New Attendance Information

Reporting an absence

If your child is absent at the start of the day, you will receive a text message.  You should reply to the text message stating a reason for the absence.  You are no longer required to send an absence note upon your child’s return.  You will receive a text each day of the absence.

Requesting permission for medical appointments or informing us of any other planned absence

You should send a text message stating the reason for and duration of the planned absence.  Again, you do not need to provide a letter upon your child’s return.  You will receive a text stating, “You can reply to this text to notify us of a planned absence.”  This is to ensure all parents have an open text to which they can reply.

If you receive a text message from us and you believe your child is in school, reply to the text and we will check with the class teacher. If your child is in class, we will reply confirming this.  We will also provide a reason for the text and apologise if it has been sent in error.  If we check and your child is not in class, we will text and call you back.

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