Primary 5

The last week in October has been a busy time in P5. Look out for the class newsletter which tells you all about the exciting activities we have planned for this term.

On Monday the children wrote persuasive pieces of writing to convince Miss Millar to display their models for our visitors. The children were able to use persuasive words and phrases to put across their reasons. We are pleased to report that all children were able to persuade Miss Millar that their models should be displayed. Look out for these around the school.

On Wednesday P5 organised Children in Need fundraising activities for the whole school to take part in. They will sell the wristbands each morning for £1 or £1.50. On Friday 15th November they decided to hold a dress down day. The theme will be dress up as Pudsey or Blush, wear pyjamas, come as a superhero, wear yellow or wear spots. Some children ambitiously thought they could come wearing all the themes. Good Luck with that!

In science we have started our endangered animal topic. The children learned about which animals are in danger of becoming extinct. They will be choosing a Scottish endangered animal to research and create a fact file all about it. They will do some of this research at home.

In Spanish, we have learned to greet each other and have now started learning the days of the week.  Sábado and Domingo are definitely the best days!  Ask your child why. We also started sound editing in ICT using the Audacity sound editing programmme.  This was a very popular activity and everyone was engaged throughout.

In topic we have started our Money, Money, Money enterprise topic where the children will be working in groups to create items to sell at the Christmas Fair. Look out for more information about this coming home soon.



P5M -Outdoor PE- Monday.

P5G-Futsal (indoors) -Monday

PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

Spelling homework due every Friday.

Maths homework- P5M due Monday, P5G due Thursday


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir


Primary 2 25.2.19

Primary 2 are very excited to have the diggers arrive in the playground for the resurfacing. Our playtimes and lunch times have all changed but the children have adapted well to these. We can’t wait to see what the playground will look like once it’s finished!

Primary 2 have moved on in their topic and are beginning to learn about hot countries. We have discussed what we would need to pack to go to a hot country and today we are learning about the importance of protecting ourselves, especially our skin in the sun. We are designing our very own sun hats, discussing the importance/purpose of suncream and why sunglasses are used to protect our eyes. We are also going to be learning facts about the Desert and writing fact files about the desert in our writing lesson.

In Numeracy we are moving on from fractions in shapes and beginning to investigate the fraction of a number. We are going to be halving numbers within 20 to start and then hopefully progress onto bigger numbers. In Maths we are still learning about money but this week we are going to be focussing on working out change from 20p. We will be using our subtraction skills/strategies to work out the change.

Primary 2R have an assembly on 12th March. It is important that all the children practise their lines and look at the songs/dance on youtube. (Penguin dance, Lion song, Holiday song from Trolls).

P.E for P2R is a Tuesday and Wednesday

P.E for P2M is a Wednesday and Thursday

Homework has been issued today, along with new reading books. Homework is due 7th March.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 20.2.19

We hope you all had a lovely February break!

This week we are going to moving away from learning about cold countries and beginning to learn about hot countries. We will be talking about how to protect ourselves from the sun, what we would need to pack to go somewhere hot and we will be learning about hot countries’ weather.

In maths we have been learning about money. This week we are practising adding coins and next week we would like to move onto working out change from 20p (using our subtraction skills).

Miss Rafferty’s class have been given lines for their class assembly. Please can you practise these with the children at home? The children also have 3 songs/dances to learn too. You can find these on YouTube (Penguin dance, Lion song, Holiday song- Trolls).

In Health we have been discussing how to deal with bullying and how you should react if you see someone being bullied. We have also been learning about different people’s emotions. We discussed how to recognise different emotions by looking at someone’s face and body.

P.E kits are needed: Tuesday/ Wednesday P2R      Wednesday/ Thursday P2M

Reading books will stay the same this week and they will be changed on Monday. New homework will be issued on Monday too.

Please remember: Water Bottles

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir



P2/1 Barclays Bank Visit

Today we had a visit from some people from Barclays bank which was great fun and very interesting! They talked to us about money and all the different coins and notes we have, then we did some money activities.  We matched coins to dress Colin the caterpillar, played in a mini shop and went hunting for coins in dry rice.  We all really enjoyed it and it reinforced our recent work on money.











Primary 3 06.03.17

Primary 3 have their Parent Assembly next Monday so we have lots to do in preparation. Children will be learning their lines, singing their Three Brave Knights song and practising small drama pieces. There will be no spelling or maths homework this week. We look forward to showing you all our assembly on Monday.

In maths we are finishing up with money and moving onto time. Please encourage your children to read and tell the time with digital and analogue clocks. We have also been doing lots of work with fractions- finding a fraction of a shape and number.

In writing we are using our imaginations to write a short story about a dragon living in a castle. Children made their dragons out of clay and used them to help write their description of their dragon. This week we are creating a backdrop for our dragons to help us describe where our stories are going to be set.

Futsal will run as normal on Tuesday in the hall so indoor P.E kits are required.

P3R- P.E Wednesday

P3S- P.E Monday

Please continue reading as normal this week- page numbers and chapters will be written in diaries.


Miss Rafferty & Mrs Smith

Primary 3

We kicked off our week yesterday with a fantastic virtual reality experience using Google Expedition. We took the children on a journey looking at the Ambush Bug and how it camouflages itself against plants, how it catches its prey and the different parts of its body. The images were so clear, it was as if we were there too! We then looked at the Seven Wonders of the World and traveled to Brazil, Mexico and even Peru!

Homework this week is the usual spelling, maths and reading but the children will be performing their chosen Scottish poem in front of the class on Thursday. They will have a copy of this in their folders. We will be assessing the presentation of this, how well they use their voice, expression, gestures and if they know it off by heart. We will then choose a class winner to perform in our Scottish  Assembly the following day.

Futsal will start next week on Tuesday 24th January, please ensure your children bring in their PE kit and have the correct footwear such as indoor gym rubbers or trainers. PE will also take place on a Monday for P3S and a Wednesday for P3R. On a similar note could you make sure your child’s indoor shoes are intact and safe for walking about the school.

We have been working hard looking at money, making totals of coins and we are currently setting up a class shop so that children can become more familiar with working out change and totals up to £2. Please encourage children to continue these strategies when out and about at the supermarket or the Centre.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 25.4.16

Primary 3 have front row seats for the construction of the new gym hall. We have been seeing lots of activity outside our classroom windows! We are lucky enough today to have one of the contractors coming in to speak to our boys and girls about the construction, the equipment and machinery that is used. We also might meet their mascot! We will let you know how we get on.

Very exciting week in Primary 3- its nearly time for our residential to Lowport. Everyone is looking forward to some outdoor activities and we hope the sun keeps shining for us. Any questions about Lowport, please feel free to contact us.

Last week in Primary 3 we wrote letters to our local gardener. The children had to share their learning and think of at least 3 questions to ask. The children carefully structured their letters and decorated them with drawings of flowers.

No homework spelling

Maths homework- Money game

Sweet shop



Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy


Primary 3 18.3.16

Primary 3’s new topic for this term is Our Outstanding Outdoors. We will be learning about plants, wildlife and investigating outdoor play parks. We are looking forward to getting outside and getting our hands dirty.

Primary 3 are also attending Futsal lessons on a Tuesday morning, The children will be learning skills like controlling the ball with their feet, passing and teamwork. Please bring an indoor P.E kit every Tuesday morning (This will replace our outdoor P.E).

Last week we started to learning a little more about money and how to give change. We will be continuing this, so please encourage your children to be more familiar with all the coins and their value.

A number of children are beginning to get excited about our trip to Lowport- we have asked the children to think of a talent/performance for the Thursday evening. If they could get back to us with that talent and any resources/music they require so we can be prepared. Miss Christy also has lots of exciting plans for the boys and girls who are not going to Lowport.


Homework- Spelling, Maths


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

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