P2/1 5th September 2017

Welcome back to all the boys and girls and a special welcome to the new Primary One boys and girls who have all settled in really well and are learning the rules and routines of the classroom.

For the first two weeks of term we have been focusing on rules and routines- getting unpacked and remembering where to hang coats and put bags etc.  We have also been looking at the SHANARRI wheel and especially at being healthy. We have talked about healthy food and in the weeks to come we will be discussing hand washing, sleep and brushing our teeth.

We have also started our first topic ‘Our School’.  We have discussed what we would like to learn about and are hoping to invite some of the members of staff into our classroom to ask them questions about their jobs.

Some reminders for the week ahead-

Monday- indoor gym, please remember gym kit with name on.

Tuesday- Reading homework, common word book practice, Maths (usually every other week).

Thursday- we hope to visit the library on a Thursday when possible so look out for a library book coming home.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Steel

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 29.5.17

Primary 1/2 had a very exciting week last week.  We went on a trip to the Seabird Centre at North Berwick.  In the morning we visited the rockpools where we were able to find lots of sea creatures, including sea snails and crabs.  We also learned about lots of other animals found in the sea in Scotland.  In the afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt on the seashore and found lots of interesting objects.  We used these objects to decorate sandcastles at the end of the day.  It was a super sunny day; we had lots of fun and learned lots.

In Maths we have been learning about solid shapes and Primary 2 have been working on the properties of these.  We have  a homework activity this week in which we have to look for these shapes at home.

We have been continuing with our topic this week and have learned a little more about the seaside in the past.  We have been looking at the clothes people would have worn and designed our own swimming costumes for the past and present.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 15.5.17

Good morning from Primary 1/2

This week we have been learning about the seaside in the past.  We looked at old photos and discussed the differences between then and now.  We will be continuing with this next week.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have set up a beach shop to buy different things for our trip to the beach.  Primary 2 have been learning to add 2 items together and also give change from 20p.  Primary 1 have been working on making amounts within 10p.

Next Tuesday we are going on our trip to the Seabird centre at North Berwick.  We will be working with the rangers in the rockpools and hope to learn about lots of interesting creatures.  Please check the weather forecast to decide on appropriate clothing for the day.  It would be best if children brought a waterproof jacket but also check if sun cream is needed and apply if necessary.   Wellies or old trainers would be best.

Have a lovely long weekend

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

P1/2 week beginning 8.5.17

Hello from P1/2

We have had a busy start to the term.  Our Seaside topic is already underway and we have been learning about some of the creatures which live in the sea around Scotland.  We have painted some of them and also written about them in our factfile.  We have been reading some stories about the Lighthouse keepers lunch and have started painting a frieze for our role play area which is going to be Mr and Mrs Grinling’s cottage.

Over the next few weeks we will be working on Lighthouses and making models.  If anyone has empty kitchen roll tubes these would be greatly appreciated.

In maths we have been practising our addition facts so that we can complete our sums more quickly.  We have also been learning more about time.  Primary 1 can now tell the time in o’clock and half past while Pimary 2 have been working on Quarter past and Quarter to.  This has been quite tricky and we still need to practise this.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and P1/2


P1/2 Week beginning 6.3.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week we started a Science project looking at energy.  So far we have learned about light energy and electricity.  We have also talked about keeping safe when using electricity.  We will continue working on energy this week.

We have our class assembly on the 20th of March and will be starting to practise this week.  Keep a look out for assembly words which we might need some help with at home.

A big homework task has also been given out this week.  It is about Scottish animals.  A leaflet explaining what to do will be in homework packs today.  Big homework is due in on Monday 20th March.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson



P1/2 Week beginning 27.2.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week was the busiest week ever.  We had our HMI inspection and our children were very excited to welcome the inspectors to our class.  The children were very well behaved and worked hard throughout the week as always creating a very good impression so well done to you all.

Last week Miss Miller joined our class.  She is a student from Edinburgh university and will be working with us till the summer.

In topic last week we were learning about the effects of the weather.  We talked about how different types of weather affect us.  We also learned about different weather symbols and produced our own weather forecasts.

In Maths primary 1 were learning to order, count and recognise numbers to 20.  Primary 2 were learning to measure the area of objects.  they enjoyed completing a challenge to see who could make a kite closest in area to 20 counters.

In writing we learned about the legend of the Kelpie and have started writing our own stories.  We also made Kelpie stones out of clay.

On Thursday it will be world book day.  The children have been asked to bring their favourite book to school that day to share with the class.

Remember to bring gym kit on Thursday.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

P1/2 week beginning 13.2.17

Primary 1/2 have been busy again this week.


We have been learning about positional language and using the Beebots to make journeys round the classroom.  We have made a large map of Struay and next week we will be using the beebots to make journeys round the island.

In Health we have been talking about how we feel when we are ill and how medicine helps us.

For topic we have started looking at the weather.  We have talked about different types of weather and have begun to talk about how the weather affects us.

We have been learning to tell the time using an analogue and digital clock.  Primary 1 have been learning o’clock times and Primary 2 have been learning half past.

Please remember to bring gym kit for Thursday.

Have a lovely week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2 week beginning 30.1.17

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.


We have been learning about Scottish traditions.  We have learned how to make porridge and enjoyed tasting it.  On Wednesday we had our own Burns Supper where we ate haggis, tatties and neeps and sang Auld Lang Syne.  We also designed our own tartan and drew thistles using pastels.  On Friday we wrote super descriptions about Nessie.  We are looking forward to taking part in the Burns concert for our visitors this afternoon.

Our new gym day this term is Thursday please remember to bring gym kit and a water bottle that day.

We are hoping to make some small model houses for our Island of Struay wall frieze this week.  Some children have already brought in some small boxes.  It would be appreciated if we could have some more by Wednesday.


Have a lovely week Mrs Jamieson

Pupil Winter Ready Survey


If our school is closed due to extreme weather conditions, learning and teaching will still carry on through our School BLOG.

To find instructions for using the BLOG for this purpose, click the link below:


Please fill in the online form by clicking the link below to let us know if you are ‘Winter Ready’:



Primary 1/2 week beginning 5.12.16

Primary 1/2 have been working hard on our Nativity play this week and its starting to look really good.  We are looking forward to performing for our parents next week.

Last week we were learning about houses round the world.  We learned how Innuit people build an igloo from snow and also learned how houses stay cool in hot countries.

In Maths we were learning about 2D shapes.  Primary 2 are very good at recording how may edges and corners each shape has.

Last week we made our snowman soup for our Christmas Enterprise and were very pleased to have sold all of it.  It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair.

This week we will be writing letters to Santa and also beginning our Christmas RME project.

There will be no new homework this week but Primary 1 should continue to practise their key words and sounds.  Primary 2 should practise number bonds to 14 and continue to play spelling games.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson


P1/2 Week beginnning 28.11.16

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.

The Nativity is well underway and children are making super progress in learning their parts.  Primary 2 are working particularly hard to learn their lines so thank you to all parents who have helped with this.  They have asked if they can be dressed in party clothes for the performance and letters will be sent out with information about this later in the week.

We have continued to work on our Houses and Homes topic this week.  We have completed our first challenge to make Gingerbread Houses and the results are fantastic.  We have also been painting our clay models.

This week we are completing our Enterprise for the Christmas Fair.  We are making Santa Soup which is hot chocolate, marshmallows and a candy cane.  These will be on sale at the Christmas Fair for £1 however if anyone wants to buy their own they can bring the money before Friday.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 21.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.  Last week we welcomed our Erasmus visitors.  They came to visit us in class and taught us some new words from different countries.  We also took part in a Scottish assembly.

In science we were learning about the moon.  We have learned about the phases of the moon and watched videos of last weeks super moon.  Over the next month we will be looking out for the moon and recording the phases we can see.

We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and enjoyed playing in the Gingerbread cottage.  We have also been working on puppet shows to retell the story and have made clay gingerbread cottages.  We look forward to painting these this week.

Rehearsals for our Nativity play are well underway.  Primary 1 are working hard learning their parts.  All Primary 1 children will be on the stage and will be provided with a costume.  Primary 2 children are also working hard to learn their parts.  Thank you to all parents for your support with this; it is greatly appreciated.  We will be using our hall time over the next few weeks for rehearsals and PE will be party games, therefore no PE kit will be required for the rest of the term.

Have a good week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week.  We have started our nativity play which is called Christmas Counts.  We know lots of the songs already and will begin acting out our parts soon.  Everyone in Primary 1 will have an acting part and P2 will be given their narration parts to begin practising this week.  This will be quite tricky for them at first so any help with practising would be greatly appreciated.

We are working on our Houses and Homes topic and last week Primary 2 entertained us with their interesting class talks.  Well done Primary 2.  This week we look forward to listening to Primary 1.  We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and have made a beautiful wall frieze of the gingerbread house.

Last week in Maths Primary 1 were working on the concept of addition and feel very proud of our progress.  Primary 2 have been working on halving and doubling.

This week we are very excited to welcome teachers from all over Europe as part of the Erasmus project.  We will be showing them our classrooms and how we learn in Scotland.  We will also be taking part in a Scottish Assembly and learning some vocabulary form all over Europe.  We have made special thistle badges to give to the visitors.

On Friday we will be taking part in Children in Need.  We can wear something spotty and bring in a donation of 50p.  Wristbands and badge pins will be on sale this week.  Wristbands are 50p and £1, badge pins are £2.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

P1/2 week beginning 10.10.16

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.

In maths we have been working on measure.  Primary 1 have been working on the language of measure including taller, shorter, wide and narrow.  Primary 2 have been working on measuring objects in the classroom using non-standard units.

We have been working on a class story about the Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.  We have written our own imaginative stories and have painted pictures of him and will be learning some facts about real owls this week.

Primary 1 are continuing to work on initial sounds and are beginning to try blending these sounds together to spell 3 letter words.  Primary 2 are working on words with 4 sounds.  We have been working hard to read and spell words with some tricky sounds in the middle with real success.

We are looking forward to our parents visiting this week to see all the work we have been doing.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have had a busy week.  Last week was assessment week and we have completed lots of work to put in our new assessment jotters.  In science we have been learning about food chains and worked with a partner to make our own food chain for the wall.

We have been visiting the library and are enjoying reading our chosen books at home.  Please remember to return these on Friday so that we can choose our new book.

In maths P2 have been working on numbers to 100 and this week we will be looking at place value.  P1 have finished learning to write numbers to 10 and have been working on adding 1 more on a numberline.  We also worked on capacity using the sand and water tray.

Please remember that our indoor gym day is Monday although there will be on gym next week as the hall is being used.  Hopefully the weather will be good and we can go outside instead.

This week we will begin looking at birth customs in RME.  The children have been asked to bring in an item they received as a baby to talk about.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

P1/2 week beginning

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 are now settled into school and have made lots of new friends.

Primary 1 have been learning new sounds which have been sent home for homework this week.  Please practise these for a few minutes every night.  Primary 2 have started practising new sounds and key words which will be sent home for extra practice next week.

All homework will be handed out on Monday and will be collected in on Friday.  Please ensure that homework packs are brought to school every day thank you.

This week we have started working on our health topic keeping healthy.  We have talked about keeping clean and took part in a little investigation to show how germs are spread.  We have talked about healthy eating and made pictures of our favourite meals.  We are going to turn our role play area into a cafe while we learn more about healthy eating.

It was lovely to meet some of the parents at meet the teacher last week.  If you could not manage to come your child should have brought home a newsletter for this term.  Please check this for information on homework and gym days.

Have a lovely week.


Mrs Jamieson

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