
Children in Need in the Pine Room

This week we were looking at the letter E again in literacy, looking at words that beginning with this letter and in art we were successful learners and made a picture of a egg using tissue paper squares and PVA glue.

In SQA Communication we finished our Brown Bear Story, we sorted through the characters again, signed the animals and colours, danced along to the rap, and worked on our colouring books.

Karen was here on Wednesday to do some Indian Dance with us focusing on Animals that started with the letter E – we were very confident individuals and had great fun.

For SQA Numeracy we played a game of ‘Haggis Drive’, as we have started our Scottish Theme, working on our counting skills and drawing in the pieces of the Haggis.

Each class has a paper  lantern to decorate to be displayed in the Atrium for Christmas, with our Vice ECO Captain we decided on a very topical theme of Global Warming!!!

Give the Snowman back his hat back!!!

So our Snowman is starting to melt – remember reuse, recycle and reduce!!!

Working on another Christmas Project.

For Children in Need we enjoyed a lovely social snack, had a wee Disco (not as long as Sophie Eliis-Bextor’s!!) And made some dotty Pugsy Faces.

Have a Smashing Weekend Everyone!!!


FAOL – ECO/Sustainable Development – Global Goal 3/ Article 19

*Responsible Citizens    *Successful Learners

We chose photographs to make a poster depicting good health and well being and ways of keeping safe. We watched a road safety power point, discussed how to safely cross the road and understood the need for road safety.


Effective Contributors – Reflective Work

The Transition class took some time out from their busy week to reflect on their first term of 2021-2022. They were all Effective Contributors sharing their views clearly and confidently. Well done everyone!


Successful Learners – ILP Targets

There was a lot of great work on ILP targets this week. Topics were wide and varied but the common theme was excellent effort and progress. Well done everyone you are all Successful Learners!


Number formation and understanding

Communication with other adults

High frequency word recognition.

Working successfully in groups including some numeracy targets

Matching money

Understanding different uses of non-fiction books

Following directions

Finding out what is on in Kilmarnock

Recognising time

Tying shoelaces


Matching time

Working in pairs with movement skills

Time bingo!



Pine class welcome in November.

Our Eco Vice Captain was being a responsible citizen and showing her support for COP26.

SQA Numeracy is always better fun when there is Dominoes involved!!!

Counting up and making choices – what successful learners we are!!

SQA Baking – we were voting on what we are going to make, will it be pizza, scones, cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies???

And the winner was Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!

In Literacy we are still working on the Letter D – this week we made Doughnuts(not real ones!!) for out Alphabet Books.

Lots of careful ripping, sticking and of course glittering!!

Remember, remember the 5th of November! Fireworks night soon, we make some cool pictures, using a different art technique – effective!!!

We have been responsible citizens and keeping ourselves informed via  Global Goals online.

Thursday was a lovely afternoon so we went outside to the playground.

Have a great weekend everyone.



Successful Learners – ILP targets

The Transition class were working hard on their ILP targets and were Successful Learners.  They all had their individual literacy or numeracy tasks and worked well at them

Making plans for after school

Matching coins

Reading and showing understanding

Common words

Directional Language

Following directional arrows


Successful Learners – Hallowe’en Literacy

The Transition class took part in different types of Hallowe’en Literacy this week. They were all Successful Learners when they completed word searches, CVC spelling, Eye spy sheets and a whole class CVC treasure hunt.


50 Things – Story Time

*Successful Learners*   *Confident Individuals*

The Sungazers have enjoyed listening to a variety of stories outdoors over the last couple of months.  The have experienced story time in the summer sun whilst sitting together on the grass as well as story time sitting on our picnic benches during the nicer autumnal weather.

They have also explored stories using props such as sensory materials and puppets and enjoyed sharing books with their friends.


Literacy, Art, Science and Dominoes in the Pine Class


We have been successful learners and continued working on out Alphabet books – we made some lovely Caterpillar pictures using green and yellow paint and different brushes – great concentration.

In our SQA Communication Unit, we listened to the ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What can you see?’ story and the rap again and chose your favourite animal – although some of us just could not decide!

We listened to the Singing Hands telling the story and practised our Makaton signs.

Mrs Mac organised a great activity for Diwali, we made clay elephants with jewels, the clay feels lovely to work with , a great sensory experience and good for exercising our hands.


On the MOVE!

Disco Time!!!

We have been working on our IDL Unit and trying to regrow some vegetables – progress report next week!

Smelling and touching the different vegetables.

All ready – fingers crossed!!

These confident individuals continued to work on these IDL and Eco work, using their Art skills and made ‘leftover sandwiches’ for our Display Board.

A word from your Vice Eco Captain use up all your leftovers in a sandwich or a frittata – yummy!!!

Using or Rain Spray during the ‘What is the Weather’ this Morning – great fun!!


Ready for IDL Science looking to change the colour of the celery and lettuce.

Numeracy Dominoes

Have a great weekend everyone.


IDL- Fantastic Mr Fox wanted posters.

The Comets have settled in well after the holidays and have been happy to see all of their friends.

As part of our theme work we have continued to enjoy the story of Fantastic Mr Fox- we are nearly at the end of the story!

The children have been successful learners this week and have produced wanted posters for Mr Fox. First, we created and wrote a description of Mr Fox and the crimes he has committed. Secondly, we  followed a step by step tutorial to create our own drawing of Mr Fox for our posters. All of the children had fantastic listening and i’m sure you will all agree, produced some amazing work!

Have a lovely weekend,

From the Comets ladies.

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