Even although the children were in school for only three and a half days this week – they have managed to fit in so many things!
They were a super audience for the cast of Robin Hood in the pantomime which made everyone laugh out loud, they have been practising the French phrases of the week and have also learned how to say hello and goodbye in Mandarin. The children were also given the chance to hold and pass round Chinese paper craft and to try on some traditional Chinese masks.
P.E. was a highlight this week as four students from West Lothian College came and worked with the class. The children demonstrated super listening skills and thoroughly enjoyed this and are now very much looking forward to the next three weeks working with the college students.
In literacy, we played a fun game where we picked out and said three sounds from the bag and then we had to try and make a word and decide if the word we made was a real word or a nonsense word!
The Halloween disco was a big hit with all the children and caused a lot of excitement this week. Happy Halloween everyone!