Jeans for Genes

The nursery have been very busy as we have joined in with ‘Walk your Wig Off’ and have been fundraising for Jeans for Genes.  We are proud to announce that we raised £60.70 and would like to thank all of the nursery families for all of their support.100_7957 - Copy        100_6219100_6217 100_6216


Primary 3 along with the rest of the school had great FUN doing the wig walk!

We are enjoying the new Golden Time going into different groups and getting involved in various activities.

Louise said she had FUN completing the 3D wedding cake challenge.

We are looking forward to the long weekend. Miss Henderson is looking forward to a long lie on Monday!

Wig Walk

Today, the whole school went on a wig walk to raise money for Jak’s Den.  We had lots of fun and even the swans tried to get in on the action!

Lauren liked counting and flying like a bird with her buddies during the walk, Paul enjoyed finding the signs of autumn with his buddy, Olivia liked looking at the leaves that had fallen down and Tyler liked kicking the fallen leaves.

Have a look at some of our pictures.

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