

Ms Marie May

Welcome to Maths

S1 and S2 maths are mixed ability classes, following theĀ Broad General Education (BGE).

In S3, pupils are split into two classes: Level 3 and Level 4, and then work towards their National 3, 4 and National 5 Awards in S4.

Every opportunity is taken to encourage pupils to work to the best of their ability. In S1 & S2, we have a weekly Maths Challenge lesson where pupils can work towards the Junior UKMT Team Challenge and UKMT Individual Challenge or work on consolidating their numeracy.

Sandwick JHS have been the regular winners of the Shetland Region Junior UKMT Team Challenge for the last 6 years!

Supported Study

Wednesday: 3.40pm – 5pm


Useful Links

National 3

National 4

National 5