Biggie Highlights of the Week 23 Oct 2020

The Biggies showed amazing creativity early this week:

Creativity from a Triangle

We have had a couple of maths stars, Alfie decided to up his game with division 812352 divided by 6

And Alice has become a speed demon at multiplication.

Ben showed his amazing general knowledge in a quiz, answering more questions than the rest of the class put together!

Lastly we have a pupil working from home today and making a really good job of keeping up with the rest of the class in Teams.

Creativity from a Triangle

The biggies were given a sheet of paper with a triangle on it and the instructions “Complete the Artwork”

Half an hour later we had a wide range of really creative ideas:

Then we discussed the “Creativity Skills” of Open Mindedness, Curiosity, Imagination and Problem Solving. We could identify where we had used each of these skill making out pictures.

We got the idea after Mr Johnston saw this video when there is a correct answer Exercise in creative thinking – YouTube

Raven Poems

We saw a couple of ravens flying high above our playground last week. The Biggies have been reading poems in The Lost Words again. After reading The Raven we watched some youtube videos of Ravens flying:

We then wrote our own poems in the Kenning form.

The class created a huge list of verbs to describe what ravens do and adjectives to describe them. We turned our verbs into nouns to write the kennings.

Op Art

The Biggies have been investigating some Op Art Ideas, working with paper pencil, felt pen and digitally.

Optical illusion by User deactivated
Op art by Rhuaridh
Mystery Ring by Alfred
Op Art by Skye
Ben’s op art by User deactivated
Op art Kristy by Kristy
Op art by User deactivated
Op art by Rhea Mary Ann Morton
Op art 19.10.20 by Fulton
Green and white hand rhuraidh m by Rhuraidh Gordon James
Op art 7.10.20 by Fulton
Op art by User deactivated
Op art by Grace
Op art by Grace
Op Art 2 by Skye

Highlights 2 Oct 2020: Short but Creative

We didn’t have a full week but the Biggies have had a creative one.
On Tuesday afternoon we went on a tiktok photowalk round the playground. We tried out some of the techniques we have been learning from Dave’s Tiktok Photowalks site.

Later in the week we have been working on material to help the younger children in the school understand “Clever Never Goes”, a way of staying safe. The class were brilliant at working together, showing leadership, cooperation, act, problem solving and creative skills. Most of the class worked in video but one group used scratch.

Clever never goes montage Clever never goes montage: Working together.

We hope to publish the video and animation next week.


As usual the dens in the playground continue to develop and change:


Things we Love and Hate

More poems this week.

We have been reading Edwin Morgans Poem: A view of things. We worked on our own poems. We enjoyed the lack of punctuation and made some great images with words.

Poems on the Table

We have been reading Table a poem by Turkish poet Edip Cansever translated by Richard Tillinghast. The class have been writing their own poem basted on the ‘shape’ of this poem. Click the titles to read the poems.

The featured image on this post is Our Table by cogdog on Flickr shared as Public domain

Highlights This week: pretty decent kids

Circle Time

We started working on our discussions skills last Friday around the Firepit and have continued this week. Talking about feelings and well being and our lockdown experiences. We have been working on making Talking Sticks, which are looking good. We hope to have some photos on the blog as soon as we have finished.

When talking about class rules, and why we don’t make a big thing of them, I asked the children why. Ben gave the answer,

because we are pretty decent kids

Today we thought about the qualities of Pretty Decent Kids. We used Keynote to illustrate these words.

Swingpark Sign Design

Swingpark Sign Design

We heard that Jonah won the Play Park Design a Sign Competition and on Thursday the primary sevens (plus Grace) went down to the park to meet The Provost, and other North Lanarkshire dignitaries along with representatives from the Banton Park Committee. You can read more on the Banton School site.

Blended Bird Art

We have been working on using our coloured pencils to create gradients and blends of colour. We look at examples of pictures by Richard Spare who works in dry point and water colours. We took some of the ideas and made our pictures using coloured pencils and charcoal. Here are a random selection you can see them all on the Art Gallery

Kingfisher bird by Fulton
Bird art 🖼 Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn McCulloch
Bird art by Lara

Alligator, Alligator

Last week we read ALLIGATOR PIE by Dennis Lee. The then wrote and illustrated our own versions for the p1-3 to listen to and read. We made a video for them to watch:

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