iPayimpact – Online Payment System

Many thanks to the 90+ families who have already registered for our online payment system. This is proving to be a great success, not only in Bankton, but across the James Young Cluster of schools. Very soon we will be using this system for school trips, residentials, uniform orders and tickets for school shows. P.1 – P.3 staff have reported a rapid increase in numbers of parents ordering school meals online. To help you choose something your child will like, I have also uploaded the West Lothian Visual Lunch Menu to the Useful Documents page. This visual menu was produced by Emily Sinclair, Bankton’s Support for Learning Teacher and is now used throughout West Lothian to help children with Additional Support Needs. However, it has also proved very useful for younger children, to help them choose something familiar for lunch.

Thank you once again for your support!

Celebrating Wider Achievement with Headteacher Awards

Tiger Woods must be extremely worried now that Fraser and Ailsa Muir are developing their golfing skills to medal standard! This very modest brother & sister duo had to be persuaded to share their success by Mrs Ferguson. We are extremely proud of their sporting skills development and hope that this is only the start of a great golfing career in the future.

Watch out Tiger - here we come!
Watch out Tiger – here we come!

Our P.4 and P.5 dancers had another triumph last week at Howden Park Centre when their Next Steps Dance Troupe took the first place trophy for amazing Hip Hop moves. They were very proud to share their success at assembly and posed for a photo ‘with attitude’

Another First Place,
Another First Place

A very talented P.1 writer came to my office to share her 3 part Pirate Adventure this week – full of wow words she had ‘sounded’ herself in sentences with capital letters and full stops. Move over J.K. Rowling – Lauren is making real progress in her writing!

Superb Writing from P.1 - Well Done Lauren!
Superb Writing from P.1 – Well Done Lauren!

Article 29: You have a right to an education which helps you develop your skills and talents


P6 Have First Aid Training

P6 took part in first aid training today thanks to Mike and Dave from Lowport Centre. This was organised after P6 took an interest in first aid during our drugs education topic. The training was excellent and P6 have gained some valuable life skills. Here’s what P6 thought:

Amy says, “I was glad I took part in it because it’s an important skill.”

James says, “The dummies smelt funny”

Ian says, “Both the men who were running it said that I was the best.”

Arran says, “I learned how to do CPR properly!”

Niamh, “I learned how to put somebody into the recovery position.”

Euan “It was really fun and it’s a great life skill. The adults were much harder to give CPR to.”594 549 565 564 579


Our volcano explosion!

Ayla: P2 and P2/3 made a volcano explosion. We mixed ingredients to make the lava and put it in a plastic bottle. It only exploded a wee bit.

All of the children were very excited to see the explosion!

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Maya: P2 and P2/3 have been busy writing about dinosaurs. We were learning to use full stops, capital letters and to write on the line. We loved drawing the picture of the dinosaur.



Alex: Now P2 have moved on to a new topic which is the Olympics. I want to find out why they do lots of sports in the Olympics. This year it is happening in Rio.

Yixuan: We wrote what we know about the Olympics and what we would like to find out.

Cameron C: In the Olympics there is a lot of swimming races and jumping.

Daniel C: I would like to find out if they play rugby in the Olympics.

Izaak: I want to know if they play golf in the Olympics.

Kiernan: I learnt that the Olympic torch goes all around the country before the Olympics start.






Aiyasha: In maths I learnt that ½ means 1 half.

Kieran: We have been learning how to half a cake and half numbers.

Cameron A: I learnt an easy way to add 9. You add 10 and take 1 away.

Daniel: I’ve been learning to add 10.

Niamh: This week we learnt a new word which is ‘mature’. We are getting ready for going into P3!


Well done to the star of the week: Andrew!


Spring has sprung….in P7a at least!


It might not feel like or look anything like Spring outside but, it’s a whole other story in P7 Science this week!  We are investigating how flowering plants reproduce so, it’s time for some dissection!

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Josh “It was more fun than a normal lesson!”

Ellis “I liked learning about the pollination, fertilisation and germination.”

Robbie “It’s cool to see the inside of a flower properly.”

Ryan “I didn’t know that was how flowers reproduced.”

Amber “I liked learning the parts of the flowers even though I sneezed a lot!”


Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

This week in P4/5

In PE we have enjoy learning to curl and target practice with javelins. We are getting much more accurate and consistent with the curling stones. Then in Science we had a lot of fun rolling different balls down the ramp to see which ball went the furthest. First we made a hypothesis of which one would go the furthest and then we tested. We found that the hockey ball when the furthest probably because it’s the heaviest one. Below are some pictures of us testing.
Also we are nearly at Manchester on our walking map. So far as a class we have walked over 300km!
We won the Goblet of Good Manners this week!



P7b Personal Projects!

This week we got started on our personal projects. We chose a country in South America and researched using the internet and using fact books from the library. We have been very positive about this project and lots of enthusiastic vibes coming from the class.

Don’t forget the deadline for this project is the 6th June. We are looking forward to seeing them finished! Keep up this great work P7b.

South America

The Olympics

This term P3 are learning about the Olympics in Brazil.  With a partner we researched some information about Brazil using the internet.  We have looked at Vinicius and Tom, the Olympic and Paralympic mascots.  Vinicius is a mix of all the animals in the Amazon so we designed  our own Brazilian mascots using the animals too.  We are going to write stories about our mascot’s adventures.


We have used oil pastels to illustrate the Olympic torch and we made Olympic ring paper chains.



Now Lewis is looking forward to writing about his mascot’s adventures around the world.  A.J. would like to make a paper Olympic torch.  Jack is looking forward to finding out more about the Olympic rings and what they mean.  Katelyn is looking forward to meeting Liam Davie, the champion gymnast and Darcy would like to learn more about all of the Olympic sports.  Everyone is excited about our new topic.

Another Busy Week in P1b

This week started off with some group work in our reading routes groups.  The boys and girls had to work together to think of adjectives to describe different objects.  They thought hard to think of really interesting words then chose their best word to share with the class.  Lots of impressive WOW words were shared – well done everyone!

In maths this week we have been reinforcing our addition to 10 and have been working on improving our quick recall of pairs of numbers which add to make 10.  We played addition board games and used the iPads to help us practise this.  We have also been working on some addition colour by number pictures.  Mrs Lloyd thinks we are getting really good at this!

We have also been working on numbers up to 20 and have practised making and recording the numerals as well as counting out the right number of objects.

In the structured play area we had great fun using our imaginations and dressing up as pirates.  We also completed some pirate jigsaws, built pirate ships from lego and played with the small world pirate ships.  It was brilliant fun!

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