Cheesy Talks with the Teachers

So for this week’s instalment, we have the lovely Miss Bateman.

Cheesy Question:

What would you be if you weren’t a teacher?

Cheesy Answer:

I would not be anything else if I was not a teacher.

Cheesy Question:

What’s your favourite food?

Cheesy Answer:


Cheesy Question:

Do you love you job?

Cheesy Answer:

I absolutely love my job. I love the identity of the school and our values. Everybody feels included here.

Cheesy Question:

What’s your favourite colour?

Cheesy Answer:


Cheesy Question:

What scares you?

Cheesy Answer:

Creepy dolls

Cheesy Question:

What would you teach if you didn’t teach English?

Cheesy Answer:

I would teach history.


Reporter: Frankie Forrester

Cheesy Talks with the Teachers

Welcome back  to Cheesy Talks with the Teachers.  This week we’ve been busy interviewing Mrs Harvey, Miss Bateman and Dr Malcolm.

First up Mrs Harvey who is a a Pupil Support and Chemistry teacher.

Cheesy Question:   What job would you be in if you weren’t a teacher?

Cheesy Answer:      If I was in any other job I would probably be a waitress or a bar tender.

Cheesy Question:   What scares you?

Cheesy Answer:      I am very scared of spiders.

Cheesy Question: What subject would you teach if you weren’t teaching chemistry?

Cheesy Answer:      If I had to teach any other subject it would be maths or art”

Cheesy Question:   Do you like your job?

Cheesy Answer:      Oh great I love my job –  meeting new faces and the fact that no two days are the same.

Reporters: Hannah McIntyre and Precious Reid

What’s it like being in S6?

We asked some S6 pupils what it’s like to be the oldest in the school.

Morgan: It’s ok.  You don’t do anything during free periods apart from sit down and study. It’s quite stressful during exams and prelims. It’s quite boring because of the amount of studying that we do in S6. It’s good getting to know the younger pupils.  It’s a good bonding experience.

Zara: It’s quite different from all the other years and you have more priorities. There’s a bit more pressure because you’re thinking about your future.  It’s a bit more sad and exciting because you’re leaving at the end of the year.

Reporters: Caroline Smith, Chantelle Tennant, Caral Smith and Cameron McAulay

Easter School Arrangements – 2018

Easter school at Chryston this year will run between  Tuesday 3rd – Friday 6th April 2018.  It will operate between 8.55am and 12.30pm on each of these days.

Over 20 courses/levels are being offered during this session’s Easter school.  The members of the teaching staff providing this additional support are doing so on a completely voluntary basis.

We would ask you to encourage your child/children to attend Easter school if/when appropriate.  There are a variety of options available over the course of the four mornings and S4 – S6 pupils can opt to attend particular sessions that are relevant to them.  Pupils do not need to stay the whole morning but should instead choose the options and times that are available/suited to them and their studies.  Pupils must arrange their own transport to and from school.

Further information  regarding the Easter School options can be found by clicking on the link below:

Easter School Options Form 2018

This information has been shared with pupils at a recent assembly and if any further information is required they should see a member of the senior management team.

Furthermore, we would like to wish each of our pupils every success in their upcoming SQA exams next term.  We know that in working in partnership with you they will be encouraged and supported to do their very best.

Groupcall Messenger Attendance

The earlier problem with our messaging service has been resolved.  The registers were completed but the attendance would not transfer to the text messaging service.  As a result, we could not notify parents of absences period 1 today.  The issues were with the company who provide the service.

Cheesy Talks with the Teachers

Cheesy Talks with the Teachers is a series of interviews in which S1 pupils ask teachers some cheesy questions and get even cheesier answers.

In our interview with Mr Mitchell he answered our cheesy questions.

Cheesy Question:       What’s your favourite colour?

Cheesy Answer:          My favourite colour is red.

Cheesy Question:       What’s your favourite car?

Cheesy Answer:          My favourite car is a Bentley or a Rolls Royce.

Cheesy Question:       What’s your favourite movie?

Cheesy Answer:          My favourite movie is Shawshank Redemption and/or Green Mile.

Mr Mitchell also told us (very cheese-ily) that he feels very privileged and proud to be head teacher of Chryston High School. He also told us that he has plans to improve the school even further.


Reporters:       Frankie Forrester            Max Green          Greg Trainer

Chryston and District Community Showcase

On 22nd March 2018, there will be a Community Showcase event held in the school between 5pm and 9pm.  All local businesses, sports clubs, churches, charities and any other organisations in the area have been invited to tell people about what they have to offer.  The aim of the event is to boost the community and to get more people to use local businesses and clubs, as it is a great chance for you to find out about the fantastic range of goods and services offered by your local businesses.  If you are interested in taking up a sport, joining a club such as the Guides, volunteering or want to find out about useful businesses, then please come along.  There will be tea, coffee and home-baking available throughout the night, and everyone is welcome.

Please click on the Facebook link for further information. 


National cycling award for Chryston High School

Congratulations to all our staff and pupils on achieving cycle-friendly status in recognition of their efforts to support and encourage cycling to school.


The national Cycle Friendly Secondary School Award recognises schools, teachers and volunteers committed to increasing cycling at school.

The award has been developed by Cycling Scotland with the aim of promoting cycling to school as a pleasant, healthy and economical travel choice.

Ross Sweeney, Active Schools Co-ordinator – Chryston cluster, explains: “A few years ago we received funding from Education Scotland and bought 30 mountain bikes.

“More recently we have integrated cycling into the PE curriculum and all PE staff are trained Cycle Trainer Assistants (CTA’s).

“As well as this we have been running an after-school bike club and we also have a bike maintenance course.  I have also trained up senior pupils who as part of the sports leaders course to be CTA’s.

“As we have done so much relating to cycling over the past couple of years we decided to apply for this award, which we are delighted to have achieved.  Hopefully we can continue to build on this by encouraging even more pupils to cycle to school.”

Cllr Frank McNally, Convener of Education, added: “I’d like to congratulate everyone associated with the school on their commitment to promoting cycling. Pupils and staff should be very proud of securing this national award.”

Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park is an IDL project .  We took part in an orienteering event in Drumpellier Park. This is what we did in the three subjects involved in the project.

Home Economics

In Home Economics, we made leak and potato soup, filled rolls and healthy flap jacks. It was fun making the food and we liked working together to make our first meal in S1. The food gave us energy to keep us going throughout the course. The food was easy to make and was nice to eat. Our teachers thought we did well working together to make the meal and they thought we worked more efficiently together.


In Social Subjects about three weeks before we went to Picnic in the Park, we learned how to read a map and what some of the useful symbols meant so that  if we got lost it helped us to find our way back. The teachers who were teaching us thought it really helped us and we improved our map reading skills throughout the weeks we were learning Geography.  As we were using the map to get to each stamp, we had to know how to read it.  We also had to work as part of a team and had to work on our communication skills.


The P.E department organised the whole fun and enjoyable event that all S1 pupils participate in. The P.E department as a whole thought we did extremely well and are very proud of us. In the weeks leading up to the event we did loads of running, orienteering and a bleep test . We thought that practising around the school doing orienteering really helped us for this event. We thought this event was great fun and enjoyable. It improved our fitness.

Rep[orters: Sundus, Maggie, Robyn and Jenna.=