Healthy Eating in Primary One

As part of the day for change activities, Primary One found out more about healthy eating and why we need to eat the right things. We made super healthy eating plates and designed our own superheros to help others.

In maths, we carried on working on our adding skills and have been talking about different adding strageties we knew e.g using a number line, counting on etc. We also started to learn about measuring different items using cubes !

On Thursday afternoon, we went for a walk to the Lanthorn Centre to visit Darren at the Church. We learnt all about what a Baptism is!

The babies wear a white dress – Kyle

The babies get a speical certficate – Mason

Have a lovely long weekend Primary One!!

P4/5 Slippers in school

P4/5 have decided to wear slippers in school. We got this idea from Newsround.

This is the link of the video we watched.

We thought of this idea so we all decided to go and talk to Mrs Stewart. P4/5 are trialling this for the week and then we will report back to Mrs Stewart this week. Then we might extend the trial for the whole of Bankton if Mrs Stewart says it is okay.

Written by Brooke, Erin, Carlos, Morgan and Zoe.img_0268

The team – we like wearing our slippers in school!

Day for Change!

The RRS team would like to say a big thank you to everyone who brought money in for our ‘Day for Change’ . Everyone enjoyed learning about nutrition and how their money would help other people!

We raised £201.88p !!!! A huge amount!!

We will be able to help alot of children to get the help they need to be healthy!!

Well done!!




Your Parent Council Needs You!

Bankton is very fortunate to have a vibrant parent council who work hard to provide resources and events for all of our children.

They also run coffee mornings, Book Fair and Credit Union and will always welcome new members to help.

If you would like to help in any way at all, please contact a member of the Parent Council.

Documents informing all parents about the Parent Council and what they do for the school community have been uploaded to the Parent Council page. Please find time to check these out.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, 8th Feb at 6.30pm, where new members will be welcome.

A Day for Change in P2/3

Along with the rest of the school we took part in UNICEF’s Day for Change today.

After assembly we looked at the Eatwell plate to find out about the different food groups.  We know that a healthy diet comes from all of the different food groups and that not every child in the world is able to have all of the different foods.  With a partner we sorted lots of foods into the different food groups.

After hearing a bit more about the work UNICEF does we invented our own superhero to help change the world.  We had some very thoughtful superpowers.

Daniel’s superhero is able to make money to give to the people who don’t have much.

Yixuan’s superhero has the power to make water clean.

Sandee’s superhero was able to plant seeds and water them to create food for those who need it.

Andrew’s superhero helps children feel better.

We have learned lots about UNICEF today!

PATPAL and our learning throughout the week

Thank you so much to all of our adults who visited P2 during our PATPAL morning. We loved having you in class to show off our learning in maths.

We are learning to count ‘groups of’ and some of us are able to work out the matching multiplication sum too!

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P2 loved the ‘perseverance’ workshop with Darren on Thursday. We found some of the activities a challenge but we used our growth mindsets to keep trying and we never gave up!

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We looked at the soldiers uniform as part of our Romans topic and wrote an application form to be a Roman soldier. We used super capital letters and full stops during our writing. Well done Ben for writing the reasons that he would be a great soldier to convince the reader to hire him! P2 did very well to support each other to make their writing even better during peer marking time, super work!


I loved hearing all of the Scottish poems in class this week and well done to our winner Lauren for using excellent actions during her poem.

Come and Play Week

This week parents had the opportunity to visit the nursery to spend time with their children in nursery and find out what they like to do in their time here.

Many parents enjoyed joining in with various activities their children participate in.

Some parent’s comments-

” Loved Gym time. Great experience for us and seeing the confidence of the kids. Thanks.”

“Really enjoyed Music, nice to see what the kids get up to and learn about their topics.”

“Great to see him interact with all the other kids. Showed me round all his favourite things.”

“Had a great day learning French!”

“Had a lovely time. love how much you interact with the kids. Great job.”

Good Learners in P1/2

A big thank you to all the parents and families who were able to attend our I count PATPAL morning (Pupils as Teachers, Parents as Learners). P1/2 were delighted to have you there and enjoyed teaching you all about what we have been learning in maths.

During maths this week we have been practising identifying all the coins up to £1 and have been working on using money to buy different items and make different values.  We have been impressing Mrs Lloyd with our independent work and also with our pattern making!

In P.E. this week the boys and girls enjoyed gymnastics with Mr Muldoon.  Here are some action shots!  Mr Muldoon is very impressed with the gymnastic skills!

As part of our growth mindset work we have been discussing what makes a good learner.  Look at our great ideas!



In literacy this week we worked in groups to look for and highlight some different types of writing within a text.  The children worked very well together in groups and managed to find some different looking text which they later found out was called bold and italic writing.  We played a silly game to help us learn these words and are ready to look out for bold and italic text in our reading and library books.

Finally, after reading Jack and the Beanstalk, the boys and girls came up with the idea of growing their own beanstalks.  Here are some photos of them planting the seeds – we can’t wait to see if they grow!

Well done boys and girls and please help me to remember to water the seeds next week!

A super PATPAL morning

Miss Rodford would like to thank all the parents and families who came to our icount PATPAL morning. Primary One were able to show off all our super learning in maths. We were doing lots of adding and counting!

In week in maths, we have been concentrating using money to buy different items and looked at how we could make different values to !

We have also been thinking about what makes a good learner …

We try hard – Sarah

We listen to our teacher – Hannah

We never give up – Rosie

On Thursday, we planted some magic beans … I wonder how big they will grow !!!

Super work this week Primary One!

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Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Firstly the children listened to the story of how the Chinese years were named. At music the participated in the Dragon dance  and played musical instruments to Chinese music. They also had a lovely snack with some Prawn Crackers to go along with it.