Category Archives: Primary 1

P1b Update

Last week, P1b were once again working very hard.  We learned the sounds ‘x’ and ‘z’ and made some super foxes and zig-zag crafts.  We are still practising sliding our sounds together to read simple words and keep getting better and better at this!

In maths, some of the boys and girls enjoyed practising their turn taking and counting skills when playing a maths game with Mrs Little.  It was really fun!

During our time in structured play we reinforced our pattern making skills and had lots of fun making patterns in different ways.

Keep up the great work!

P1b Ready for Term 2!

Before the holidays P1b learned some more new sounds.  We learned d,v and g.  We made dinosaurs and designed our own vests and glasses.

We’ve also been working hard to blend our sounds together to begin to read and spell some simple words.  We are getting really good at it!

Look how good we look in our designer glasses!

In maths, we practised our number formation and have been working on writing our numbers correctly and on counting how many altogether.

In structured play we enjoyed making our own shows using the puppet theatre, we read books to each other and enjoyed playing with the money and pretending we were out shopping.

We loved having all our special visitors in the class during our PATPAL event and enjoyed teaching them what we have been learning about money.  It was great fun and was fantastic to see so many of you coming along to join us.  Thank You.

It’s hard to believe that’s term 1 over – keep up the good work in term 2 P1b!

Fantastic Fun in P1b!

In literacy this week we learned the sounds b, h and u.  We have been trying hard to form our sounds correctly and have been blending some sounds together to read and make some simple words.  We’ve also made some things that begin with each of our sounds – bats, hats and umbrellas!

In maths, we have been counting groups of objects and combining them to count how many altogether.  We are getting really good at this and have been using lots of different resources to help us.

In art, we have been using a variety of media to create super seasons pictures.  We are very proud of our fantastic work.

Successful Learners in P1b!

This week in P1b we have been learning some new sounds – o, e and f.  We’ve been making the shape of the sounds with plasticine, writing the sounds, spelling words using our mouthpart boards and making things that begin with the sound.

In maths, we have been learning to recognise the number names to 10 and have been matching these with their numerals.  We have also been learning about all the coins up to £2 and have been counting out money as well as ordering numbers in different ways.

In art ,we used different techniques to begin making fabulous seasons pictures.  We are looking forward to finishing these off next week.

Finally, we enjoyed our time out in the structured play area.  We practised our literacy and numeracy skills by writing some of our sounds in the right colours and spelling out some simple words using our magnetic letters.  We also played some fun games on the iPads to reinforce our maths skills and we drew pictures of living things at the art table.

Owl Babies in P1b

Yesterday in class we were using our art skills to make our own baby owls.  We used torn up paper to make the owl head and body shape and stuck on eyes, a beak and some feet.  They are so cute and we can’t wait to put them up on our owl babies display!

In maths we had a go at number talks.  This is where we look at a problem/question and have a think about what we think the answer is.  We then share our answers and talk about how we worked it out so that we can find the most efficient strategies.  There are some hand signals that go along with number talks and we are looking forward to using these again next week.  The hand signals mean I am thinking, I have a strategy and I agree!  Can your child show you the correct hand signals?

Last Friday, P1b were awarded ‘Sammy the Sloth’ which is a reward for being the class who brought in the most healthy snacks during the week.  Well done boys and girls!

Lots of Fun in P1b

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1b.  You have settled into school life really well and are all working so hard.

On Monday we practised our listening skills in the small hall and enjoyed moving around the hall in different ways.

In literacy this week we have learned about the sounds p, a and t.  We have been learning how to form the sounds correctly and have been thinking of some words that begin with these sounds.  Connor enjoyed writing the ‘t’ sound using our reminder ‘down the tower, out the tower then across the tower!’

In writing, we read the story ‘Six Dinner Sid’ and thought about our favourite dinner.  The children drew detailed pictures and wrote about their best dinners.  Patrycja enjoyed using her sounds to write her story about her favourite dinner-  pizza.

In maths, we practised ordering numbers, forming our numbers correctly and even had a go at reading the number names from 0-5.  Everyone enjoyed playing the splat the number name game at the teach table!

On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed lots of different activities in the structured play area.  We were being creative at the art table, sorting pictures showing different emotions,  (joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear) reading in the library corner, completing number jigsaws, building with the construction, playing with the dolls houses and dressing up in the role-play area.  It was great fun!

We also had fun in the school library and can’t wait until the computer is fixed so that we can scan a book out and take it home!

Keep up the good work boys and girls. Looking forward to next week!

Teddy Bears Picnic

To end this year the nursery children had a teddy bears picnic and they invited the primary 1 children to join them. We did lots of teddy dancing and even teddy throwing.  This was a nice way to end the year as Mrs Morrell is retiring and Mrs Ramos is leaving for university to study primary teaching. Primary 6 and 4/5 even made Mrs Morrell’s day by performing a flash mob for her. We are sure that both Mrs Morrell and Mrs Ramos will have an exciting time ahead of them and will always remember the children at Bankton Nursery.

Delightful Den Building with P1 and P1/2

P1/2 and P1 enjoyed some time out in the playground together this afternoon and worked on their sharing and co-operation skills to work together in small groups to build a den.  This was our first time using the den building equipment and the children all worked together to problem solve and build dens that they could sit inside.  Take a look at us in action!

P1/2 Weekly News!

Last week P1/2 enjoyed an exciting eco week.  On Monday, we learned all about worms! We had Joanne visit us with her wormery.  We found out that worms are good at recycling and they even make compost.  We enjoyed working in groups to create the life cycle of a caterpillar before our trip to see ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ later in the week.

We also learnt about the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and even designed some new bag ideas for ASDA!

On Thursday, we went to see the performance of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and it was amazing!  Mrs Lloyd was very impressed and we all thoroughly enjoyed our trip and represented Bankton Primary really well!

On Friday, we performed our P1 assembly to our families and spoke with confidence and with our big loud, clear voices.  We shared lots of our learning that we have done this year and look forward to telling the nursery children and their parents about this on Wednesday!