P2/3 Snow Day 3

Good morning Primary 2/3! It’s Friday!
Thank you to Rory and Arthur for leaving a comment on our blog. Sounds like you have both been very busy! I see Connor and Safia have sent us in some pictures of their fantastic work. Well done!

Today’s suggested activities:
Look back at my previous post which has a number of other curricular areas ideas and activities you could try.

-Friday is when we do our spelling and sentences with our phonics words. Could both Primary 2 and 3 complete a small spelling test with and adult using your words. Then can you write a sentence for each of the words.
-Friday is also a day we write! Both Primary 2 and 3 could write/draw a diary about what you have been up to over our 3 snow days. I would love to hear about all your activities and adventures.

Enjoy another day in the snow boys and girls! Stay safe and warm!
Miss Rafferty

P2/1 Snow Day 3

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and are still enjoying the snow.  Here are a few things you could try out today-

  1. Have a go at writing your spelling words.  Friday is the day we usually do our Elkonin boxes (P2) and dictation sentences.  See if an adult can test you on your words and then think of a sentence you could write with one or two of the words in it.  If you manage this bring it to school or post a picture here.
  2. Write a snowman adventure.  We write on a Friday too so why not imagine that your snowman is magical-what adventure would it go on?  Would you go along too? What would you see/hear/do on  your adventure with your magical snowman?
  3. Draw a picture of what you can see from your bedroom window.
  4. Go out and measure the snow-where in your garden is it deepest?
  5. Draw a picture of yourself in your winter clothes, label what you are wearing.
  6. P2 boy and girls, can you have a go at counting up in 2s for an adult?
  7. P1 boys and girls can you count forwards and backwards from numbers between 0 and 30?
  8. Have a look at the booklets that Mr Shanks posted here in the blog for some other fun activities you can try.

I would love to hear from you to find out what you have been doing and to see if you have managed to have a go at some of the fun activities.  Comment below or if you have any questions leave a comment and I will answer.  I hope you have another fun day and stay safe and warm.

Mrs Steel

P2/1-World Book Day in the Snow

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are having a fun day and staying warm and cosy. Remember to send me a wee picture of anything you have done or comment on my posts to say hi or tell me what you have been up to.

Here is a link if you fancy having a look at some authors talking about the books they have written. The author of Horrid Henry is one of them-some of you may enjoy!

World Book Day Authors

Mrs Steel

P2/3 Snow Day

Good morning Primary 2/3. I hope you have another fun day in the snow! A big thank you to Rory and Safia for commenting on our blog, telling us what activities they have been doing.

Thursday 1st March is World Book Day!! Let’s celebrate books!!
Today’s suggested book activities
1. Read a variety of books with your family. You can then bring them into school and tell the class all about it!
2. Design a new front cover for one of your favourite books.
3. Draw a picture of your favourite character and surround them with wonderful adjectives that best describe this character.
4. Create a quiz about your favourite book that you could ask your friends to see how well they know the book.
5. Write a book review about your book. What is your favourite part? What is the book about? Would you recommend the book?
6. Become an author and begin to write and illustrate your very own book!
Suggested activities for Maths:
1. Primary 2 practise counting forwards and backwards up to 100. Try counting up and down in 2s. Continue practising doubling numbers. Mental addition and subtraction within 20.
2. Primary 3 practise odd and even numbers upto 100. Practise 2,5 and 10 times table. Mental additions and subtraction with 100. Create your own chimney sums.
Suggested activists for other curricular areas:
1. Write down/draw 5 interesting facts about the Romans using online resources or books.
2. Draw a picture of the coliseum in Rome.
3. Draw a picture of a Roman Gladiator.
4. On yesterday’s last post I asked you to pack for an arctic exploration- have you tried this?
5. Let’s bake a cake!! Use your reading skills and maths skills to follow a set of instructions and carefully use weighing scales. You will need an adult to help you with this activity!
6. Build a snowman, make snow angels, go sledging or go for a walk. All great ways to get some fresh air and burn off some energy.
Remember if you have any questions or want to share what you have been doing today, feel free to post in the comments section below. If you wish to post a picture, sent it to the school email and Mr Shanks can post it on the blog.
Enjoy today P2/3 and stay safe!
Miss Rafferty

P2/1 Snow Day 2!

Good morning everyone and Happy World Book Day! We are celebrating this tomorrow but the link below will take you to the Book Day website where there are lots of activities you could choose from today.  If you complete one, bring it to school to show everyone!



Other ideas for Reading activities today-

  1. Read some books with an adult-could be your homework books or one of your favourites.
  2. Design a new front cover for a book.
  3. Draw your favourite character from a book-write lots of facts about them around the outside.
  4. Write a new adventure for your favourite character.
  5. Use one of the book review templates on the World Book Day website to write a book review about your favourite book.
  6. Could you write a new story for Katie Morag? Bring it to school and we can display it on our writing wall.

Other activities you could have a go at today-

  1. P1s- we will be looking at numbers to 30 next week, have a go counting aloud forwards and backwards. starting at different numbers.  Can you write all teh numbers to 30?
  2. P2- Choose a number up to 100 to start at and count forwards or backwards from there.
  3. Have a go at playing some of the games on the Topmarks website- www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting
  4. Here is a snowy themed Cosmic Yoga you could have a go at to warm you up after being in the real snow!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSZvMHlw9vs
  5. Why not have a go at building an igloo today?

If you build something fun in the snow today or do one of the activities I would love to hear from you-post in the comments section below.  If you have any questions please ask!

Have a fun morning and I will check in again soon!

Mrs Steel




P2/3 Snow Day

Afternoon Primary 2/3, how are you all getting on in the snow? I hope you are all having fun and playing safely!
Has anyone managed to complete any of our activities? If so I would love to hear from you. You can post in the comments section below.
I managed to go for a big walk in the snow to burn off some energy!
How do you think the Romans survived in the snow with those Roman sandals we saw and touched on our class trip? I’m sure they would have had very cold toes! Do you think the Romans preferred being in Rome?

Our next science lesson is preparing and organising for an arctic exploration. What do you think you might have to pack to stay warm? Think about what you have been wearing today in the snow and how you have managed to keep your energy levels high?Draw me some pictures of what you would pack in your backpack/sledge. Can wait to hear all your ideas!

Keep warm and safe,
Miss Rafferty

P2/1 Snow Day

Afternoon everyone. Hope you are continuing to enjoy the snow and staying warm and safe.  I have managed to get into the garden to try out writing some of our spelling words in the snow.  If you have got any pictures or updates for me I would love to hear from you.  If you have any questions about the activities leave a message and I will respond. 🙂

Do you like my try at ‘th’ and ‘o_e’ words?


Mrs Steel




P2/1 Snow Day

I hope everyone is having a fun day in the snow and have tried out some of the activities I posted earlier.  Maybe you could post some pictures here of what you have been doing in the snow? Anyone managed to build a snowman or been sledging? Maybe you could try writing some of your spelling words in the snow? I would love to hear about /see what you have been up to so far today!

Mrs Steel

P2/3 Snow Day

Good morning boys and girls! Here are some activities you can do to keep busy.

1. Complete Reading homework
2. Complete spelling (P3) time your climb (P2)
3. Primary 3 can practice their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Primary 2 can practise doubling numbers. Use the weblink below.
4. Paint, draw or colour a snowy picture
5. Write a winter/magical story that you can share with the class
6. Enjoy building snowmen and making snow angels. Post pictures of these on the blog!
Carmondean Primary school have Snow Day Packs- link is on the previous blog post from Mr Shanks.
Stay warm P2/3 and I’ll see you all soon.
Miss Rafferty

Primary 2/1 Snow Day

Good morning  everyone! I hope you are having a good morning and staying cosy and warm!

Mr Shanks posted some great activity booklets at the beginning of the term in the event of a snow day, go and have a look at the P1_2 section of the post for some fun things to do.

Here are some more things you can do today on your unexpected day off:

  1. Build a snowman, measure it to see how tall it is.  Can you make one that is the same height as you?
  2. Make a spelling word poster- use the words from your spelling homework book (P1-th words/P2- o_e words) and write them in different colours or in bubble writing.  Decorate your poster and bring it into school to put on the wall.
  3. P1- Have a go at finding all the addition and subtraction facts up to 10.  See if an adult can test you on some addition and subtraction facts.
  4. P2- Have a go at making some addition and subtraction fact sums to 20.  See if you can remember all the double number facts we have been working on in class.  You could even sing our double number song to someone at home.  The link for the song is at the end of this post.
  5. Draw or paint a snowy picture-bring it to school to show the rest of the class.
  6. Write a story about a snowy day- see if you can include some WOW words in your writing.
  7. Tell an adult 4 things you have learned so far about Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay.  Make a poster for our Post Office and Shop role play area showing what the shop sells and how much it costs.
  8. Warm up after playing in the snow with a warm drink and a book-read your homework books to an adult.
  9. Have a go at some of the games that I have given the links for below.
  10. Have a fun day and stay safe!

Mrs Steel

Hit the button- P1s you can try the number bonds section, P2s try the doubles section!


Money shop game-


P2 Double number song-P1s can have a listen too!

P2/1 Barclays Bank Visit

Today we had a visit from some people from Barclays bank which was great fun and very interesting! They talked to us about money and all the different coins and notes we have, then we did some money activities.  We matched coins to dress Colin the caterpillar, played in a mini shop and went hunting for coins in dry rice.  We all really enjoyed it and it reinforced our recent work on money.











P2/1 7th February 2018

Both the P1s and P2s have been working very hard with subtraction in the past few weeks.  The P1s have been learning subtraction facts to 10 and the P2s have been doing missing number subtraction facts.  We have been able to discuss lots of different strategies to complete these sums and have been using 10 frames and number lines to help us.

In language the P1s have been consolidating all the initial sounds and will be moving onto consonant blends-sh, th, ch etc.

The children are really enjoying their Katie Morag topic and we now have our Struay Post Office and Shop open for business!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

P2/1 Poetry Competition

Well done to the winners of the class competition in P2/1 who took part in our annual Poetry Competition for Burns’ Day.  They were so confident getting up in front of the whole school to say their poem.  We were all so proud of them. Also well done to all the other boys and girls who got up in front of the class to perform their poem….Mrs Steel had a very hard job picking the winners!



Well Done from Mrs Steel!! 🙂




P2/1 23rd January 2018

This week P2/1 have been having great fun making boats and creating our own underwater exploring machines. We have been using our imaginations to design a vehicle that would take us to the bottom of the ocean to find out about what lives there.  We also extended this to our writing and wrote underwater adventures-we all have great imaginations in P2/1!

In Maths the P1 children have been working very hard with subtraction facts to 10 using concrete materials and are becoming really confident with this.  The P2 children have been working with subtraction to 20 and are now moving on to missing number subtraction facts.

Well done to everyone who has been learning their poem for Burn’s Day-we will begin hearing them tomorrow so keep going!


Tuesday- New Reading book

Wednesday- Burn’s Poem to perform in class

Thursday- Gym

Friday- Burn’s Competition

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

P2/1 week beginning 15th January 2018

P2/1 were very excited to be lucky enough to be part of a special assembly yesterday with a Polar Explorer! Craig Matheson visited Carmondean yesterday and we heard all about what it is like to visit the North and South Poles.  We learned about the animals that he has seen, the types of clothes he wears in the cold climate- Frazer even got to try on his special gloves, and all the training that he has to do to get ready for his expeditions.

This week we will be following up his visit by doing a series of Science lessons.  Today we worked with a partner to design boats.  We linked this to our Topic by imagining we were designing them for the Post and food supplies to be delivered to the Post Office shop that Katie Morag’s Mum and Dad run on the Island of Struay.  It took us a few trial runs to finally get a finished product that would float well enough to get all those important things to the shop!  Have a look at some of them below:

Next week we will be performing our Scottish Poem for Burns’ Day.  Please keep practising this at home with your child.


Monday- New common words, Time your climb (P2), Maths (every second week)

Tuesday-New Reading books

Thursday- PE with Mrs Ferguson

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel


P2/1 Ready, Read, Repeat!

P2/1 have had a fab day today during our Ready, Read, Repeat day. We loved being dressed up as our favourite book characters and the teachers loved taking part too. We spent the day sharing our favourite books, looking at one of my favourite books Stick Man and doing activities related to it. We made our own Stick Men, wrote a Stick Man adventure then made a label to go in our chosen library book. Then we got a chance to have a look at some of the furniture we are going to order for our updated reading corner and choose a book that we would like to donate to it. It has been a great day and we can’t wait for all the new things to arrive.










P2/1 15th November 2017

This week we have been continuing work on addition with both the P1s and the P2s. The P1s have been learning about how to make numbers by adding 2 numbers together and we are moving on to using 10 frames to help us add. The P2s have been discovering strategies to find a missing number in an addition sum. We have been learning lots of new Maths games- some of these you could have a go at at home so ask your child about what they have been doing!

In Language we have been doing writing related to our topic, ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ and focusing on interesting vocabulary. The children are being encouraged to included a WOW word in their story and we have come up with some fab words.

This week we will be fundraising for Children In Need. The P5s have been coming to sell wristbands and colouring in sheets to the boys and girls which they have loved. The children can also wear pyjamas to school on Friday and they are asked to bring a donation of 50p for this.

Please remember that you and your child are invited to join us in school on 22nd November (P2) or 23rd November (P1)for our Read Write Count evening. You will find out some information about this initiative, get a chance to chat to me about ideas for story time at home and get your child’s Read Write Count bag to take home. They have some lovely gifts inside and it would be lovely to see as many people as possible at this event.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Steel

P2/1 3rd November 2017

We have had another busy week in P2/1 this week and have started our new topic ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’. We have made owls using paper plates and mounted them on a night time background. We have also been looking at dark being and exciting time with firework displays happening. We have talked about how to stay safe around fireworks and made some lovely firework pictures-look out for some of these being displayed on the windows of the P2/1 classroom!

In Maths this week we have all been looking at addition. The P2s have been adding groups that are screened or hidden and the P1s have been combining sets of objects.

In Phonics the P1s have been consolidating sounds that they have learned so far and focusing on blending the sounds to make CVC and CCVC words- we are doing really well with this! The P2s sound this week was -ue and the children have been enjoying thinking of new words to add to our lists and also finding -ue words in their reading books and around the classroom.

Next week we will begin rehearsals for our Nativity performances so be prepared for the children to come home singing some catchy songs!

Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Steel

P2/1 3rd October 2017

This week in Maths the P1s are consolidating work done with numbers 0-10. We will be practising writing these numbers, making sets of these numbers, ordering them and looking for numbers before after and between. The P2s are beginning to add by combining sets with a range of numbers. In topic maths we will be continuing to work with organising and displaying data.

In phonics this week the P1s will be focusing on the sounds ‘r’ and ‘m’. You might want to discuss the sounds that the children have learned so far at home and do some discussion about things that start with these sounds. We have also been working on blending sounds to make words and we will be continuing this in the coming weeks.
The P2s will be spending this week looking at -ay words. Again, this is a good opportunity to discuss words that have this sound with your child at home. The P2s will be getting a Time Your Climb spelling homework after the October break.

Mon- Indoor Gym
Tues- New reading book
Thurs- Please return library book so your child can choose a new one.
Please remember that the Parent Consultations are next week- you can book a slot online. The children are looking forward to you coming to see the fantastic work they have done so far in P2/1.
Thank you
Mrs Steel

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