
Art and HE Activities in the Stars Class

*Effective Contributors         *Responsible Citizens

We have had a happy week in the Stars class. We enjoyed time in the garden where we had a colour hunt and checked how our garden produce was growing. We also made scones which we ate for snack with jam and printed handprints and flowers for our ‘Friendship Garden’ wall display.


A Warm Welcome for the New Stars Class

*Confident Individuals     *Effective Contributors     *Responsible Citizens *Successful Learners

The Stars class have settled in well to their new classroom and routine and have enjoyed doing activities together after the summer break. We learnt ‘All About Me’ and told our likes and dislikes, made friendship potions, discussed kind and unkind behaviours, read Rainbow Fish and made personalised flowers for our ‘Friendship Garden’ wall display. In the sensory garden we weeded and tidied our planters where we discovered potatoes, onions, carrots, nasturtiums and sweet peas which were planted by Mrs Gardner’s class last year.



Official Opening of the School Greenhouse

We finally did it! The up-cycled greenhouse has been built. The roof has been put on and it is ready for use. The Transition class were Responsible Citizens throughout the whole build and have created a whole school resource. We had a special guest to officially open the Greenhouse. The Chair of the Parent Council cut the ribbon and declared the greenhouse ready for use!


50 things outdoors – Windswept

We explored  wind whilst being outdoors. We experienced the wind on our face and how when it is strong it may blow objects around outside. We made our own wind sock to explore what would happen on a windy day. We took our wind socks outside and watched as the wind blew the tissue paper streamers  at the bottom.  The wind can sometimes blow rubbish into our outdoor area and we are responsible citizens and will tidy up.


Confident Individuals – Power Off Learn Outdoors

Friday was POLO day and the Transition class threw themselves right into it. They were Confident Individuals taking part in a variety of activities. In the morning there was water play which involved throwing water balloons and spraying water onto a target. The target quite quickly became each other and the boys took part in a fun water fight. A water fight was one of their 50 Things to do in the Outdoors outcomes and each boy completed it well! Mr Nicoll was a major target throughout the battle!! The boys were also Responsible Citizens by ensuring that the area was tidy after all the water balloons had been thrown. The afternoon was much more calm when we turned our hand to Croquet and practiced hitting the ball towards the target. It turned out to be harder than we thought to hit the ball with a wooden mallet.



Responsible Citizens – End of term preparations

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens when they checked the new school gazebo. They read the instructions and checked all the moving parts before setting it up and checking that it was all in good working order. We understand how it works and are ready to set up for next week’s Garden Party.



POLO in the Pine Room!!

Power of Learning Outdoors – POLO Successful Learning in the Garden – look at our lettuce and onions!!!

Signing Practice – Baby Shark

We anticipated that Friday’s weather might not be so good – so we carried out some of our POLO Activities earlier in the week


We were working on our 50 Things too and instead of waiting for rain we created some!!!


Are you ready???

Water Balloons – throw them!!!

Literacy outside too!!

What a funny story!!!

Ready for some bubble wrap Art

What a bunch of Confident Individuals in Art!!!

What a Responsible Citizen.

Successful Learners Numeracy and MOVE

Knock it down…knock it down…..

….Well done!!!!!!

Sensory Cereal Play – using our fine motor skills looking for small candy eyeballs!!!

Crunch and pop!!! Different textures and feels.




Football Fun!!!


Squishy Painting

Using the Bubble Machine too!!

Great Copying.

Creating ’cause and effect’ with the switches.

Great fun in Numeracy playing Snakes and Ladders.

Have a great relaxing weekend everyone!!!!


FAOL – Enterprise – Topsy Turvy Planter

*Successful Learners             *Responsible Citizens

We cut the bottom off a used plastic lemonade bottle and lined it with paper. We planted a sweet pea plant through the hole then filled the bottle with compost. Afterwards we hung it in the garden. We must remember to keep it well watered.


Responsible Citizens – First Aid

The Transition class were Responsible Citizens during their Health and Wellbeing lesson this week. They were learning about how to deal with a large bleeding cut. The boys listened and watched closely. They were able to demonstrate what to do when clumsy Mr Nicoll repeatedly cut himself. There was blood everywhere……….it may have been tomato sauce! Well done boys, you all demonstrated your skills very confidently. One boy took it further and acted the casualty at the door when it was outdoor time.



Responsible Citizens – First Aid

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens  this week when the classroom staff repeatedly burnt their hands. Clumsy! The boys accurately demonstrated what to do by placing the burnt hand under running cool water for ten minutes. Well done boys!

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