Successful Learners in P1b!

This week in P1b we have been learning some new sounds – o, e and f.  We’ve been making the shape of the sounds with plasticine, writing the sounds, spelling words using our mouthpart boards and making things that begin with the sound.

In maths, we have been learning to recognise the number names to 10 and have been matching these with their numerals.  We have also been learning about all the coins up to £2 and have been counting out money as well as ordering numbers in different ways.

In art ,we used different techniques to begin making fabulous seasons pictures.  We are looking forward to finishing these off next week.

Finally, we enjoyed our time out in the structured play area.  We practised our literacy and numeracy skills by writing some of our sounds in the right colours and spelling out some simple words using our magnetic letters.  We also played some fun games on the iPads to reinforce our maths skills and we drew pictures of living things at the art table.

National Poetry Day!

On Thursday it was National Poetry Day and to celebrate this we wrote our own poems based on Autumn. We had of rhyming couplets which linked to Autumn.

In our topic work, we were learning about the light bulb. We found out that Thomas Edison didn’t invent it but he improved it.

In maths, we were learning how to layout out column addition and how to carry the tens and units. Mrs Stewart and Mrs Ferguson came to see what we were doing and they were very impressed with our knowledge.

Also, it was National Language Day on Wednesday and we learnt how to say ‘hello’ in different languages. We also learnt how to count up to 20 in French.


What a busy week!

Chloe: today we were movie stars. We were filmed doing super maths.

Logan: we made number bond chains by adding 2 chains together and we wrote the sum on the chain.

Well done to P2/3 for being fantastic super stars when West Lothian Council were filming us today for the COSLA awards.

Caleb: we read ‘Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus’ and we wrote our own poems to finish the story.

Brooklyn: we coloured in dinosaurs from the Dinosaurumpus story. Some were colourful and some had zig zags on them.

Taiba: we painted a large T-rex and Brachiosaurus for our dinosaur wall.

Conor: we wrote a book review about a book from our library.

Connor: We were spelling out our words and we wrote them on the boards. I spelt cat, mat, man and mum.



We made our healthy heart posters telling us different things we can do to keep our hearts healthy. Things like dancing, trampolining, jogging and eating fruits and vegetables. WE continued to practice our number bonds to ten and some of us even tried number bonds to 20 or 100! We had a visitor on Monday, Mrs. Davidson, who told us how different parts of the body help with speech. In writing we did poems about our senses, making little riddles about where we were. We played an exciting game of domes and dishes in PE.