Primary 5

Hello to all,

Another busy week in Primary 5.

Our Interdisciplinary Topic for the beginning of term is connected to our novel- There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. We are reading and discussing it during Reading lessons and completing tasks related to it at other times. The children have been predicting what will happen next and improving their comprehension skills. Some are horrified at how badly behaved Bradley is! We have also created 2 life sized Bradley’s and will be using them to identify good and bad behaviour.

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

In Health we have been looking at the Wellbeing Indicators and how they relate to our life. The children are very good at naming the indicators in the correct order. Ask them if they can do it for you! They have also been discussing what a trusted adult is and identifying 5 who they can speak to.

In PE lessons the children are learning hockey skills. This week they focused on dribbling and controlling the ball with the stick. This is harder than it looks and many children found themselves chasing after their ball! Practice makes perfect though!


Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 7

We must congratulate our Primary Sevens on their very positive start to the year , particular with some of the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in . Our P7 bubble is working well and our pupils are setting a good example to the rest of the school.  We are determined to run our buddy programme, albeit from a distance! The Primary sevens have thought of some unique and imaginative ways to communicate with their buddies, including videos, comics. We are even making flags with photographs on and we are planning on waving them outside windows! Our first term newsletter has now been distributed and it provides a brief overview of what we will be working on.

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”

We are currently reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio . Kindness and inclusion are the main themes of the novel and they complement our class charters which our P7’s created. We will be continuing with the novel over the coming weeks.

We are easing gently into numeracy and maths, looking at rounding, estimating and shape.

Next week we will be beginning our topic on Japan.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Wednesdays

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris

Primary 6 28.8.20

Primary 6 have settled in well to our first term and are enjoying being back at school.  We have chosen a new topic to study called The Ancient Greeks and are already enjoying learning about them.  This week we have learned about 2 Greek legends, Medusa and Pandora’s box.  Our reading a writing have been related to these stories and we have completed newspaper reports about them.  In Maths we have been looking at the Greek number system and data handling to record results related to the Olympics.

In Health we have been revising the Health and Wellbeing indicators.

We have also started our modern languages and this week we have been revising greetings in French and Spanish.

Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday and we are working in increasing our stamina for cross country running.  Most people have remembered to come dressed in PE kit in those days which has been a great help.

Have a good week

Mrs Jamieson, Ms Mathieson, Mrs Smith

Primary 4 28.8.20

Hello everyone

It has been fantastic to see the children happy and settled in class this week. The boys and girls have been working very hard and are surprising Mr Woodward and I all the time with the quality of their written work and how well they are adapting to the new school routines.

This week in maths we have been exploring length. We used rulers and metre sticks to measure the length of various objects in the classroom. We also developed the skill of estimating by making an “educated guess” about the length of much larger items in our classrooms. Next week we will explore items in the outdoor environment whilst also looking at a new length – millimetres.

This week in Health we have been exploring SHANARRI. SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) are wellbeing indicators that the children have been exploring this week in class through a group challenge. Each group has been given one of the SHANARRI indicators to research. They then created a poster that shared their new found knowledge and understandings,. Next week they will present their information and poster to the class. Please ask your child for more information on this as they are now experts on this subject! 🙂

Last week you should have received a newsletter home detailing our plans for the coming term. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed for the outdoors and can stay in their PE kit all day. As the Scottish Government expectation is now for the children to be outdoors as much as is possible then please note that the children may also be outside at breaks or lunches when the weather is wet/windy. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear/waterproof jacket etc to be outside comfortably in this kind of weather even if the weather is dry when the children are leaving for school. Thank you for your support with this. Please note that the children should also bring a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled upon request throughout the day.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2/1 27th August 2020

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2/1 this week.  In Maths the Primary Ones have been working on numbers to 10.  We have been mainly focusing on the correct way to form numbers 0,1 and 2.  We have also been counting together, challenging ourselves to see how far we can go! The Primary Twos have been working hard on some consolidation of addition.  We have been using cubes and number lines to add numbers to 20.

In Language the Primary Ones have been working a little on rhyme.  This is something that you can work on with them at home, asking them if they can think of something that rhymes with cat/bug/pen etc.  We would also encourage you to read rhyming stories together and discuss the words that rhyme.  The Primary Twos have been consolidation blending 4 letter words.  Again this is something that the children can be trying at home, encourage them to try and hear 4 sounds in a word e.g. slug, nest etc.

We have also started our work on SHANARRI in class this week. We have been focusing on SAFE and HEALTHY before moving on to ACTIVE, NURTURE, ACHIEVE and RESPECT next week.  We have been sorting safe and unsafe activities and looking at what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

We would like to remind you to send your child with a bottle with water in it each day, please no juice or flavoured water.  Gym days are Tuesday and Wednesday where children can come to school in their gym kit, which should be suitable for outdoors.

Thank you for your continued support this year so far, if there is anything you should wish to discuss, please telephone the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

Primary 1 25.8.20

Primary 1 are having a lovely week so far.
We are continuing our work on emotions and this week have learnt about feeling calm and love. The children have thought about different situations when they feel calm and some people and pets that they love. We will continue to discuss our feelings daily in class and will be encouraging children to find ways of managing them.
This week we are beginning our work on number. We will be learning how to count out and write neatly the numbers 0, 1 and 2. Please practise these numbers at home. Number 2 can be especially hard for children to write neatly.
We are also learning to hold a pencil correctly as we write letters and numbers. Please practise this at home, perhaps by writing your child’s name neatly a few times.
A reminder that we do outdoor PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school dressed for taking part in physical activity in the playground these days. It is also helpful to send a named water bottle in case your child get thirsty.
Thank you for all your support, please contact the office if we can be of any assistance.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 4 20.8.20

Hello everyone

Our first full week back in Primary 4 has been a great one so far! The children have continued to adjust very well to our new class and school routines and Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed with their work ethic and their super manners – keep it up Primary 4! 🙂

This week we have began to revise areas of Numeracy such as addition, subtraction and times table facts. The children have impressed us with their numeracy skills! We will continue to revise known facts for the next few weeks to ease the children back into learning at school.

In Reading, both classes have began reading a new class novel. P4C are reading “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat” while Mr Woodward’s class are reading “The Legend of Spud Murphy”. The children will complete activities related to their reading book in class and will receive no reading book home this term. We will continue to hear the children read in class regularly. Please also encourage your child to read at home for enjoyment.

Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Children should come to school on these days dressed for PE in appropriate clothing for the outdoors. If the weather is very bad we may not be able to do PE on our scheduled PE days but we will endeavor to ensure we get outside on another drier day of the week instead (as happened this week).

Tomorrow your child will come home from school with a P4 newsletter with much more details about your child’s learning this term. Please look out for this in your child’s bag.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Physical Distancing Outside the School Gates

Some parents and carers have notified us of their concerns about the lack of physical distancing between adults outside the school gates at pick-up times. If you are picking up your child/ren, please observe 2-metres physical distancing (as per Scottish Government Guidance) from other families who are doing the same.

It would be a great pity if all of the work being done in school on hygiene, hand-washing, staggered breaks and playground time-tabling to keep groups separate throughout the day was undone by a lack of physical distancing by adults outside of the school gates.

Physical distancing is an important mitigation to help limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus and, as we are constantly reminded by the Scottish Government, should be viewed as everyone’s own personal responsibility.

Please help us protect your children by maintaining 2-metre physical distancing from other adults and children when picking up at home-time. Thank you for your support in this crucial matter.

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 18.8.20

It has been lovely welcoming all the new Primary 1 children to school over the past week and seeing the Primary 2s return. The children are settling in well to school and are picking up routines quickly. At the moment we are encouraging the children to develop their friendships and social skills through lots of games and play activities. We are also learning about our feelings and emotions, using the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. We are discussing different situations which make us feel different emotions and how we can manage our emotions well.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the children’s first outdoor PE session with Mrs Ferguson. Please send your child to school dressed for PE. PE kit consists of a white T-shirt and black or navy shorts or trousers. Please make sure that your child has shoes they can run around in and a named water bottle to take outside with them. It is helpful if all clothes are named clearly.
Thank you for all your support so far. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We can be contacted through the school office.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun, Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

Welcome back Primary 4!

Hello everyone!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward here. We are the Primary 4 teachers this year. We were delighted to welcome back the new Primary 4 children to Carmondean on Wednesday. The children were happy to be back and there was a real buzz about the classrooms and the playground with everyone excited to see their friends again and be in their brand new classrooms.

We will update the blog every week to let you know about our adventures in Primary 4 as well as reminders and other important information so watch this space 🙂

On Wednesday we explored two different stories all about feelings. “The Colour Monster” and “Lucy’s Blue Day” both told the story of characters who changed colour depending on how they were feeling. We spoke a lot about our feelings, how we can tell how we are feeling and what we can do if we feel sad, worried or angry. We will continue to explore this today in class.

Our PE days will be on a Monday and a Friday. Please note that all PE will take place outdoors so appropriate kit should include – old trainers, long jogging bottoms/trousers, a t-shirt and jumper/hoodie for when the weather gets colder. On our PE days (Monday and Friday) the children can come to school in their PE kit and stay in it for the full day. They do not need to get changed back into their school uniform at any point. We will begin PE lessons this coming Monday.

We will send a newsletter home in the next week detailing more information about what we will be learning in the coming weeks. Please look out for this.

We really appreciate all the support you have provided the children on their return to school. We are sure that although different, we will have a very fun and exciting year ahead of us in Primary 4 🙂

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

P1, P5, P6 & P7 Return to School

Today, our P5, P6 & P7 learners joined our P1 classes at Carmondean PS. Again, this was a very positive experience with all classes reporting happy, responsive children who were mostly glad to return to school. Thank you to all parents/carers for preparing the children so well for their return – it made our jobs much easier and we are most grateful. Everyone is still getting used to a new way of working and we are learning all the time about how to ‘get it right’. We have already made changes to some of our procedures and no doubt after tomorrow, when all of our learners return, more changes will be necessary. Rest assured, however, we are all doing our very best to comply with the various sources of advice we are still receiving on a regular basis. We look forward to welcoming everyone back tomorrow.

First Day Back for P1, 2, 3 & 4

The children returned to school today after the longest layoff, certainly in my lifetime. Happily, the children were very keen to return to school and see their friends and teachers and maybe to do a bit of actual school work. Our new P1 children coped admirably and went home at lunchtime happy with their experiences and achievements, while P2-4 met their teachers for the first time and all had a very enjoyable experience – including the teachers. Can we say a big thank you to parents/carers for preparing the children so well for the return? -There was nary a tear and the positive buzz in school was palpable. Hopefully, we will have a repeat of this success with P1 and P5-7 tomorrow.  Well done Carmondean!

Return to School and Home learning Arrangements

The staff of Carmondean Primary School are looking forward to welcoming back to school all our learners after the extended school closure we have all experienced. As you will be aware, not all children will be returning on Wednesday, 12 August – only P1, P2/1, P2 , P3 and P4 children will attend school on that day while P5, P6 & P7 will be involved in Home Learning. Arrangements for Home Learning for these children are as follows:


 Wednesday, 12 August, 2020 – Primaries 5-7

Children in Primaries 5-7 will be able to access home learning on Microsoft TEAMS as they did during school closure. Please note, TEAM names will have changed, e.g., if your TEAM was previously called P5A 2019-2020, it will now be called  P6A 2020-2021, and so on. Instructions and resources for home learning will be posted to the TEAM General Channel in time for start of the school day on Wednesday, 12 August.

If a reminder is needed on how to access TEAMS, instructions are below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the GLOW icon
  3. Log in to Glow using your Glow Login (begins with ‘wl’) and password
  4. Locate the TEAMS tile and click on it (it is in the little temple tab on the left-hand side of the page)
  5. If you are asked to login to your Microsoft Account or Teams, the login is in the form ‘’ where wlXXXXXXX is your normal Glow login. Your password is the same as for GLOW.
  6. If you have problems logging in, send an email to the school email address and it will be dealt with as soon as is practicably possible:

Children in  P5, P6 & P7 will return to school as normal on Thursday, 13 August.


Thursday, 13 August – Primaries 2, 3 and 4

Children in Primaries 2,  3 and 4 will have been in in school on Wednesday, 12 August, and will have been given instructions and materials for home learning for Thursday, 13 August.

Please note that, to promote physical distancing,  apart from P1 children, parents/carers will not be allowed entry to  the school estate, so will be unable to accompany their children beyond the outer school gates. Please discuss this with your child/ren before returning to school for the fisrt time so they are aware of these arrangements and the reasons for them.


Back to School

As we look forward to welcoming our children back to school after the unprecedented lengthy break from learning and teaching, we are sure most of them will be looking forward to re-connecting with their friends and re-engaging in learning. Information on times, procedures and risk-management will be delivered to parents/carers directly through Group Call and our other media channels. But, in the meantime, if your child is unsure or feeling anxious about coming back to school, there is some good advice and preparation activities you can do with them to prepare them. You can access the advice by clicking the link below:



Primary 2 26.6.20

It’s FRIDAY Primary 2!!

Can you believe it………we have made it to the end of Primary 2, well done to every single one of you. You are all amazing! It might not have been the year we had hoped however you have all worked so hard in class and at home. All three of us have thoroughly enjoyed being your Primary 2 teachers. We have missed you all so much over the school closure but we look forward to seeing you all in August when you come back to school and become big Primary 3 children. We want you to have the most wonderful summer holiday and fingers crossed we get the sunshine we deserve. Enjoy your time off from home learning and stay safe!

Our last day in school is normally spent reflecting on the year, spending time with our friends and playing in our classroom. Here are some messages from your friends:

And your teachers!

Happy Holidays Primary 2 from Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle!! 

Primary 3 Last Day of Term!

Hello and welcome to your last day in Primary 3. We hope you’re all extremely excited to be getting into the summer holidays after today and you can all take a well-earned break! We also hope that you are all very excited about moving into Primary 4, getting to go to a new classroom, meeting new teachers, getting to use the fancy smart boards! We will miss you all immensely and we could not have asked for a better year group. You have filled us with joy, curiosity, laughs, excitement, pride and all of the smiles the whole year and we could not be more impressed or proud at you all for how well you have done this year. You have all been absolute superstars throughout your home learning and we are so delighted that you have coped with incredibly difficult times so very well. It has been a privilege to have been your Primary 3 teachers and we hope that you all have amazing summers, you’ve earned it!

Go to this Sway

We hope you have a lovely last day of term, and if you have planned to have a small celebration with all of your challenge work this week, enjoy it! Take pictures and share them with us!

We could not resist posting one last Summer activity for you to try. It looks like so much fun and would be a great addition to your celebration today. I think I will have a go too! It looks like too much fun to resist!

Here’s a little Summer co-ordinate activity if you feel like recapping on our co-ordinates knowledge in Maths!

Summer Co-ordinates

Lastly, we would like to say the biggest of thank yous to all of our parents. Without you all there is no way the last few months could have been successful. You have shown so much care and support and enthusiasm for the work and for keeping everything going so well. It has been such a pleasure getting to engage with you all and your  support has made everything so much easier. We know how difficult the last few months must have been for you all and we cannot thank you enough for everything you have all done. We hope you make the most of your summer, thank you so much!

See you in August!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Last Day of P1! 26.6.20

Good morning boys and girls!

Can you believe that we are at our very final day of Primary One! You have all worked so hard over the past few months at your home learning and we are all very proud of every one of you-you are all super stars! We hope that you have enjoyed all the tasks you have been set, especially our virtual trip to Disneyland this week.  All the teachers hope that you have an amazing summer-hopefully some places will begin  to open up over the next few weeks so we can all get out and about a little while we are off.  We have loved being your teachers this year and we can’t wait until we can see you properly in August- as big Primary Two boys and girls! Don’t forget to have a look at the transition information that was posted on Tuesday if you haven’t done so already.   Thank you for being wonderful Primary Ones!

Enjoy this ‘Goodbye Song’ by The Learning Station….how many silly ways can you think of to say goodbye?

Have a lovely summer everyone!

Miss Christy, Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Mrs Steel

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