Christmas Fun

Today the nursery children were getting in to the Christmas spirit by decorating one of the Christmas trees.

Many of the children wore their Christmas jumpers to help raise money for Jak’s Den.

Thank You very much or your kind donations.

Nursery Garden

The past few weeks the nursery children have been preparing an area in the garden for planting. They were given the choice of what flowers they would like to plant. This week the children have enjoyed planting vegetable and flower seed and they will help care for them when they start to grow in the new year.

Food Bank Collection

The Rights Respecting Champions are collecting food for the Dedridge Baptist Church Food Bank.  We feel that it is very important to give something back to the local community!

The collection starts on tuesday the 29th of November and will end on the 19th of December.

Here is a list of items that we are wanting to collect …

Diluting juice

Long life fruit juice

Tinned potatoes

Instant mashed potatoes

Tinned sponge puddings

Tinned custard

UHT milk

Jam ot other spreads

Sweets or chocolate


Cleaning products

Unfortunately fresh food cannot be accepted.  

Please give what ever you can to this important cause as it will help so many people!

Thank you from the Rights Respecting Team!

Article 24
You have the right to the best health care possible,
safe water to drink, nutritious food, a
clean and safe environment, and information
to help you stay well.

P3 Weekly Highlights

Thank you to all the parents  who were able to make it along on Friday to receive their Book Bug Bags and to see the children working on different literacy and numeracy activities related to the books for Scottish book week.    I hope you all enjoy reading the stories and using your playing cards at home.


In topic we have been learning about ‘The Inuit’ and the Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, means “in the likeness of a human” in the Inuit language. They are monuments made of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit for communication and survival. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is “Someone was here” or “You are on the right path.”

In Art we designed our own Inuksuit.


Aaron K – I enjoyed drawing pictures as part of our ‘Golden Time’.

Nicole:I had lots of fun talking to my mum during book bag event.

Josh:In maths we have been learning to subtract 11 using the strategy: subtract 10 and then subtract 1 more and we had lots of fun using dienes to work out our answers.

Samantha:I enjoyed writing ‘My Magic Crayon’ story.

Maya:I loved everything in school this week.

Ryan:I enjoyed working with a partner in maths.

P.E.:We have been learning how to play badminton

Arran:I enjoyed drawing our  ‘inushuk’ pictures as part of our topic work.

Aaron:I enjoyed drawing my crayon picture as part of our book bag activities.

Roots of Empathy

We had to draw and write about a time when we were feeling sad.

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P3 Weekly Highlights

Thank you to all the parents  who were able to make it along on Friday to receive their Book Bug Bags and to see the children working on different literacy and numeracy activities related to the books for Scottish book week.    I hope you all enjoy reading the stories and using your playing cards at home.


In topic we have been learning about ‘The Inuit’ and the Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, means “in the likeness of a human” in the Inuit language. They are monuments made of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit for communication and survival. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is “Someone was here” or “You are on the right path.”

In Art we designed our own Inuksuit.



Aaron K – I enjoyed drawing pictures as part of our ‘Golden Time’.

Nicole:I had lots of fun talking to my mum during book bag event.

Josh:In maths we have been learning to subtract 11 using the strategy: subtract 10 and then subtract 1 more and we had lots of fun using dienes to work out our answers.

Samantha:I enjoyed writing ‘My Magic Crayon’ story.

Maya:I loved everything in school this week.

Ryan:I enjoyed working with a partner in maths.

P.E.:We have been learning how to play badminton

Arran:I enjoyed drawing our  ‘inushuk’ pictures as part of our topic work.

Aaron:I enjoyed drawing my crayon picture as part of our book bag activities.

Roots of Empathy

We had to draw and write about a time when we were feeling sad.

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Brilliant Book Week!

This week in maths, Primary 1/2 have been practising their adding skills independently whilst learning about subtraction at the teach table.  The boys and girls know that subtract means to take away and have even learned another word for subtract – minus.  We made minus monsters out of the subtract sign and are trying not to get muddled up between add, subtract and equals signs!  We have been using cubes to help us to take away and are getting quite good at it!

In sounds, we have been learning the ‘oa’, ‘ng’ and ‘w’ sounds – ‘oa’ lives in the vowel house and you need a tunnel mouth to say it properly, ‘ng’ is an orange sound made at the back of your mouth and ‘w’ is a loud red sound made with your lips.  We have been working on our blending skills by playing bingo and sounding out words using the racing car tracks and stretchy snake to help us blend the sounds together and read the words.

In topic work we looked at some different toys and thought about what materials they were made of.  We felt the toys and discussed how they felt and what we thought they were made of.  We spotted these materials – wood, plastic, metal, foam and fabric.  100_8145Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to make it along on Friday to receive their Book Bug Bags and to see the children working on different literacy and numeracy activities related to the books for Scottish book week.  We really enjoyed having you there to help and to be able to share our favourite stories from the bags with you.  I hope you all enjoy reading the stories and using your magnetic numbers at home.

Looking forward to more fun next week Primary 1/2.  Well done everyone!

Super work in Primary One!

This week, Primary have been learning a new skills in maths …. Subtraction. We have been using cubes to help us to take away!  In sounds, we have been learning the ng and w sounds! We have also been working on our blending skills by playing bingo and using the racing car tracks to blend the sounds together.

For our topic work we looked at what toys were made of. We felt and sorted different toys and discovered they were made of wood, plastic, metal, foam and fabric!

It was great to see some many parents at the Bool Bug Bag give away day for Scottish book week! We enjoyed sharing our favourite stories from the bag with our parents. We completed lots of different activities based on the stories!

Miss Rodford hopes you all have fun reading the Book Bug Bag stories at home.

Please feel free to leave us a comment about your favourite books and dont foregt to vote for your favourite story on the Scottish Book Trust website! My favourite is  ‘Shark in the Park’!

Well done Primary One



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Book week in P2

For book week, P2 have been reading ‘Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’ and ‘Marshall Armstrong is new to our school’.

  • Daniel G: ‘Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam are robbers who get a new job and open a café’.
  • Caleb: ‘I learnt that you have to always do your best and don’t ever steal or sneak into someone else’s house’.
  • Nathan C: ‘I think the Marshall Armstrong book is very good. I learnt that Marshall Armstrong’s friends have been not nice to him at the start. Then they are nice at the end and had a party that they enjoyed together’.
  • Lauren: ‘My favourite activity from book week was making a new job for Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’.
  • Fraser: ‘My favourite activity was when we designed our own cake for Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’s cake shop’

We loved having the P2 adults in class to tell them all about our book week activities. We are so excited to bring our book bags home today to show our adults our brand new books and activities to do at home.


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Also this week we have been learning about cold lands for our topic. Cole, Femme and Savannah loved drawing penguins following each step carefully. Kian and Robbie enjoyed sticking the animals from around the world in the correct climate on a world map.


In art, Kalan learnt how to make positive and negative shapes.

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This week our number talks master was Robbie who did a super job of asking P2 to make double strategies.


Congratulations to:

Our dojo champion – Olivia

Next week’s superhero – Nathan S


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