Perseverance in P1/2!!

Another busy week in P1/2.  This week we have been working on our growth mindset and have been talking about our brains and how they grow when we are learning.  We know that making ‘marvellous mistakes’ is good as mistakes help us to learn.

In maths this week we have been practising adding money and buying items in Mrs Lloyd’s shop – ‘Lloyd’s Local!’.  We have also been learning the addition and subtraction number stories of 2 and 3 e.g. 2+1 =3, 3-2 =1. We have been thinking about different strategies and have been using these to complete our work e.g. using number lines, our fingers and cubes.

In literacy, we gave out reading books and the boys and girls have been very excited about taking these home to read with their families! P1/2 are really looking forward to their families coming in to see our reading work on Tuesday!! We also started our reading routes work this week where we work in groups to complete different reading tasks.  We predicted what a story might be about using the illustration on the front cover as a clue.  Some of the children managed to predict correctly and everyone worked well in their groups.  In sounds we have been building sentences on our velcro boards and have been practising blending our sounds together to read and find words.  We have also been working on generating rhyming words from some stories that we have read.  How many words can you think of that rhyme with _og?

After finding a letter and footprints in our class last week we wrote a letter to Sir Helpalot to tell him that we want to help him rebuild Fairyland and his castle and have worked hard to make leaves to help build a beanstalk for Jack.  The beanstalk is up but we are hoping the giant does not make any surprise appearances in our classroom!


Finally, P1/2 were the winners of the Goblet of Good Manners trophy today and were so proud of themselves for showing everyone their good manners all week.

Keep up the good work boys and girls and remember to persevere and not give up when you are finding things a little bit tricky!

Beanstalk making in Primary One

This week in maths Primary One have been learning the addition and subtraction number stories to 2 and 3 e.g. 2+1 =3, 3-2 =1. We have been working on using different strageties to help us get to the answer such as using our fingers, cubes and number lines.  We have also been putting our adding into a real life context e.g. buying items in a toy shop.

This week, we gave out reading books which is very exciting! Primary One have loved reading and answering questions about the book. We are looking forward to our families coming to to see us read on Monday!! In sound we have been building sentences and blending our sounds together to read words.

To start our new topic, we wrote a letter to say how we were going to help the Friendly Dragon to rebuild Fairy land. We also started to make leaves to make the Bean Stalk for Jack!

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Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities. It should also help
you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment
and respect other people.

Strange Goings on in P1/2!

P1/2 were shocked to find some big glittery footprints in the classroom on Tuesday. We also found a letter which turned out to be from Sir Helpalot – a knight who used to live in Fairyland before it disappeared.  Sir Helpalot has asked us to help him to save Fairyland by learning more about the stories and characters from various fairytales.  We are going to write back to him to tell him that we will help and are looking forward to reading lots of fairytales.


In maths, we have been revising how to add and subtract within 10. We have also been practising our doubling skills and used bingo dabbers to make spots and double the amount.  We have been looking at the different coins and have been learning how to pay for items using different coins and different amounts.

In literacy, we have been continuing to work on blending our sounds together to read words and have been working hard in our reading groups.

Well done boys and girls!  Keep up the good work!

A mystery visitor in Primary One!

Primary One were shocked to find strange glittery footprints in the classroom. We also found a letter which turned out to be from The Friendly Dragon. He has asked us to help him to save Fairyland by learning more about the stories and characters!

We have also been busy revising how to add and subtract within 10. We also spent some more time learning how to double! In maths, we have also been learning how to pay for items using different coins and how to make amounts with various coins.  Miss Rodford was very impressed with Harry’s knowledge of money!

In sounds, we have been carring on learning how to blend our sounds together to read words!

Well done P1

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Run, Jump, Throw Club – P4-7

There is a FREE ATHLETICS open afternoon taking place at the James Young H.S on Friday 20th January from 2.00-3.30pm. The club is aimed at P4-P7 pupils and is a fun club focusing on running, jumping and throwing. This will give children the opportunity to try out the sport before committing to joining the club and paying for the block. If you would like any further information and to book your child a space you should contact Kim O’Connor, Active Schools Coordinator on email: kim.o’ or Tel: 07917078448.


Happy New Year!

P1/2 have settled back into school life really well this week.  We have been working hard already and are enjoying sitting in our new carpet spots!

On Wednesday, we enjoyed some time in the structured play area using construction materials, reading books in the library corner, exploring emotion works faces, doing jigsaws, drawing and loads more!!

In maths we learned about doubling numbers.  We used playdough and doubled the petals on the flowers, we threw a dice and doubled the number to make an addition sum, we fished for a number using the fishing rod and doubled it when we caught it and we searched through tubs of dominoes to find the ones with doubles on it.  We really impressed Mrs Lloyd!

In literacy, we learned the ‘igh’ sound and tried using it to help us spell some words.  We also used the fly swatter to swat some action flashcards to help us learn to read these tricky words.  It was really fun!

Looking forward to next week already!

A good week back in Primary One

Primary one have settled back really well into school life!

We enjoyed telling Miss Rodford all about our holidays and the lovely presents we were given.  In maths, we have been working on doubling numbers to 10  and we used cubes and our fingers to help us with this.  In sounds, we learnt about the ‘igh’ sound and we have also been busy practising our tricky words.

Primary One also had a surprise present from our link school St Julian’s Primary School in Wellow. They sent us a calendar and so pictures from the the children in Cygnet class.  We decided it would be nice to draw and send our own calendars to the children as a thank you!

Well done!

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Right of the Month! Article 29

Our right this month is …

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

All children are good at different things e.g. dancing, writing, reading or football.  We need to have the chance to develop our own talents and abilities. Our families and teachers are also there to help us to achieve our goals!

All children have the right to develop something that they are good at!

Miss Rodford will be sending home a family learning challenge on Monday based on the ‘Right of the Month’. Have a chat with your family about the different abilities and talents that you all have. Talk about what you have to do to
develop your abilities. Fill in the sheet and bring it back to school. The class that brings back the most sheets will win a prize!!!

We are all amazing!

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