
FAOL – ECO – Global Goal 11 – Meet and welcome people

The Stars class made place mats and iced biscuits for our Macmillan snack. We enjoyed a sociable gathering together where some of us chose to have strawberry milk shake too. We also decorated a yummy Colin the caterpillar cake. We thought it looked great next to the Colin the caterpillar we’d grown with grass seed!



Effective Contributors – Story Yoga

The Transition class were Effective Contributors  when they had a chance to be active in the classroom. The boys took part in some story yoga and the story choice had to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar ! The boys used their literacy listening and understanding skills to listen to the story and follow the instructions.


Effective Contributors – Winter Vegetables

The Transition class were Effective Contributors when they worked in the school garden. Due to lockdown our vegetable bed was over run with weeds. They boys put in a lot of effort to dig and remove the horsetails.

The boys then planted cauliflower, cabbages and broccoli to grow over winter. They will have to use their numeracy skills to keep an eye on the weather forecast each day to watch out for frost.


Amazing Discoveries

The Stars class have been confident individuals and successful learners whilst enjoying outside activities when the weather is good. We have been looking at the garden trees and how they change over the year. We created lovely pictures for the class wall of the four seasons of the tree. We discussed our needs and wants this week and had a great time with the car ramp deciding which slopes and surfaces made our cars go farther……and faster! We enjoyed hearing the story of the ‘Loaves and Fishes’ and were amazed at how five wee loaves and two fishes could feed five thousand people!


Stars Activities 9

Hi Everyone. Hope all is well with you. All the Stars class ladies are doing fine and enjoyed the sunshine this weekend. 🌞

This week is POLO (Power Off Learn Outside) Week at Willowbank so we thought you might like to do some of the activities we’d be doing at school.

CD Wind Spinners Ornament 

You will need – old CD, string or ribbon, PVA glue, sequins, buttons, glitter, scissors

Mrs Chisholm made spinners with her daughter Evie. Aren’t they good?

Garden Treasure Hunt 


5 stones

8 pegs

2 gardening gloves

6 weeds

1 trowel

3 plant pots

7 daisies

9 twigs

4 leaves

10 buttercups

Write the number beside the bundle of things you’ve collected using twigs, chalk or painted on the slabs with a paintbrush and water.

Also – Make a circle from stones

Make a triangle from twigs

Leaf Name 

Write your name from some of the things you’ve collected or write with chalk. Get your family to write their names too.

Mrs Logan was busy with her children writing their names. Looks like they want to be in the Stars class too!

Paper Plane Challenge 

Make and decorate some paper planes with your family. Who’s plane can fly the farthest?

Mrs Westerman made some paper planes with her wee grandson, Liam. They used pages from his colouring book. Liam had great fun flying his planes.

We hope you choose to do some of these activities. Remember to send us your comments or photos. We’d love to hear how you are getting on.

Have Fun! Keep Safe!   ❤😊


Stars Activities 8

Hi everyone. We hope all is good for you and that you are enjoying the mild weather. 🌞

Helping at home

Our families do lots around the house to look after us. Maybe you could help them do some chores. Why don’t you help………

Set the dinner table

Clear the dinner table

Wipe the dinner table

Wash and dry the dishes

Vacuum any crumbs up

Brush the floor


Mrs Logan, Mrs Westerman and Mrs Gardner have been very busy doing these chores around our own homes.


Balloon Rocket

Mrs Chisholm and her family had a great time making balloon rockets. Her children enjoyed this activity so much that they showed their teacher’s at their own school what they had done.

Why don’t you try making a balloon rocket too. All you need is some string, scissors, a straw, balloon and sellotape.


Picture Dominoes

We have good fun matching the pictures in this game. If you don’t have a picture dominoes game at home why don’t you print out these farm animal picture dominoes.



This is one of our favourite stories but read today by James McAvoy.

If you choose to do any of these activities then why don’t you send us a comment or some photographs. We’d love to hear from you.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!   ❤☺





Sungazers 8th June 2020

Good Morning Sungazers! Hope that you are all doing well?

This week we are going to the thinking about Sun Safety – what do we need to do/wear in the sunshine to keep us all safe!

Stay Safe in the Sun - WELCOA

Here are 3 activities to try at home –

  • Read through these posters – can you recognise all of these things to keep us safe in the sun?

sun safety posters (1)

  • Suncream Song – have fun learning this song about applying sun cream. It is to the tune ‘1,2,3,4,5, Once I Caught A Fish Alive’.

sun cream song


  • Lastly, here is a cut and stick activity – what would you put in your beach bag?

sun safety beach bag


Have a wonderful week and remember to please email us any photos of you completing your work – we would love to see you!  Sun Safety | Gillibrand Primary School

Team Sungazers


Stars Activities 7

Hi everyone. Hope you are all enjoying the good weather.  🌞🕶

Tuesday 2nd June should have been our Sports Day. Willowbank staff have been very busy filming and taking photographs of races you could try. The Stars class ladies had a ‘dressing up’ race. Hope you enjoy it!

This week we thought we could have our own wee sports day at home with a few races and a picnic. It would be nice to make some butterfly cakes for your picnic but if you can’t get the ingredients why not make some sandwiches instead. You could cut them into fancy shapes.


100g butter, softened

100g caster sugar

2 large eggs

100g self raising flour

1 level teaspoon

baking powder

ICING – 175g butter, softened

350g sifted icing sugar, plus extra for dusting


  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees C/ Fan 180 degrees C/ Gas 6. Place fairy cake cases into a 12 hole bun tin so that the cakes keep a good even shape as they bake.
  • Measure all the cake ingredients into a large bowl and beat well for 2-3 minutes until the mixture is well blended and smooth. Fill each paper case with the mixture.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cakes are well risen and golden brown. Lift the paper cases out of the bun tin and cool the cakes on a wire rack.
  • To make the icing, beat the butter and icing sugar together until well blended. Cut a slice from the top of each cake and cut this slice in half. Spoon a heaped teaspoon of butter cream into the centre of each cake and place the half slices of cake on top to resemble butterfly wings. Dust the cakes with icing sugar to finish.

**  Don’t worry if you can’t find any icing sugar in the shops to make buttercream icing. A spoonful of jam or lemon curd in the centre will work just as well.


If you don’t see any races/activities you want to do on the Willowbank video then maybe you could consider welly throwing (who throws their welly nearest to the target – the target could be a teatowel), water race (fill a basin with water, scoop up a cup of water at a time and run with it over to an empty bowl. Who can collect the most amount of water in 1 minute), ball/balloon catch (how many times can you catch a balloon or ball in 1 minute) or fill the bucket (transfer small objects from one bucket to another. First finished is the winner.) I’m sure someone from your family could help you with your races.


Sit on a rug in the garden, if you can, and enjoy your butterfly cakes and some juice with your family or you could sit at a picnic table. Maybe use a colourful tablecloth. Listen for the birds. Mrs Gardner has blackbirds nesting in her garden and they are very chirpy!



Enjoy listening to this story on You Tube. Try and do all the actions and say the sounds if you can. Enjoy!

If you have fun doing some of these activities then send us a comment or a photo. We’d love to hear from you.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!   😊 ❤




Sungazers – 1/6/20

It’s June! Hope everyone has been enjoying this wonderful sunshine and is keeping safe!

This weeks task is a cookery one. At the weekend, Mrs Skinner and Mrs  Coulter were busy making ladybird biscuits with their families and thought you would like to join in too – it was great fun!

We have used – digestive biscuits, red icing, icing pens to decorate and any other icing decorations we could find in our cupboards.  Why don’t you have a go too – they were really tasty!


We also have a lovely story about a ladybird. It is called ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and you can find it on Youtube.

Have a great week!

Team Sungazers


Stars Activities 6

Hi everyone. Hope you are all well and keeping busy despite the poorer weather. The sun is shining today. Long may that continue. 🌞🌈

This week is diggidabble week so we thought it might be good to do some activities involving technology. 💻📸


Borrow a camera, phone or tablet and look around the house and garden for things that are red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink or black. Take a photograph of what you find. Mrs Chisholm and Mrs Westerman found these coloured things in their homes.


SINGING HANDS MAKATON COLOURS   How many signs can you remember?


Photograph items beginning with the sounds   s   t   a   r   s   c   l   a   s   s

Mrs Logan and Mrs Gardner collected these things in their homes.



Can you fit more than one person into your selfie? How many have you photographed? Can you decorate your selfie with a filter like Mrs Westerman has done?

Can you think of any other digital things you use around the house? Here are some examples. Can you think of any others?


Try and sing/sign along with this song. 

If you choose to do any of these activities then maybe you could send a photo or write a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!  ❤☺

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