P4 Go Eco!

As part of Eco Week P4 were set the task to work in home teams to design a sleeve that would prevent a bottle of water from cooling.


Pupils planned, selected appropriate materials and worked as a team to decide how to best wrap bottle.



Then they took the temperature of the bottle of water every ten minutes and recorded this.

We then shared results as a class and decided which material made the best sleeve and why.




This week with P4/5

This week we celebrated Eco Week. We kicked off the week walking around the community with the p5/6 picking up litter. We found lots and left the area looking much nicer. We really enjoyed being outside in the fresh air helping the environment. We also made some posters to help remind us of simple ways to be more eco friendly such as turning the lights off, putting litter in bins and saving paper.

We also presented our Easter assembly to the school and to the parents. It was a pleasure to see so many people there to support us in our work. It was a lot of hard work but we are all very proud of how it turned out.

In PE this week with Mr. Herman we started a mini unit on target games. The games we focused on were indoor curling, bocce and a hoops target game. it was a lot of fun and we look forward to continuing this unit over the next couple of weeks!

Here are a couple of our Eco Posters!




A treasure chest !!!

P1 found a something very exciting in the playground today ……… A TREASURE CHEST!!!

It was full of coins, maps and treasure.  Who could it belong to?

P1 are hoping to get some more clues to help us to work out where the treasure chest came from!

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Article 28

You have the right to a good quality education.

You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.

Eco Week


P1a have been busy learning about how to be more ‘Eco Friendly’.  We have been thinking about what wildlife live around the Bankton area and we draw some super wildlife pictures.   We also designed pictures to go on the front of Asda’s reuseable bags!!

On Wednesday, we had a visit from ‘Bag Girl’ and she taught us all about how to reduce, reuse and recycle our rubbish. We played lots of super games and practised how to fight the rubbish monster!

Then we were challenged to sort the rubbish in to plastic, metal and cardboard into the correct recycling bins.

What can you do to help recycle at home?


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Article 24
Every child has the right to the best possible health.
Governments must work to provide good quality health care,
clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that
children can stay healthy. 

P1b have been busy bees during Eco Week!

This week P1b have enjoyed working hard on all things eco!  We started off the week producing print outs of planet earth which we later decorated to make eco posters.

We also went on a wildlife hunt in the playground to get some ideas for the wildlife art competition.  We thought up lots of ideas and produced some super detailed drawings for the competition.

On Tuesday, we took part in another competition to design a new reusable bag for Asda.  We looked at some of Mrs Lloyd’s reusable bags to get some ideas and produced some fantastic designs.

On Wednesday ‘Bag Girl’ a recycling superhero visited Bankton to ask for some recycling help.  She taught the children all about the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle – and the boys and girls helped her to fight off a nasty garbage monster.  The children also successfully sorted a big pile of rubbish into metal, plastic and paper.  Well done boys and girls!

We also learned about different food groups this week and used this to help us design a healthy packed lunchbox.  We learned that protein helps us to grow, carbohydrates give us energy and vitamins and minerals from fruit and vegetables help us to fight off illnesses.

Well done boys and girls!

P2/3: Paleontologists at work!

Today we had so much fun in our class.  Our class teacher set us a task to experience what it would be like to be a palaeontologist.

Task: Using a cocktail stick and a chocolate chip cookie (the chocolate chips being the dinosaur fossils), we had to dig out every fossil without breaking the cookie otherwise we weren’t allowed to eat the cookie. Everyone in the class managed to dig out their fossils without breaking the cookie.

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Lucy said ‘it was the best day ever’

Cristian & Joseph said ‘we loved it’

Aaron Mc, Finlay and Jamie gave it a thumbs up!

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