SJHS Sports Day Videos and PE Memories 2020 – 2021

Mrs Smith and Mr Kerr have created some wonderful videos and SWAY presentations for parents, carers and pupils to enjoy.  Happy viewing!

P7 Sports Day

P6 Sports Day

P5 Sports Day (P56)

P5 Sports Day (P45)

P4 Sports Day

P3 Sports Day

P2 Sports Day

P1Sports Day

SJHS PE Lockdown Memories
Go to this Sway

Password is SJHSsports2021

P45 Relaxing during Sports Day Events
Go to this Sway

Password is SJHSp452021


P123 Sports Day & PE Memories
Go to this Sway


Password is SJHSp1232021





S4 Study classes

Chemistry revision :   Tuesday  3.45pm  –  4.45pm

Physics revision :   Tuesday  3.40pm  –  4.30pm

Geography revision :   Thursday 3.40pm  –  4.30pm

Pick-Up and Drop-Off at the school

For all parents/carers,

Following my letter to all parents and discussions at the Parent Council meeting this week I would like to share with you this message on behalf of the Parent Council and School.

We are also looking at possible longer term solutions to some of the issues around parking and safety at the main junction to the school. I would ask for your support with these new measures and contacting the PC with testimonials and possible solutions.



Stuart Clubb


“The Parent Council discussed child safety, at drop off/pick up time, at last night’s meeting.

The following points were raised: The PC will write to Helen Budge, SIC head of Education to bring our worries to the attention of the Local Authority.

The PC will work with the school to push for a long term solution to this ongoing problem, inviting the SIC Roads Dept, Sandwick Community Council & the Police to have input to find a solution.

The PC would be delighted to hear from any parent/guardian who has a testimonial regarding near misses between cars, bikes, walkers etc, please get in touch. This will strengthen our case for change.

The following suggestions came up at the meeting to assist in the short term:

  1. For those cars parking along the road, when arriving at the school, could all drivers please drive past the school, around the roundabout & park cars heading back out the school road. This hopefully will reduce congestion & increase safety
  2. Those drivers who park in the bus drop off area are reminded to reverse park so they do not have to reverse on to the main road when departing.
  3. Please exercise extra caution when approaching & departing the junction between school road & the main East/West Sandwick road, this tends to be a bottle neck when bairns are crossing from one pavement to the next.
  4. Please be very careful of bairns trying to cross the road who are arriving from across the field at Houlland
  5. All drivers are reminded that the Sandwick JHS is in a “Twenty is plenty” 20mph zone during drop off & pick up times.

The PC can be contacted on our Facebook Page, or via email

Thanks very much.”



South Mainland Virtual Sports Day

I hope you are all getting excited about our annual sports day? Please click on the GREEN – South Mainland Virtual Sports Day. There is nothing to stop us from enjoying this annual event. We can do this. The  focus will be on FUN and involving as many of the FAMILY as possible.

All we need is:-

1 A fine day  (picked by the children)

2 An organiser (children’s responsibility);

3  Equipment (children’s responsibility);

4 Picnic Food (children’s responsibility)

5 Music (picked and set up by the children)

The Powerpoint Presentation in GREEN above, shows your children how to host their own sports day so that you, the adults, can sit back and watch them and RELAX. After they have finished their 10 selected events, the children then prepare a PICNIC for you and them to ENJOY whilst relaxing music is playing in the back ground. It’s not finished yet, then children organise an obstacle course for anybody to join in safely. Adapt the course for different ages and abilites and strengths. Last of all, the children CREATE their own race / event and adapt it so everyone can join in, adapting it where necessary.

There will be a certificate for all who took part including family. There will be certificates for the funniest  photos, happiest group, best obstacle course, best event created and BEST PICNIC. Please send to me on

Guess who has to tidy up? Yes you are right, the children have to tidy up the equipment and the picnic. There is one last important part to be done:-

Fill in the SCORE SHEET and the REFLECTION SHEET in your child’s Class Notebook in the HWB pupil section in TEAMS.

I am looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the sports days that took place and the memories created.

Thank you for reading this, Mrs Joan Smith PE Teacher

Art Competition

One of SJHS’s potential Employer Partners, Shetland Space Centre, is running an exciting competition for 5-18 year old Shetland residents.

The winner of a children’s competition for the best drawing or painting on the theme of Shetland and space will secure a trip for two to Cape Canaveral.

The contest for local children between the ages of five and 18 has been organised by Shetland Space Centre, which is developing plans for a vertical rocket launch site and ground station in Unst.

“We know that Shetland is blessed with great artistic ability among young folk, and this is an opportunity for you to show off your skills,” said Shetland Space Centre administrator Carol Duncan.

“There is an exciting prize for the winner – a trip to Cape Canaveral in Florida with your dad or mum or guardian when the Covid-19 lockdown is over.

The entries, on the theme of Shetland and space, will be judged by a panel comprised of Graeme Howell, chief executive of Shetland Arts, Unst artist Pat Cerasale, Ms Duncan and Yvette Hopkins, SSC director of Shetland operations.

Entries should be scanned and emailed in PDF or JPG format to along with the child’s name, parent or guardian’s name, address and contact telephone number. The closing date is Monday 24th August.

A selection of the artworks will be displayed on the SSC website.

The prize will consist of flights for two from Shetland to Orlando, seven nights’ accommodation, car rental, tours of the Kennedy Space Centre and Cape Canaveral Nature Reserve and Disney tickets. Dates will be agreed depending on availability.

Good luck!


Please find below the ebook created by the young people of SJHS secondary department.  Each page has been created by a different student and holds their thoughts on how best to nurture health and wellbeing during these challenging times. There are loads of wonderful ideas and they are testament to the thoughtfulness and resilience of our young people: stronger together, reaching high!

How to Stay Healthy and Happy During Lockdown

Reflections Week

Please find our offer of Health and Wellbeing activities during Reflections Week.
The focus for this week would be for families to turn off Glow and concentrate on exploring outside, spending time together and looking after everyone’s wellbeing.  This is a very challenging time and we would like to reduce the pressure on our families. 


Please record your week with photographs and send them to or tag us on Twitter at @SandwickJHS with the #ReflectionsWeek.  We will create a video illustrating all of the wonderful things you have done over the course of the week. 
Reflections Week 2020

S4 Students moving to S5 in AHS

Monday 04 May 2020: AHS Learning Packs for new S5/6

Teachers at AHS are writing an S5/6 Home Learning Pack for you at the moment. This will be posted to all pupils moving into S5 and S6, junior high and AHS, by Monday 04 May. The pack will have some tasks to try each week in May, to help your child think about the five courses they will be studying in June.

How will your child be supported in May 2020?

The Home Learning Packs will have email addresses for AHS teachers, if you need any advice during May. You and your child can also contact myself on or and I will help in any way I can such as getting in touch with AHS teachers on your child’s behalf. If you need any materials for your child’s home learning in May, please let me know and I can arrange for you to get what you need locally.

What will happen in June 2020?

By the time Monday 01 June comes, the staff at AHS will know your AHS timetable, classes and subject teachers. They will then be able to set up Microsoft Teams for each class and begin learning and teaching more formally.

Change of plans?

If your child has changed their mind about moving to AHS for S5, please speak with myself, Mrs Harpe, and I will let AHS know as soon as possible. Alternatively you can all AHS direct on 01595 808008. If your child was never intending to go to AHS in S5 you don’t have to do anything here.