Last week we were learning about the er sound. The class have completed magnetic whiteboard activities, have been reading and writing words containing the er sound and have had opportunities to revise sounds we have learned previously. The children also enjoyed consolidating their learning through engaging with a range of activities as seen below:
The children had to draw around the cracker template, cut out the cracker shape and decorate it with colourful paper.
The children had a lot of fun creating, watching and performing stories in our finger puppet theatre!
One of our most popular activities this week was drawing and labelling some traffic lights with the words red, amber and green.
Many of the children enjoyed drawing some mermaids under the sea!
Here are some of the words which you can make, say, write and draw:
her, herb, kerb, herd, fern advert, sherbet, person, mermaid, faster, under, over etc.