Good morning Primary 1s
Today is the last day in March… can you remember the month that come next? Maybe this song will help you to remember?
We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. It has been great seeing all the hard work you have been up to over the past week. Thank you to everyone who has posted in their learning journal to show us the fantastic activities you have been doing at home. Later today we will hopefully post some more photos showing a selection of this work.
Today we would like you to complete 3 activities from the learning grids posted yesterday, preferably one literacy, one maths and one from the other curricular areas. Our focus fairy tale this week is ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’. If you have the book of this story in your house then why not read it? If you don’t, here is a link to an audio version:
Ask your child to close their eyes as they listen and imagine the story playing like a movie. After listening to the story, and only if you have spare time!, ask your child to retell the story. We would love to see some of this work on the Learning Journals and so, if you are able, why not film your child retelling the story. Your child could draw pictures or make playdoh/ craft models showing a few of the different scenes in the story as a prompt. Take your time with this task. It could be a project to be completed for the rest of the week, or over the Easter holidays?
Thank you for all your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers