Category Archives: Primary 2

Great Sports Opportunities!


The following sports clubs are currently running from the James Young H.S for primary aged children.

Athletics Club, P4-P7

Fridays – 2.00-3.30pm

Cost – £3 per session. Payable in blocks.

Gymnastics, P1-P7

Tuesdays – 4.00-5.00pm

Cost – £3 per session. Payable in blocks.

If you are interested in any of these classes please email for further information please email: kim.o’

A week in primary 2

This week we have been working very hard to subtract a small number from a bigger number. Some children were even counting up into the thousands! In spelling we learnt new words like ‘sight’, ‘tight’ and ‘high’.

We enjoyed a super performance from Macastory who visited the school this week. They told us excellent Scottish stories and they taught us some Scottish songs.


Sachin: ‘I have learnt some new verbs like ‘to eat’, ‘to row’ and ‘to sail’.’

Ayla: ‘I learnt some new Scottish words like ‘mooth’ which means mouth, ‘lugs’ which means ears, ‘airms’ which means arms and ‘taes’ which means toes’.

Kiernan: ‘I have learnt how to draw a dinosaur using a stencil’.

Aiysha: ‘We learnt that some dinosaurs eat leaves and some don’t eat leaves’.

Izaak: ‘Carnivores are meat eaters. Meat and plant eaters are omnivores. Plant eaters are called herbivores’.

Niamh: ‘I have learnt some names of dinosaurs. I know about the Stegosaurus’.

Cameron A: ‘I learnt that Pterodactyls can fly’.

Kieran: ‘We have been learning to subtract in maths. Also I learnt what a t-rex eats’.


Well done to the class dojo champion Ayla Cowan.

Primary 2 love dinosaurs!

P2 were very excited to find out that our term 3 topic is dinosaurs! We wrote down all of the facts that we already knew about dinosaurs and then decided what we would like to find out about dinosaurs throughout the topic. We created a new dinosaur called Barney on the laptop and started to explore facts about dinosaurs in different parts of the world.

What did we learn this week?

Kiernan: ‘Dinosaurs run very fast’.

Niamh: ‘Some dinosaurs walk on 4 legs and some can walk on 2 legs’.

Tiegan: ‘Some dinosaurs have massive tails’.

Daniel T: ‘I learnt that a verb is a doing word’

Kieran: ‘I learnt to spell ‘ea’ words like ‘tea’, ‘pea’ and ‘scream’.

Maya: ‘I learnt that 5-2=3. Subtracting is fun.’

Leo: ‘I learnt that when you subtract you need to work out the difference between the two numbers’.


Well done to Matthew Watkins who is the P2 star of the week.

Well done to the class dojo champion Kieran Mackie.


Busy start to 2016

P2 had a very relaxing Christmas holiday and are glad to be back at school.

  • We wrote our New Year’s resolutions and made sure we all had the capital letters and full stops in the right place.
  • In maths, we learnt how to take away small numbers from bigger numbers using cubes and sweets.
  • Sachin and Jack learnt how to draw facial features by carefully considering the proportions.
  • Ryan learnt that one type of dinosaur had a head that was the size of a modern car!
  • Daniel learnt to spell ‘beavers’ when writing about his beavers club.


Wonderful work in P1a

Pla have been busy this week learning all about number stories to 2,3 and 4 !

We have been using our fingers to help to reminds ourselves about these facts!!

We have also been doing some wonderful writing and spelling ! We have been challenging ourselves to write words using set 1 and set 2 sounds. Miss Rodford thinks that our spelling is getting much better.

P1a have also been learning all about road safety. We have some top tips to stay safe when crossing the road ….

1. Keep your feet behind the kerb

2. Look left and right

3. Listen for any traffic

4. Hold hands with an adult

5. Cross when you can see it is safe

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This week in P2, we began making our Christmas enterprise products. We had a lot of fun working together in our learning teams. We each have a different elf job in our team.

In class we wrote a description of how to make a christmas mouse. We were learning to use the words ‘first, next, then and finally’ to carefully explain each step.

Niamh enjoyed learning to count to 10 in Mandarin and Ayla learnt the hand signals for Mandarin numbers.

Sachin enjoyed playing cat and mouse in P.E.

Sandee enjoyed making the scrabble craft for our enterprise project.

A lot of children in P2 have tried really hard to be kind friends in the playground this week. Keep up the good work!

Well done to the class dojo champion, Andrew Meechan!

P2/3 Weekly Update

Christmas Enterprise

Today we held a secret ballot in class to choose the winning name for our enterprise project from the following suggestions.

  • Christmas Bits and Bobs – Mrs Sinclair
  • Christmas Carol – Charles
  • Christmas Jingles – Samantha
  • Christmas Enterprise – Regan
  • The White Elf- Josh

Our winning name was ‘Christmas Jingles’ by Samantha.

 Star of the Week

Nicole for handing in money she found in the playground. (Photo to follow)


Class Dojo Champion

Our class champion was Ella with a fantastic total of 36 points. (Photo to  follow)

P2’s busy week

We started our new Christmas Enterprise topic this week. We voted on which products we would like to make and chose a name for our workshop.

We went outside for P.E with P2/3 and had a great time practising our jumping and balancing skills.

A lady from the SSPCA spoke to us about animals and let us try on some safety clothes. We got to test the equipment that is used to help rescue animals.

Kieran: ‘I liked trying on the climbing suit’.

Sarah: ‘I liked when the lady got the puppet out and Cole used the equipment to catch the badger puppet’.

Matthew: ‘ I liked when the lady was talking about different kinds of snakes’.

What have I learned this week?….

Cameron A: ‘ This week I learned how to spell ‘wh’ words like ‘whale’ and ‘wheel’.

Daniel T: ‘I learned how to paint a cherry blossom tree’.

Ayla: ‘I learned about the 4 different seasons: summer, winter, spring and autumn’.


Class dojo champion: Kiernan Hunter

Kiernan dojo

Star of the week: Cameron Coward

cameron star award

P2/3 Weekly Highlights

We had lots of fun in class this week.  At the beginning of the week we had mindset workshops.

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This week we have been revising 2d shape and went on a 2d shape hunt around the playground.

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 Coca-Cola and Mentos Experiment

Our Prediction: the cola would explode

We carried out the experiment which proved our predictions to be correct.  The whole class had lots of fun and I heard words such as ‘awesome’, ‘cool’, ‘fun’ and ‘amazing’ to describe their feelings about the experiment.

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Star of the Week

Lily who has been trying really hard in class, taking part in class discussions and producing lovely work.

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Class Dojo Champions

I’m delighted to say we had a draw in class this week.  Both boys had a fantastic total of 26 points.

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