Being Kind to Others

Primary 1 have been talking about showing kindness to others and have begun to think about ways we can do this. We are going to try and be kind and helpful to  each other in the classroom, cloakroom and in the playground.

We think it is important to speak nicely to each other using kind voices and words. We are going to try hard to remember to say please, thank you and excuse me when working together.

We wanted to do something to make each other happy, so today we each made a friendship bracelet for someone else in the class.

Threading carefully to make our bracelets.

Saying thank you to our friends.

We were very pleased with our bracelets.

Hands of Friendship

Have a great October break!

We had a great end to a busy week making our leafy lions! In the virtual assembly this week Mrs Wilson spoke about courage, one of Kingsland’s four values, and read us a story about a lion and a mouse. We spoke about how there are some things we feel brave about and some things we feel nervous about and need to have courage.

To make our lions we went for a walk around the school grounds and collected leaves in autumnal colours. Sycamore leaves were our favourite lion shade. We mixed orange and yellow paint to find the right shade, painted paper plates and then glued on the leaves, eyes and nose.

In phonics this week we learned the l and u sounds and are doing a great job of putting all the sounds together to make short words. We’re also becoming more familiar with the Oxford Reading Tree characters and key words like ‘and’.

In numeracy we’ve been looking at the different ways to make ten, practising writing our numbers the right way and have been using the language more, less, bigger, smaller and in between.

Have a great break and see you on 19th!


Reading picturebooks

We’re shadowing the UKLA book awards, which means we have the exciting role of reviewing the shortlisted books and then voting for our favourite. We’ve read all of the picturebooks and are now re-reading them and carrying out related activities.

First we looked at Mixed by Arree Chung, a colourful picturebook where blue, red and yellow stop living separately and ‘mix’. We talked about how we’re all different and this makes us interesting. Then we painted our own characters. We learned about the primary colours and then mixed them to come up with some creative shades, including fiery orange, midnight purple and evergreen green among many others. We then added black pen detail to bring our characters to life.

Today for our friendship topic we looked more closely at Lubna and Pebble. In the book Lubna gives her pebble to her friend who is sad when she has to leave. We painted pebbles with smiley faces and gave them to our friends. We said if we’re missing our friends in the October holidays we can look at our pebble, or like Lubna, we could even speak to it!

Learning to Read

In P1 we have been putting our sounds together to make words. We use our fingers to help us, each time we say/hear a sound we put up a finger. We have been talking  about words with the same sounds rhyming. Mrs Collins helped us to build a sentence,  using finger spaces between each word. We then pointed to each word as we read back what we had written.


Investigating in P2/1

What a busy week!

We started the week by taking a walk outside to be nature detectives and look for signs of autumn. We looked at the colour of the leaves, talked about which trees were changing colour first and even spotted a squirrel jumping from tree to tree! Photos by Isabella, Amber and Macaulay.

On Tuesday we had a virtual assembly which we watched from our classroom. We found out more about the school values and looked more closely at the Kingsland badge.

In health and wellbeing we’re continuing to talk lots about being a good friend. We drew around Isabelle, coloured our person in and then labelled it with what we think a good friend does.

We’re also continuing to talk about whether different scenarios are a big deal or a little deal. We agreed that losing our pencil is a little deal, but falling off our bike and banging our head is a bigger deal!

In literacy, we’ve learned the ‘g’ and ‘o’ sounds this week, making a ‘g’ goat and an ‘o’ octopus, and are continuing to put the sounds together to blend words. We’re continuing to develop our fine motor skills with lots of cutting, threading pasta and being creative with playdough. We also told stories about a time we were scared and made plasticine faces to show our emotions.

In numeracy, this week we’ve been focusing on the number ten. We’ve been counting out 10 items and then investigating what we can make with ten straws, cubes or blocks. We made a unicorn fairy, some of our names, houses and from Brooke a bench, two side tables and a gate!

We’re also reading lots of picturebooks for our very special role – more to follow next week.

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