Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

Our Wicked Week!

P5 has had a very busy week!

Between being busy rehearsing for the wonderful Emotion Works show case, we went on a walk up to Dedridge pond for outdoor learning. We used our senses to look, listen, taste, feel and smell what was around our local landscape. We did this to write fantastic, descriptive poems which we can’t wait for you to read!

We also saw a lot of familiar faces at the Emotion Works showcase on Friday! We hope you enjoyed our song, we loved learning it and sharing our learning about Emotion Works with parents and Claire Murray who created it! It even made Mrs Stewart cry.

P5 have an excited announcement to make this week so we hope you have your eyes peeled….img_5567

Harvesting in P1/2

This week in our topic work we were learning all about harvest.  We learned about the sequence of events that farmers go through to harvest their crops and even had a go at harvesting and digging up some vegetables from the vegetable patch in school.  It was great fun and we managed to harvest some very small carrots and some huge potatoes!  Miss Cambell helped us and she has offered to work with us next week to make some tasty vegetable soup.  We are really looking forward to this.  Thank you Miss Campbell.


Brilliant Behaviour at Beecraigs!

Today Miss Rodford and I were the proudest teachers in Bankton as we took our classes on a trip to Beecraigs.  The behaviour was brilliant from start to finish and the children enjoyed a fun filled day which included long walks, bark rubbings, animal spotting and lots of fun playing in the park.  They were very keen to know when it was snack and lunch time and were responsible citizens tidying up after themselves and putting all their rubbish in the bins!  They spotted lots of different animals including deer and we even saw a baby Highland cow that was born yesterday!

Well done boys and girls and a big thanks also to our brilliant helpers Mrs Mansour, Mrs Hyland and Mrs Smith. Thanks also to Mrs Ross for helping us get everything organised and packed up!

P7, Happy and Healthy!

On Tuesday, Primary 7 took a trip to the James Young High School for their Health Conference.  We enjoyed a day of sporting activities, such as Rugby, Tennis, Handball and Dance.  We found it helpful and interesting to find out our tutor groups and had a chance to meet some new friends.  This trip to JYHS also made us more confident about going up to James Young and us moving on. We met the P.E teachers and Mrs. Hatch (The JYHS head teacher) also spoke to us about or move to JYHS.


Fraser “I really enjoyed meeting my tutor group and meeting new friends.”

Stewart “It was exciting because we got to meet our tutor group.”

Jack “I made a couple of friends. One of their names was Josh.”

Robbie “My favourite activity was definitely handball, it was really fun.”

P7 Bloggers this week: Ryan and Josh

Well Done to our Bankton Ambassadors!

P.7 were commended today for their exemplary behaviour at Benmore by Mrs Gardyne, Headteacher of Ormiston Primary School in East Lothian. Staff and pupils of Ormistom Primary were at Benmore at the same time as pupils and staff at Bankton. They said that our staff were friendly and made their stay at Benmore a happy team working experience. Our pupils were commended as polite, respectful and kind to others.

The following boys were given a special mention by Ormiston staff as ‘ campers of the week’:

Glenn Love, Kyle Bailey, Billy Drummond, Robbie Colvin and Ben Mason.

Well Done boys – you are officially Bankton ‘ambassadors’!

Our 5 Ambassadors - representing their school with style!
Our 5 Ambassadors – representing their school with style!

Greetings from Benmore – P.7 camp

Benmore 12

Staff and Pupils arrived safely at Benmore after a long but trouble-free journey including a stop in Luss for lunch. Everyone was very excited to arrive in Benmore at 2.15pm.

After carrying some very heavy luggage to their rooms and settling in everyone met the instructors and went outside to explore the forest trail. Mrs. Ferguson claimed P.7 found every puddle and jumped straight in!

They enjoyed dinner of fish and chips followed by evening activities in the common room.

Today Mrs. Ferguson’s group were climbing and abseiling – quite a challenge, BUT with a growth mindset they met the challenge!

More news and photos to follow tomorrow. Watch this space!

We’re going to the zoo!

Primary 2/3 are very excited because on the 26th May, they are going to visit Edinburgh Zoo with Primary 2 to help them learn more about their topic, ‘Living and non-living things.’

For our topic, had to sort some pictures in to categories, but Mrs Horne didn’t tell us what these were.  After a while we worked out it was living and non-living things.  Then the next day we spent some time outside photographing examples of living and non-living things.

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The planter boxes have flowers in them – these are living things.

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We have art work around the school to make the playground more interesting – these are non-living things.


Some children have been learning how to write a report and they are going to be writing their own report next week.

Last week we planted some seeds to grow for our class planters, and this week many of them have started to show tiny green shoots.  We have also worked some more on our planters and hope to have them ready to go on show soon.


We all think it is great to see Ms Barr starting back at Bankton and we had great fun in her lessons this week.

Outdoor Maths!

Mrs Lloyd’s maths group had fun in the sun last week when we were using the outdoor area to work on our counting in twos.  The children were split up into four groups and rotated around a variety of activities to practise their skills in counting on in twos.  One group, used the big number lines to jump forward and backwards in twos, another group painted numbers with water and counted on, another group used chalk to practise jumping in twos and the last group enjoyed a seat at the picnic table with their whiteboards and showed off how good they were at counting in twos.  Good work everyone!!

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Sunshine Maths!

Mrs Lloyd’s maths group had fun in the sun today when we were outside counting in 2’s, getting into groups to show either an odd or an even number, running to the correct side of the playground when either an odd or an even number was called and using the natural environment to collect and find groups of objects and deciding if they had collected an odd or an even number.  It was a lovely morning and made maths even more fun!!

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