Superstars in P1/2

Another busy week in P1/2.  In literacy this week we learned some new sounds – z, ee and oo.  We worked on reading and writing these sounds and on forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  We are getting better at blending the sounds to read and make words and will continue to work on this next week.

We have been practising transferring our phonics skills to our writing work and have produced some super stories related to the story ‘Shark in the Park’.  We imagined that we were in the park with a telescope and wrote about what we could see.  We have been trying hard to include a capital letter, full stop and clear finger spaces and we managed lots of sounding out on our own this week.  Get ready to be impressed!

Last week the children learned the sound ‘g’.  To help us remember the sound all of the children designed their own pair of glasses and modelled them as they left school today.  Looking good P1/2!!

In maths we have been practising counting groups carefully so that we can work out how many there are all together.  We have also been trying very very hard to form our numbers correctly and the right way round.

We also took part in some outdoor maths where we collected and then recorded how many different coloured leaves we found in the playground.  We were able to lay out the leaves in a graph and talk about the most popular and least popular leaf colour.  We found that there were fewest red leaves and that the brown leaves were very popular!

In our topic work we have had some in-depth conversations about toys.  We sorted a basket of items under the headings toys and not toys and we disagreed politely over the iPad as some people thought it was a toy because you can play games on it, while others thought it was not a toy because you had to pay for apps and type in a password to use it.  Great ideas and discussion which we have recorded in our class floorbook.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who have already been working hard to help the children learn their lines for the nativity.  We were so impressed this afternoon to hear quite a few children say their words without any help!  Keep up the good work boys and girls and parents – please leave us some feedback!  We would love to hear what you think about our work!

Super work in Primary 1

Miss Rodford has been very impressed this week with Primary One’s adding and blending skills!

In maths, we have been busy learning about the addition and equals symbol. We have been using dice to create our own addition sums! On Thursday, we enjoying going outdoors for a maths lesson on data handling. We created a super pictogram using colours of leaves. We discovered that the playground has mostly brown leaves in it!

In Literacy, we have been working hard on our blending and spelling of three letter words. Miss Rodford thinks we are getting much better!  In writing we read the story called ‘ Shark in the Park and we had to pretend that we were Timothy Pope and say what we could see in the park.  We thought of and wrote some super sentences using  captial letters, full stops and finger spaces!

We have started to practise for our Nativity performance and songs! If you have any words please remember to practise them at home! Well done Primary One!

If you have any comments about our learning please feel free to leave one!

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Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.


This week P7 went to Sky Academy and had a SPECTACULAR time!



P7 made their own news report with the help of the Sky Academy team.

We have been using our listening, teamwork, co-operation and being a responsible citizen and representing Bankton Primary School.

P7  want to thank all the Sky Academy staff who trusted us with their expensive equipment, such as their £60,000 cameras and also their editing computers.

Special thanks to our helpers,Chris,Camy,Leanne and Alan!!!!!


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P7 had their own tour around Sky so when they are older they will know choices there are for jobs there.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU SKY ACADEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogged by Conner Douglas-Martin, Liam Leadbetter & Niamh Shaw

Girls just wanna have fun!

On Friday 28th October all the girls in P7 and P6/7 participated in a sports event at JYHS.

Here are some of the things we did there:

  • Football
  • Dodgeball
  • Dance
  • Cardio

Followed by some pictures.november-2016-120                                        Here are the girls who went!


We all really enjoyed themselves thanks to JYHS.


Blogged by Rachel Watters & Amy McMillan

P3 Weekly Update

The highlight of our week was the multi-sports festival at James Young High School. We tried badminton, rugby, basketball, football and a mini assault course and we loved all of the activities. It was great to try so many new skills!

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Star of the Week

Joseph – for confidently talking about the strategy he used to work out an answer during ‘Number Talks’


Class Dojo Champions





We have been working on place value and we enjoyed the cone matching activity.

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Primary 7 s German adventures

On Wednesday 5th October, Primary 7 went to JYHS for their German Adventure.

We had to go around JYHS and find different cities in Germany.

We were put into teams with 3 or 4 people one or two from Dedridge and a pupil from JYHS.

It was really fun and we had to use our problem solving skills and got to learn some German vocabulary and a little bit about German cities and German culture.




P7 Bloggers: Mark Bowman & Shayne McKenzie

P7’s Art Attack

In the first week of this term, we got a special chance to do some amazing artwork about Tradition Tales after watching a Pantomime in school.   We got to do:

  • Pumpkin Carriages
  • Giant Art
  • Princess And The Pea
  • Knobbly Knees art
  • A 3D Scene

Here are some pictures of Princess And The Pea artwork



People said they really enjoyed it. They got to use chalk pastels to make their masterpieces.


Here are some pictures of Pumpkin Carriages…





People also said they enjoyed this. They got to use crayons and paints to stick glitter on. People enjoyed putting the glitter on the pumkin. The p7s really enjoyed this one!


Here are some pictures of Knobbly knee art…



People said they enjoyed this. They got to use tissue paper to make their character come to life.


Here are some pictures of Giant Art…


Miss Lovett enjoyed this one a lot!


Here are some pictures of the 3D scenes…



People got to use their art skills to make a normal picture into a magical 3D scene.

P7 Bloggers: Beth McGregor and Sophie Dalziel

Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland 7th – 14th Nov

As part of Dyslexia Awareness week some of the classes in the middle and upper school will be watching short video clips to highlight what dyslexia is and how it can impact on people who have it.  As well as looking at the difficulties they can have in learning, the clips also look at the amazing talents a dyslexic mind can bring!

Try googling famous dyslexic people to see the wide range of  incredible talents out there!!!  Have a look at this clip to find out more.

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Global Goals Vertical Learning Groups

Today , our vertical learning groups based on the Global Goal started. The children have been split up into different groups and over the course of the next few weeks will be learning about different Global issues e.g. poverty, climate change, hunger etc

It is super to see Bankton becoming super Global Citizens!!!

Have a chat with your child and find out more.

Please feel free to leave a comment about the children’s learning!!

Well done!

Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share

what you think with others, by talking, drawing,

writing or in any other way unless it harms or

offends other people.


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