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 11 5 20

Happy Monday Primary 3! We hope you have had a fantastic weekend and you made the most of it. Did you celebrate VE day? If you did let us know how you celebrated, we’d love to get some photos up on the blog to show off! Thank you for all of your hard work it has been great to see all the work you have been sending us in, we couldn’t be prouder of all of you!

For today how about creating a space scene using paint, paper and potatoes. If you have any potatoes that you aren’t going to eat, cut the potatoes into a range of shapes (with adult help!) that are space themed and you can design a planet and some aliens that could live on your potato are planet. Here is a  short video to show you how to do this:

Here are today’s Number Talks:

4 x 11                                        10 x 15

4 x 9                                          12 x 25

4 x 21                                        14 x 54

13 x 42

Challenge Sum

547 x 65


Please read the second half of your books. For the list of books, please see Wednesday 6th May’s Blog post.

Problem Solving

Please visit Four Triangles problem to try this problem out. How many different shapes can you make by fitting the 4 triangles back together?

Spelling words for this week

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 11th May


Rights Respecting Schools

Article 14 – Freedom of Thought.

Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up.

Watch    Article 14 

Additional Tasks

Poppy gave us a great competition idea should you choose to take part. Visit  Design a Book Token to download the template, then draw your design idea and send it to

World Book Day Design a Book Token Competition,
Book Tokens Ltd,
6 Bell Yard,
London WC2A 2JR

If you’re unable to post your entry, you can email a scan or photo to with ‘World Book Day Design a Book Token Competition’ in the subject line. Please remember to attach both your entry and contact details (on the second page of the template).

Thank you for all your continued hard work and dedication,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 Home Learning 28.04.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Jeudi!

We hope that you are still enjoying learning from home and that you are still finding lots of time to play, relax and enjoy time with your family.

Our school is currently working towards getting the Gold Rights Respecting School Award. UNICEF have provided a set of remote learning activities that you can access at home to encourage children to learn about their rights in fun engaging ways. This week they are focusing on Article 12 – Respect for the views of the child. This article is particularly important right now when so many of the mechanisms for children’s voice to be heard are absent during this crisis. The activities related to ‘Respecting Children’s Views’ can be found below. Can you pick one of the tasks to complete and post your work on to the Learning Journals? We would love to see some examples of your work!

You can also access the full document of activities related to the Article of the Week below:

If you are interested, last week’s pack on ‘Article 24 – The Right to Healthcare’ is still available online. Please share any work on the RRSA facebook community group, or on Twitter under the hashtag #RRSA.

If you would like to go further you can get involved in the Unicef campaign to promote the voices and needs of children in lockdown. Unicef have produced a report into the risks to children during this crisis and our Youth Advisory Board have written an open letter asking the UK Government to directly address children in a special coronavirus broadcast. If you want to help you can add your name to the letter by accessing the following link:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 Tuesday 21st April 2020

It was lovely to hear from so many of you yesterday, and great to see how keen you all are to get back to work!

Each week we are going to make a Rights Respecting Schools Article focus for you to ponder or do an activity about. Anything you do, please keep or send on, because as you all know, we are going for our reaccreditation of our Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award. You can also post your work with the hashtag #RRSA on Twitter, or share it on the RRSA facebook community page.

This week, we would like you to focus on Article 24. It seems very fitting

In case you can’t make this out activities include:

  • Draw or list people who can help us stay healthy and safe. Explain their job.
  • Make a list with words or pictures of as many kinds of exercise you can think of.
  • Set up an obstacle course and challenge someone in your house to have a go.
  • Read Coronavirus: A Book for Children and talk about what you are doing as a family to keep healthy during this time.

Spelling words for this week are as follows:
Here is the links to the documents. You can also access these in the files section of Teams.

Blue Spelling ie Week beg 20th April

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 20th April

Yellow Spelling o_e week beg 20th April

Maths for today is multiplication 2 digits by 1 digit. However – be careful as it involves numbers over 10. You must remember to carry. We looked at this in the week before schools were closed, therefore, if it is too difficult, please let us know. We can upload a video explaining how we do these types of sums to refresh us! Good luck!

If you can access Teams your Word Boost story for this week will be posted in Files -> Literacy -> Word Boost.

For your reading for today can you please read the first half of your reading books?  Your reading books were listed yesterday and here are the log ins to access them:

Mr Woodward’s class:

log in: Mr Woodward

password: Carmondean1           (the C must be a capital)

Miss Smith’s Class

log in: Miss Smith123

same password as Mr Woodward’s class

And your Number Talks for today:

7 x 5                                6 x 40

7 x 10                              10 x 40

7 x 9                                16 x 40

16 x 39

Challenge Sum

546 x 43

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

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