Carmondean Nursery: Weekly Bulletin 12/09/16
Our learning focus this week will continue to be about setting expectations for behaviour, settling the children into Nursery rules and routines as well as welcoming our new children to Nursery. We will be showing the children how to self-register. At big group time we will continue to focus on learning the days of the week and the date along with working out what the weather is like and finding the correct symbol for the weather chart.
In gym we will begin our work on Perceptual Motor Skills where the children will be learning to balance, hop and freeze! We will be finding, moving and sharing a space and learning basic travelling skills while moving in different directions. We will talk about our different body parts and hopefully having lots of fun!
Literacy Group Time will focus on developing good listening skills and learning and sharing Nursery Rhymes.
Numeracy Group Time will focus on counting in sequence and making collections of different amounts of objects.
For the home link focus this week we would love you to share Nursery Rhymes at home – maybe your child could tell us some you have been learning.
- The Nursery have our own page on the school blog, please go to the Carmondean Primary blog where you will be able to navigate your way to the Nursery page and find out what we did in Nursery last week. This will be updated on a Friday.
- Please make sure your child has all his/her clothes labelled, particularly jumpers, cardigans and jackets.
- We are looking for anyone who would be interested in joining our new Nursery Parents/Carers Association to let one of the Nursery Team know.
- We are currently putting children’s names on shoes, if your child has not got their name on their gym shoes please hand them to the member of staff on the door.
- Snack money is now due, please either pay via parent pay or put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on the front and clearly labelled ‘Snack Money’ (£12 from now to October holidays).
- Any parent/carer who would like to be a Nursery Helper please speak to Mrs Fletcher who will organise the necessary paper work.
- Our cloak room arrangements have changed. We are now using the small room in the middle of the nursery. You will come in as usual with your child and use the small room instead of the big room, which will now be used as a learning space.
- A Parent/Carer meeting to roll out the new Learner’s Journey web site will be held on Thursday 29th September at 6pm in the Nursery.