Sensational Symmetry in P1/2!

What a lovely maths session we had today learning all about symmetry.  P1/2 worked very hard and enjoyed a variety of activities including colouring symmetrical butterflies, making symmetrical patterns with numicon and lego, colouring and making symmetrical easter eggs, completing symmetrical patterns on the smartboard and using counters to make symmetrical patterns.  Everyone worked really hard and enjoyed our very practical maths session today!  Good work everyone!

A big well done to P1/2 for winning the Goblet of Good Manners trophy this week.  We collected an impressive 32 post its!

Happy Easter from P1/2!


Chocolate Eggstravaganza Assembly

Thanks to everyone who came along to take part in the P4 and P4/5 Easter Assembly. In the story were songs, acting and most important of all great messages for everyone to hear about for Easter- being kind to each other, respect and sharing. The children were amazing and put on a terrific performance. We hope that everyone has a fantastic Easter holiday.

Happy Easter from P1/2

This last week before the easter holidays has been very busy for P1/2.  In maths, we have worked on subtraction and using a number line to subtract.  We have been working hard to think about our learning intention and to agree the steps to success.  We enjoyed working at our new working wall table and commenting and discussing on our learning, focussing on what we are good at and our next steps in learning.  To help us we have drawn our own number lines and used these to help us work out subtraction sums.

We have trialled some relaxation activities this week to help us focus better.  We have enjoyed listening carefully and following the instructions.

We were very lucky again to have Olivia’s gran give up her time to come in and read us stories.  We love having some of our grandparents in the class reading to us and hope that we will have more volunteers next term!  Thank you so much to all our helpers this term.

As we are heading towards the easter holidays we practised our cutting skills to make these cute chicks.  We had to concentrate hard to cut carefully and really impressed Mrs Lloyd!

Happy Easter to everyone!

What a lot of rubbish!!!

P4/5 & P4 Litter Pickers clean up Kenilworth Rise

Today we went out to do some litter picking round about the school to help the environment. We found a load of rubbish just down the path a short way from the school gate.

There was everything from polystyrene packing, pieces of metal and a plank of wood to cans, cigarette ends and sweetie papers.  It was really messy but now the bits that we have been to are clean.

We feel proud of the difference that this has made to our local community. We picked up two big bags of rubbish and P4 picked up the same.

Everybody needs to remember to put their rubbish in the bin so as not to hurt nature. You can help our area become a better place by picking up litter. Remember! Don’t Drop It! Put it in your pocket!

Happy Mothers Day

Well done Primary One for your super performance in our Mothers Day assembly !

Primary One have been busy all week practising the songs and making cards to say thank you to our mums!

This week in literacy, Primary One have been busy practising spelling words and building sentences! Miss Rodford has been impressed with our handwriting and sounding out.

In Maths, we have been learning about halves and quarters. Take a look at how we cut up our cookies!

Now it is Spring time, we have been looking at signs that we might see around  us e.g flowers, baby animals etc

Well done Primary One!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

Fraction Fanatics in P1/2!

This week P1/2 have been revising all of the sounds we have learned and we have also been working on the vowel house, sorting the pictures into the correct places and practising writing the sounds for each section of the vowel house.  We have also been looking at ordering the letters of the alphabet, rolling sound dice and working out if it makes a real word or not (win it or bin it) and we made sentences using our velcro word mats.

In maths, we have continued to practise our adding and subtraction.  We also learned about fractions this week and know that to cut something in half you need to cut it into two equals pieces and to cut something into quarters you need to cut it into four equal pieces.  We made our own paper cookies and chose to cut them into either halves or quarters, we did a good job!

We even used lolly sticks to make tally marks to make different numbers.  Conor and Chloe took on the tricky challenge and chose numbers up to 20 to make!  Well done!


This week the children have been busy planting different flower seeds using plastic bottles and then hanging them outside in the nursery garden. Many children know which planting is theirs and have been taking care of it by giving it some water.

This will definitely brighten up the garden and hopefully bring bees and butterflies to visit later on this year.

What’s the time Mr Wolf !!

This week, Primary one have been learning all about how to tell o’clock times! We have also been learning learning how to match the analogue time to the digital time! We really enjoyed playing What’s the time Mr Wolf and making different times on our small clocks!

Primary One also surprised Miss Rodford with their super subtraction !! We learnt that when we write a take away sum the biggest number goes first. We loved using the dice to make subtraction sums.

We have also been busy learning about rhyming words! We read the story of ‘The cat in the hat’ and had to think of words that rhyme with cat ! We then made super cat in the hat pictures!!!

Super Work Primary One!!!

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