Good morning from Primary 6. Here is some news about everything we have been doing this week.
In reading we have been working on new roles for a new learning style called Reciprocal reading. We have been discussing tools for reading and have been given new task roles. They are Clarifyer, Predictor, Questioner and Summariser. We will continue to practise these roles over the next few weeks.
We are so pleased to see all the inventions arriving in school this week and are looking forward to presenting these on Monday. Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this, your support is greatly appreciated.
We have started writing haunted house stories using our description genre targets. These was a real success, everyone enjoyed writing them and we will be redrafting these for display next week.
In ICT we have been working on Garage band with Mr Shanks, there were some fantastic pieces of music being played this week.
In Maths we are continuing to work on place value and have completed our angles topic. On Thursday we had an activities session where we were challenged to create pathways using compasses and draw shapes by programming instructions using the Probots.
On Friday we had a super morning participating in Halloween activities. Everyone loved the Quiz which was made by the PSA and goody bags so we would all like to say a big thank you for that. We also took part in a murder mystery where we had to use our maths and group work skills to solve the problem.
Class newsletters were handed out on Friday with information on the rest of the term so have a look in bags if you didn’t receive yours.
Have a lovely week.
Mrs Jamieson, Ms Mathieson and Mrs Smith.