Willowbank primary school

Today me (Callum Sneddon, Lauren Batty, Sophie Jackson and Evan Darnbrough went to Willowbank we were working with people who have disabilities. We played with them and we had lots of fun. We all had a tour of the playground. We were playing in a room that was projecting games onto the floor. We saw they had a pool and they had a trampolining room.

P7 Spelling

Today in class we were doing active spelling. We had a mixture of different choices. Some of the choices we had were: Write a paragraph or a short story, Rainbow Writing, Write six sentences, Draw a picture of eight of your words, Create a word search/crossword  or Write a poem using several of your words. Everybody did two activities each.

By Alistair Johnston.

Bug Club

It was lovely to meet some of our new families at a Bug Club workshop recently. It was aimed at new children in the school from P2 upwards and we hope that they are enjoying learning new reading skills with this super online resource.

Children familiar with this should all be back into the swing of Bug Club and aiming high with challenging texts from their teachers. As always please lets us know if you are experiencing any difficulties with your account.

Soon we shall look forward to meeting all our new P1 families at one of the future workshops. More details to follow.

Primary 7, Arran 2018


Here is a little bit of information for the parents who did not manage to attend the meeting on Monday night.

We are going to Lochranza again, from Tuesday 8th of May until Friday 11th May.

Activities will include, abseiling, gorge walking,

coastal walk,cycling, seashore safari and bushcraft skills.The centre organise various activities for the evening.

No need for any expensive equipment, if the children don’t have the correct kit, the centre will supply it. Wellies, walking boots and a waterproof jacket and trousers (if you have them) would be ideal.

Torch/nightlight if unsure of the dark – not essential.

The trip will cost approx. £230, but this may go up or down depending on numbers.  We would love all of  Primary 7 to come.

You will receive a letter soon to confirm your child’s interest and a deposit will be required.   Further information will be given later on in the year.


Carol-Ann Mackie


GFG meeting

The GFG have added an event on their Facebook page.  Parents are invited to their first meeting this session. New faces and ideas will be made very welcome. The plan is to organise 5/6 events throughout the year that will benefit our children and families. You willl find a link to their page in our menu.

Rights Respecting Schools Group Thank you

Mrs. McLaughland, Miss Meechan and all the members of last session’s Rights Respecting Schools group would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone in the school and ECC who donated shoes to our collection for the Sal’s shoes charity on the last day of term in June. Once the shoes were boxed up, they were transported for a reduced fee by a courier to the Sal’s Shoes depot in England before being shipped, we believe, to Nigeria. It is a lovely thought that Nigerian school children who have very little, will now be going to school wearing shoes donated by Gargieston pupils. A massive thank you to Mrs. Lee (Freya and Pippa’s mum) for  coordinating the collection and transport and her band of helpers, including Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Gear, Mrs King and others. We should all be very proud of ourselves.

P5/6 Term 1 Jigsaw

Here are our plans for teaching and learning in term 1.

Term 1 Jigsaw

P5a Term 1 Jigsaw

Please have a look at our Learning Jigsaw for term 1!

Miss Meechan and P5a

Jigsaw – Term 1 Miss Meechan P5a


P3A Term 1 Jigsaw

Have a look at what Primary 3A are learning in Term 1.

P3A Jigsaw Term 1

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