Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

First Day Adventures at Benmore

Benmore 1

A very busy and eventful day at Benmore for all activity groups! Two of the groups were very successful in their orienteering. Megan Hunter was fast and efficient and could now give Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Reilly some lessons as they got lost momentarily looking for others in their group. The climbers and abseilers were brave. Amber was excellent in both and was particularly helpful to others – helping to adjust their clips and harnesses. Sean Burnett had an unexpected cold ‘dip’ during canoeing but completely recovered after curry and cake! Two groups accepted the cave challenge while another group worked as a great team encouraging each other on the high ropes. Leah, Erin, Emma, Sonny, Shaun Simpson and Ms Kennedy made it to the top of the podium and jumped off (fully harnessed) to catch the trapeze! After an evening scavenger hunt it’s off to bed ….. I’m sure by the time I’ve finished this Blog Post ….. They will all be sound asleep! P.7 – we miss you!

Message from Benmore

Many thanks to staff who contacted me both last night and this morning to reassure me that all is well at camp. Our P.7s thoroughly enjoyed their soggy, muddy activities on Monday afternoon and relished the challenges of the Nightwalk in the pitch dark which proved to be a great team building and bonding experience. All children were exhausted and in bed by 9.30pm.

Needless to say, the girls were up early and organised for breakfast while the boys …….. had to be wakened and encouraged to get out of bed by the teachers! After scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast they were looking forward to a day of varied activities which included orienteering, climbing and abseiling, forest walk and mountain biking.

Ms Kennedy reported that there had been a light dusting of snow everywhere which made the landscape particularly beautiful. I look forward to the photographs!

P.7 who are not at camp have enjoyed William Morris art work and additional outdoor tyre park time with Mrs. Ferguson and The Supermarket project and French activities including singing with Mrs. Balfour.

Safe and Sound at Benmore

P.7 pupils and the staff team have arrived safe and sound at Benmore after a good journey in dry conditions. Weather at Benmore is dry, bright and cold and pupils were happily unpacking and organising their rooms ready for the programme of afternoon and evening activities. The teachers were looking forward to seeing which boy / girl would win the first challenge – BED MAKING! I’m sure they will all be experts after their residential preparation over the weekend!

I am looking forward to hearing all about the Night walk and seeing their photos when they return.

A Fun Week

Last week we did sports day and fun day.  It was exciting.  Sports day was brilliant, the races were amazing and tiring.  It was funny watching the teachers, mums, dads and little kids race.  Scott enjoyed the skipping races, Stewart enjoyed the football dribble because he was good at it.  On Thursday we had our fun day.  The super soaker assault course got us super wet, Mrs Sutherland and Miss Henderson had lots of fun!  Kai enjoyed getting soaked by the teachers on the assault course.  “It was fun when the teachers were having fun with us,” Kai.  “Watching the movie was great because it had lots of funny bits in it,” Katie.  This week we are all looking forward to taking part in the show, The Pirates of the Curry Bean, we hope to see you there!

News from Ford Castle

P.7 arrived safely at Ford Castle on Monday 24th March following a 2 hr journey in glorious sunshine. The weather has been ideal for outdoor activities – dry and cold with no rain so far.

Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Balfour have kept in touch with me at school and have reported how much fun the children have had already. Favourite activities have been the Postman’s Walk and Making Potions. The Leap of Faith presented everyone with massive challenges and the Zip Wire produced the loudest screams.

Mrs.Ferguson returns tomorrow and will hopefully post some photographs of the activities.

The school has been very quiet without the P.7s so I will be very glad to welcome them back at 12pm.

Primary 4 update!

As it is Fair trade Fortnight, we went along to the local Sainsbury’s store for a Fair trade treasure hunt! We searched the store for as many Fair trade products as we could! We looked out for the Fair trade logo and we took a photograph of the different items we could find and added it to our list.

‘I enjoyed working together with my group.’ Beth K

‘It was really fun and it was really enjoyable as well.’ Euan

‘Our group found 14 different items with the Fair trade logo on it.’ Sommer

‘Now I know what the Fair trade logo looks like and I drew a picture of this when I went home to show my mum.’ Josh

‘My group found that Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream is Fair trade.’ Ciara

We dressed up as our favourite characters on World Book Day and we visited the Lanthorn for a special service with other primary four classes from nearby schools. We had to select a song to sing and we selected ‘Build Up.’ We also had a few speakers from our class who shared some of their favourite stories.

‘At the Lanthorn we heard that the bible has lots of stories in it.’ Deacon

‘There was a box with stuff in it and when we picked something out it reminded Rev. Hine about different stories and he told us them.’ Arran.

‘I really liked how some of the children told us about some stories we had never heard before.’ Lily

We have been learning about internet safety and this week our focus was cyber bullying. ‘If somebody annoys you online then you should tell your mum and dad.’ Sophie

‘We have started to make an internet safety pamphlet to let people know how they can stay safe online.’ Laurie-Anne

‘ We have been learning about the SMART tips for internet safety and T is for Tell. Tell a responsible adult if someone is mean.

In maths this week we have been focusing on division. We now know what the sign looks like and we have been sharing equally and recording our calculations. Our times tables can really help us here!

‘Division needs to have the big number first and then the smaller number.’ Niamh

‘To check you have the right answer you can swap it backwards using your times tables.’ Kalanah

Thank you for reading!