Category Archives: Nursery

Big School Bird Watch

This week we submitted our results to The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds annual research.

Last Thursday afternoon and Friday morning the nursery children visited the Lanthorn woods and recorded the birds they observed.

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The children identified Pigeon, Blue Tits, Blackbirds, Starling and Gulls .

Outside Water Play

As the weather has been slightly better this week some of the nursery children had the chance to play with our new water toys outside.

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They were able to observe the different speeds the water traveled down the wooden channels in to a bucket at the bottom.

Nursery Celebrations!

We have been learning about more celebrations from around the world.

On the 25th of January we dressed in tartan for burns night and even enjoyed a burns supper at snack time.  We were delighted that many of the children tasted their haggis, neeps and tatties and were able to explain their likes and dislikes to us.

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This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year.  We know that it is the year of the monkey and that red is a lucky colour in China.  We used our cutting skills to make lanterns to decorate the nursery and our folding skills to make money envelopes like the ones children will get during the New Year celebrations.  We had a special chinese snack on Monday and some of us created our own dragon dances in music.  We really enjoyed trying to use chopsticks to lift different things in the nursery too.

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This morning some nursery children went to feed the ducks at the Lanthorn Pond


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We then walked round the pond and are beginning to notice the different birds.

The children noticed the new play park which we will continue to keep an eye on.

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Great Sports Opportunities!


The following sports clubs are currently running from the James Young H.S for primary aged children.

Athletics Club, P4-P7

Fridays – 2.00-3.30pm

Cost – £3 per session. Payable in blocks.

Gymnastics, P1-P7

Tuesdays – 4.00-5.00pm

Cost – £3 per session. Payable in blocks.

If you are interested in any of these classes please email for further information please email: kim.o’

Icy Fun in Nursery

Yesterday some of us wrapped up and went into the nursery garden to play in the snow.  They noticed that the water in the water tray had frozen and that the birds had left footprints in the snow (before the boys and girls left theirs!).

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To extend this activity we brought some of the ice into the nursery to play with.


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They managed to get some of the stones out of it and used them to help break the ice up.

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Here are some of the children’s comments.

“It’s frozen water” – Chloe

“You have to carry it in a bucket or your hand will be cold” – Suman

“It’s so cold and slippery” – Marley

“Ice is frozen outside” – Noah

“The water is freezing” – Neve

“It is cold because it came from the ground” – Jenna

“It’s lots of different sizes” – Kayla (after it had been broken up)



Today we noticed that all of the ice had melted.  Nathan B. said it was because it is warm in the nursery.

We were pleased to see that there was more ice outside for us to use again!

Hopefully we will be able to make our own ice soon!  Watch this space!!