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Invitation to Meet John Swinney, Deputy First Minister

John Swinney listening to the views of Bankton Parents
John Swinney listening to the views of Bankton Parents

imageBankton Primary School responded to an invitation from Education Scotland to meet John Swinney and discuss parental engagement in schools at the Parent Connect Zone at the Scottish Learning Festival. Elaine Smith, Mum of Ewan and Daniel and Yvette Graham, Mum of Mia, Amber and Lana agreed to represent the parent body and meet Mr. Swinney. They were impressed by his concern for parents and discussed the best ways to communicate the ‘big messages’ with parents beyond the school gate. They also enjoyed collaborating with parents from Glasgow, discussing ways of improving parent-school partnership.

Both parents represented Bankton extremely well – thanks to both Elaine & Yvette for making me a very proud headteacher.

The World’s Largest Lesson


Well done to all the classes that took part in ‘The World Largest Lesson’ today!

It was a chance for all the children to learn about global issues and think about what they could do to help!

What are the Global goals?

In September 2015 World Leaders introduced the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

This means that we need to think about how we protect the environment and resources for the future e.g our trees, climate, water etc

They have set 17 goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things by 2030.

Here is a short video explaining more about the Global Goals

Article 4

The government has a responsibility to make sure

your rights are protected. They must help your

family to protect your rights and create an environment

where you can grow and reach your


Confident Individuals in P1/2

P1/2 have had a very busy week and have been working very hard.  In literacy, we have been learning some new sounds.  We learned that ‘t’ is a quiet light blue sound made using your tongue tip and that ‘a’ and ‘i’ are black vowel sounds made by opening your mouth wide like a big tunnel.

We have also been working on holding our pencils properly and forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  Before we worked in our jotters, we practised writing the sounds on our partner’s backs and the whiteboard.

In maths, we have been working on counting accurately and on reading the number names to 10.  We have been doing lots of work using ten frames and during number talks we have been explaining how we got our answer and have been challenging and defending others answers.

As part of our health work we have been discussing emotions and have been looking at the Inside Out characters and thinking about times when we felt a certain emotion.

Finally, in topic work this week we have been discussing the four seasons and brainstormed some of the things that happen in each season.  We went for a walk around the playground with our buddies and had a chat about some of the signs of autumn that we can look out for.  We have been singing this catchy seasons song – take a peek!

P3: Maths Homework Week Beginning 12th September

A big thank-you to Katie  and Mrs Stewart for their kind words  on our class blog. I really like to hear what you have to say about the suggested websites. To show my appreciation I’ve awarded Katie  with a Dojo point.

Either blog back a reply or write an evaluation statement in your jotter.

Maths Challenge 1

Are you a Math Magician?

Maths Challenge 2

Maths Challenge 3

Hundred Square (see jotter)

Successful Learners in P1/2

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1/2 this week for trying your best and working hard.  You are all in the swing of school now and are showing that you can get organised quickly and are ready to learn.

door pic


This week we have been learning two new sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  We have been talking about where in the mouth these sounds are made and have been working hard to hold our pencils properly so that we can form our letters correctly.  Try asking your child to show you the action that goes with the sound and to explain why the sounds are particular colours.  You can check that they are correct by checking the Colourful Consonants document in the useful documents section of the blog.  We have been making the sounds with playdough, writing them in the sand, making crafts that begin with the initial sound and writing these sounds on nexus boards and big paper.  Have a look at us in action!

In maths we have been working on counting backwards and forwards from different numbers, counting out objects accurately, matching and reading number names and  we have learned some rhymes to help us form our numerals to 7 correctly.  We are starting to get really good at it!

We have also started our number talks this week and have been practising the different  hand signals to show when we are thinking of an answer, when we have thought of one or more strategy and when we agree with someone.  We are using these number talks to help us to get better at thinking of and explaining the best way to solve a problem/answer a maths question.

Great job P1/2, keep up the good work!  Try leaving us a comment – we’d love to hear what you think!

What are children’s rights?


Just a reminder to anyone who hasnt heard of the ‘Rights of the Child’

Bankton Primary School is currently a Level One rights respecting school and we are looking to go forward to gain our Level 2 (hopefully sometime this year).  Over the year, all children will be learning more about their rights through lessons, eco week, language week etc.   The idea is that we want to create a respectful, fun, happy and safe place for children to learn in!

                                                                     Where did the ‘Rights of the Child’ come from ?

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and their rights

In 1989, governments across the world promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Here is a link to the poster which explains all the rights …

We also have copies of the rights down at the office for you to take away with you!

Here is a wee video clip which explains a little about the rights of the child.

Article 42

You have the right to know your rights!

Adults should know about these rights and

help you learn about them, too.

Bankton Summer Holiday Family Learning Challenge

Every Day is a Learning Day!!

All children in P1 – P6 will be coming home today with a calendar of challenges to do each day of the holidays.  Each time they complete a challenge (in any order) cross it off, and after the holidays they can bring their sheet to me and receive a reward!  They don’t need to do every challenge, just as many as they can manage.

Good luck!  Have a wonderful holiday and keep learning!

Mrs Sinclair

SfL Teacher