Right of the Month! Article 29

Our right this month is …

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

All children are good at different things e.g. dancing, writing, reading or football.  We need to have the chance to develop our own talents and abilities. Our families and teachers are also there to help us to achieve our goals!

All children have the right to develop something that they are good at!

Miss Rodford will be sending home a family learning challenge on Monday based on the ‘Right of the Month’. Have a chat with your family about the different abilities and talents that you all have. Talk about what you have to do to
develop your abilities. Fill in the sheet and bring it back to school. The class that brings back the most sheets will win a prize!!!

We are all amazing!

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