September 2021

Carmondean Primary are delighted to announce we have achieved gold standard in the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

In March the children showcased the work we have been doing the last 3 years to ensure that Rights are embedded in the life of the school and help guide children and adults in the choices they make. The assessors had been so impressed with the children and their knowledge of Rights and how important they are.

In June we then heard the good news that we had achieved the Gold level award.

We had a grand unveiling of the banner on Monday 6th September 2021. It is next to the main entrance so everyone who visits can see what we have achieved!

We are very proud of this award!

Primary 5 – 03.12.2020


Happy December! The snow arrived right on time for the lead up to Christmas!

As 2020 has thrown us many curveballs, we have had to adapt our usual nativity performance. Instead this year, each class will be filming a section of the Christmas Story which will be edited together. We have been holding auditions and creating our script ready for filming next week! Look out for this on the blog in coming weeks!

In Eco this week, Primary 5M gathered lots of sticks from around the playground and skilfully made them into photo frames! They are excellent and we cannot wait to put pictures in them next week and see the finished product– a perfect Christmas present?

Primary 5G worked hard on their advent calendar as well as making a Christmas wreath to decorate their classroom! Lots of Christmas crafts underway!

In Maths, the classes both moved onto learning about 3D Shapes. We recapped all the names of shapes we had learned before and started introducing their different properties. In Coordinates, P5M had fun plotting out points and joining them up to form a funny picture!

In Numeracy, the children have moved on to multiplication tasks. It is essential that the children know their 2-10 times table. In the coming weeks, it would be great if you could practise these at home so the children are able to recall these facts quickly. There are lots of fun games that can be used to help this;

In our Great Britain and Northern Ireland topic, the groups presented their fantastic posters to the class. It was great to see such colourful and informative posters and have a chance to share all our fantastic knowledge with one another. We also had the chance to talk about the landmark models that we made at home, and share the process of constructing them! From salt dough to Plaster of Paris, each one of them was so unique. This week we worked on creating leaflets persuading others to visit our chosen landmark (when they are allowed!).

Primary 7 have set Carmondean Primary School the challenge of running to the North Pole before December 18th to deliver a very important message to Santa! In our PE lessons this week we have been counting up our laps to add to the tally. Primary 5 have ran nearly 100 miles (four marathons!) this week!

As of next week, PE will now be on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is a spelling and a numeracy activity as well as an Article 27 (“Adequate Standard of Living”) of Rights Respecting School activity . Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 3 11 5 20

Happy Monday Primary 3! We hope you have had a fantastic weekend and you made the most of it. Did you celebrate VE day? If you did let us know how you celebrated, we’d love to get some photos up on the blog to show off! Thank you for all of your hard work it has been great to see all the work you have been sending us in, we couldn’t be prouder of all of you!

For today how about creating a space scene using paint, paper and potatoes. If you have any potatoes that you aren’t going to eat, cut the potatoes into a range of shapes (with adult help!) that are space themed and you can design a planet and some aliens that could live on your potato are planet. Here is a  short video to show you how to do this:

Here are today’s Number Talks:

4 x 11                                        10 x 15

4 x 9                                          12 x 25

4 x 21                                        14 x 54

13 x 42

Challenge Sum

547 x 65


Please read the second half of your books. For the list of books, please see Wednesday 6th May’s Blog post.

Problem Solving

Please visit Four Triangles problem to try this problem out. How many different shapes can you make by fitting the 4 triangles back together?

Spelling words for this week

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 11th May


Rights Respecting Schools

Article 14 – Freedom of Thought.

Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up.

Watch    Article 14 

Additional Tasks

Poppy gave us a great competition idea should you choose to take part. Visit  Design a Book Token to download the template, then draw your design idea and send it to

World Book Day Design a Book Token Competition,
Book Tokens Ltd,
6 Bell Yard,
London WC2A 2JR

If you’re unable to post your entry, you can email a scan or photo to with ‘World Book Day Design a Book Token Competition’ in the subject line. Please remember to attach both your entry and contact details (on the second page of the template).

Thank you for all your continued hard work and dedication,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – Home Learning 7.5.20

Hello Everyone!

What another beautiful day it is going to be! We hope you enjoy getting out to do some exercise and if possible do some of your learning outside! Check your learning grids to see if there is an activity for Numeracy, Literacy or Learning Across the Curriculum that may be well suited to being completed outside in the garden or when you are out getting some exercise.

A Special Day

Major street party in Exeter to mark 75th anniversary of VE Day ...

Primary 2, you may have heard adults talking about celebrating VE Day tomorrow (Friday 8 May) or maybe you are even doing something to mark ‘Victory in Europe’ Day with your family. People around the country are remembering the celebrations which happened 75 years ago on this day when the Second World War ended. Newsround has some more information

This online lesson from Poppy Scotland is about child evacuees from the Second World War and discovering what is inside Paddington’s suitcase!

Maybe you could make and decorate some bunting using triangles of paper and stringing them together to hang in your window.

Here is a template if you would prefer:

Union Flag VE Day Bunting

RRS Weekly Focus – Article 7

This week’s RRS Article is Article 7 – Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

How can your name & nationality be respected?

  • By being called your preferred name
  • Your name being pronounced properly and spelt correctly
  • A birth certificate
  • A passport (if you need to travel out of the UK)
  • You are encouraged to be proud of your name and nationality.
  • You get a chance to celebrate your national identity perhaps with a special day, food or music.
  • To know and be cared for by your parents – it might be two parents, or it might be one parent, or someone else in your family, like a grandparent or an aunt or uncle or maybe a carer, an adult who children live with, and are looked after by

Maybe you could try one of these activities to help further your understanding of this Article:

-Watch the story – The Name Jar

-Have you ever been to a naming and welcoming ceremony, like a christening or aqiqa? Write a short description of what happened or share what you remember by telling someone about it.  Find out about naming ceremonies from other faiths or cultures.

Draw an identity hand! Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents. Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs. We would love to see any of your hands on your Learning Journal!

We are sure that there will be times every day when children and adults would benefit from relaxation and down time – even if it is only for short time! There is some good advice and relaxation activities for children (and adults) here:

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


28.08.17 Primary 5

Welcome back too Primary 5!

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing summer break. It has been a busy and enjoyable first week for us in class with lots of creative tasks ongoing as we continue to learn more about one another.

Last week we had a focus on our Class Charter and our understanding of why we need rights and responsibilities. The children worked hard to complete a jigsaw puzzle design to highlight that we are all together as one in school.

The children also created wonderful ‘All about me’ silhouettes filled with many of their favourite things and personal information. These are now looking great and are on display in class.

Our Shanarri focus this year is Achievement. We refreshed our memories about  each area of the Shanarri wheel and discussed the importance and relevance of each. We will continue working on this display this week.

The ‘Meet the Teacher’ session is on Wednesday 30th August 4.30pm-5.30pm. Please come along and see all the great work the children have completed already.

This term the children will have Music with Mr. Platt on Wednesdays and P.E with Mrs. Ferguson on Thursdays. For more information regarding homework please read the P5 Newletter which you can collect on Wednesday. If you cannot attend we will send it home on Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week,

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Easter Egg Hunt

Hello Everyone – just wanted to pass on this information about an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday organised by Martin Hyman and his running club  – some of our children know Martin from their Sunday runs on Dechmont Law with him and Miss Ingles.  Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no cost involved.  If you are interested please be at car park at Dechmont Law for 9.50am – fun starts at 10am.

 Easter Egg Hunt at  Dechmont Law Park on

Sunday 16th April.

 Leave car park behind Deans High School at 10 am

 Collect packets of mini chocolate eggs from 10 checkpoints

 All welcome.  –  Free of Charge

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