Inverclyde Music Festival

Recently primary 6 and 7 performed in the Inverclyde Music Festival.  Every year we perform in the  Inverclyde Music Festival . This year we performed ‘The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo’. I had to communicate with others when the teachers were discussing the costumes and talking about our performance and how we could make it better .  We to give each other constructive criticism by keeping it positive and helping other people improve. It was difficult to learn the song in a couple of weeks but we still learned them by working hard learning the words at home. I knew we successful because we came first place and high marks of 87 points  and that was amazing . When they said it was us, I was so excited . I feel we picked the singing and actions up quite fast but was still a challenge to try and get everybody to know them and do them at the same time. When we had ben doing it for a week we realised that our sound wasn’t very good so we worked on it . We worked as a team and got our act together and it worked.  We are learning to use these skills because in the future we might need more confidence and remember to sing loud and clear and learn our words .  It was a challenge to get everybody in the same tune and singing loud and learning actions. We overcame it  by just working on it regularly and supporting each other . We achieved 1st place . Next time, we will develop our confidence and hopefully score higher!

By Beth, P7a

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