Busy week in P1a

We have been busy learning about how to keep ourselves clean. We have been thinking about washing our hands to help keep germs away.

We have also been thinking about keeping our bodies clean by having a bath and using soap to wash the dirt away. The children had a go at washing a baby and did a great job!!


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You have to wash the babies arms to get the germs off ‘ Robbie

You have to use soap to get the dirt off ‘ Charlie’

We have also been creating super Autumn leaves pictures ! Have a look at what we created !!

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Friends Around the World Thursday Club

Welcome to our ‘Friends Around the World Thursday Club!’

Each week we have a lunch time club on a Thursday for our children who have come from different parts of the globe with English as an additional language. We support each other and have lots of fun playing and learning English together.

Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about colours, and today we decorated some colourful biscuits to eat! They were yummy!!


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Fancy joining us for a spooky meal?

Primary 6 were so lucky to spend a whole day with visiting experts from the National Gallery of Scotland. We examined some famous paintings and brainstormed our ideas about the stories within them. We used our senses and tried to describe what it would be like to jump in the paintings.

We then used objects to help us bring our thinking alive! Can you spot them all?

We worked in groups to create a spooky scene and to do this we used different art techniques. It was great fun!


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Update on Primary 5a!

Primary 5 have been extremely busy, working hard on our topic-Wish You Were Here…– We are learning about Scotland’s landscapes and how they were formed. So far, we have learned about how rivers and mountains were formed and have used internet research and note taking skills to help us to learn. We have made a model river with tissue paper, which we have clearly labelled. We have created beautiful paintings of these landscapes too.

Our new science topic this term is life on Earth and this week we have been learning why it is important to classify living things.  We looked at lots of pictures of animals and discussed how we could classify these. We looked at the characteristics that could be used to classify dogs if we had to explain this to an alien visiting our planet!


During RME we have been researching famous saints and exploring the stories of how they were given this title. So far we have used drama and art to summarise the main points of these stories. We will be moving on to consider what qualities are important to be considered a good person and consider who would qualify as a modern day saint.

Please keep checking the blog to follow our learning!


Mrs Lough & P5a

Building in the nursery

Over the last week we have been looking at building and construction.  Some of the children went for a walk and saw the building work near the Lanthorn park and wondered what was happening.  They went to ask in the Lanthorn and we are beginning to talk about the different plans they have.  We will let you know when we know more!



Our colour of the week this week is blue.  We have been using blue paint in our art activities and are looking forward to wearing our jeans on Thursday (p.m. group) and Friday (a.m. group) for Jeans for Genes day.  We are also joining the rest of the school by taking part in  ‘walk your wigs off’ on those days too.  What a busy week!



Structured Play Fun

P1b worked very hard in the structured play area this afternoon.  They were reading in the library, getting creative at the art area, ordering numbers, playing with the dolls houses and role-playing in the house corner.  The children were linking their learning from health this week and when they were preparing food in the house corner they were remembering to wash their hands thoroughly first!

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Meet the Teacher Evening

Reminder to all Parents and Carers –


Our Meet The Teacher Evening will be held tonight in the Great Hall at 7pm.

At the meeting you will hear about our priorities for the year ahead and how you can be partners in your child’s learning.

There will also be special features on 1+2 Modern Languages and Keeping Young Children safe Online.

Documents mentioned at the meeting will be uploaded to our useful documents page, here on the BLOG.

Look forward to seeing you tonight!