Successful Learners in P1b

Another busy week in P1b where we have been practising our growth mindset and learning to persevere and not give up when things get a little bit tricky!

In our non-number maths we learned about weighing objects using balance scales and were good at predicting which items would be the heaviest.

As part of our topic and technology work, we used our findings from last weeks science lessons to work with a partner to design and build a raft to rescue Captain Blackbeard.  We are going to test these out in the water to see which ones will float and be able to save the pirate!

We have also been using our number lines to practise our addition and subtraction skills and enjoyed jumping along the numberline to work out the answers!

Look at what P1a have been up to …

In maths,we have been learning how to weight different items and how to take away on a numberline!

We have also been working on our group work skills and we worked with a partner to design our own rafts to save Captain Blackbeard who is stuck on a treasure island! We were think about what materials might be good for make a raft e.g. wood, plastic, foil etc

We also finished making our treasure maps and they look really old after we dyed them with tea!

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Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

Morning Nursery Shape Walk

This morning the children went a walk to the Froggy pond and were looking for 3d shape on the way. There are some photos of below of the shapes we found.

The children noticed lots of litter on the Waverly path going towards the Froggy pond and we talked about how we could try and stop this. They came up with making signs or putting in bins.

The children managed to observe some tadpoles from the Froggy pond even although the water was so dirty.


Suspicion and suspense in P7a…..

In P7a this week, we have been writing in the mystery genre.  We talked about features in a mystery genre such as red herrings, suspense, tension, clues and another word for a detective which is is a sleuth.  After discussion, we realised that mystery writing is all about making the reader ask questions and then only answering them bit by bit.  An animation we all watched together generated a lot of questions, just as a mystery story should!  Why don’t you watch it and leave us a comment with the questions it made you ask?

We wanted to share some of our mystery writing with you…

Stewart: “The top of the gang was an eminence grise.  He would not listen to the gang, perhaps only on occasion.”

Fraser: “I went to the toilet but I forgot to look at the sign. The toilet was out of order. I was too late.  I heard the door click shut and then it locked…”

Robbie: ” Lying on the floor was the innocent body of Ashley, the woman who I normally work with.  She had brutal injuries. I heard a thud…”

Amber:”I went looking for him but he had already disappeared…”

Ellis: “No car was in sight.  Everything was conventional but a for file in among all the garbage.  All it had in it was rent, payment and bills.  I took it just in case.”

P7a Blog written this week by Ellis Sherwood.


Today was a very exciting day, as our P4’s went swimming at Excite Pool. It was a lot of fun and we all did very well. We all went in small groups to assess our swimming with different styles of stroke.
In maths we worked on pictographs and bar charts. We made our own bar charts and work on answering some questions about them online. Some of us went outside to collect data for our bar charts.
On Tuesday we had a special guest called Liam Davie, who was a gymnast that compete in the Commonwealth Games. We had an assembly with him and the children who raised money were awarded prizes.
In science we predicted that whoever had the biggest hand would pick the most stones. Our results were all mixed up because some people with big hands got a few stones and others with smaller hands got a lot of stones.
This week we used our notes about castle weapons to make information posters. We also finished up our Coat of Arms.
Lastly we have started our CEM tests, so please wish us luck!

P2 loved meeting Liam Davie!

On Tuesday, Commonwealth medallist Liam Davie came to Bankton Primary school to host a fundraising event. The children competed in 4 activities: spotty dogs, leg drives, press ups and star jumps.

Harvey: ‘It was really cool to exercise’

Aiyasha: ‘We asked Liam Davie questions like “how do you win a trophy?”

Logan: ‘The exercising was fun. My favourite activity was spotty dogs’.

Jodie: ‘I liked the press ups the best’

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Sachin: ‘I learnt how to do adding and multiplying quickly using Big Maths Beat That’

Izaak: ‘We learnt the colours that are in the Olympic Rings’

Maya: ‘P2 have been learning about special places. We learnt about Churches and we thought about our own special place’

Matthew: ‘Miss Edmond and Mrs K Sinclair’s writing groups were learning about Andy Murray. We wrote facts about his life’


It was Miss Peters last day on Thursday. P2 will miss you very much.

Well done star of the week Daniel Chambers.


Oskar was the super hero in P2 this week. I wonder who it will be next week…

Hard Workers in P1b

Another fun-filled week in Primary 1!

This week started off with our interval training challenge where a Commonwealth gymnastic came in and spoke to us all and we took part in a sponsored fitness challenge.  We all tried hard and found it very tiring!

Maths work this week focussed on subtraction.  We remembered that the biggest number always has to go first in a subtraction sum and that number lines are good for helping us to jump back and work out the answers!

The sunshine has made us all happy this week and we voted for an outdoor story in the sun.  We read ‘The Night Pirates’ and enjoyed the story very much!

Out topic work this week involved us in designing pirate treasure maps.  To help us do this we looked at some examples before working in small teams across Primary 1 to try out some ideas with chalks in the playground.  It was really fun!

In our Reading Routes groups we explored fiction and non-fiction texts and sorted out books under these two headings.  We had to work together in our groups to do this and looked for clues in the books to help us decide which was which!

Finally, we enjoyed our structured play this time when we worked in carousel groups to role-play being pirates and to explore different materials to see if they float or sink.  We needed to do this as we have received a letter from Captain Blackbeard who is stuck on a desert island and he has asked us to help him build a raft to help him.  We are going to work with a partner next week to plan and build our rafts.  We wrote to Captain Blackbeard to let him know that we will help him.  We are going to contact him via a letter in a bottle!

A busy week in P1a

P1a have been looking at the differences between fiction and non fiction books. We found out that most non fiction books have …

  • a contents page
  • headings
  • pictures
  • labels

We had to work in a group to sort the different books.

In maths, we have  been working hard on our subtraction, we have been using our fingers and cubes to help us to work out the answers.  We have also been learning about whole and parts of a shape e.g. halve of a circle. We made our own pizzas and folded them in half and quarters then cut them up.  Finally, we have been spending some time looking at sequencing and ordering numbers to 20!

On Tuesday, we had a great morning completing our sponsored Sports for Champions  event!  We completed the four exercises and we were really tired after it !!

In science, we have started to look at floating and sinking as we are going to design our own rafts! A Pirate left us a message because he needs out help to get back to his Pirate ship.

We have also been reading a book about the brain and we have been thinking about how we can help to make our brain stronger and smarter.  If you are willing to try new things, make mistakes and not give up then you can, this is called Growth mindset!  We want stretch our brains and become smarter !!

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Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.

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