Primary 2/3 have been looking at different types of puppets, such as string, finger, hand and shadow. We have been learning about how they are made and how they are controlled. Primary 2/3 worked in pairs to make stick puppets and practised performing with them. They had lots of fun!
It is numeracy week this week so we have been very active in maths, working in pairs, solving problems and sharing strategies. Primary 2/3 have enjoyed working with different partners every day and discussing how they have solved the problems.
New reading books were given out on Tuesday and they should be read regularly over the next week. Primary 2 and Primary 3 all have common words to practise at home.
In phonics, Primary 3 are focusing on the sound “ph” and Primary 2 are revising “wh” “ee” and “oo”. We have been working with partners spelling words with these sounds, completing activity sheets and trying to write sentences with words that contain the sound. Primary 2/3 have been working very hard!
P.E is on a Monday and Tuesday. Could all children bring a P.E kit and water bottle.
Miss Rafferty