Category Archives: Wider Achievements

Rotary Quiz

Last week Hannah Paterson, Freya Staddon, Alistair Johnston and Aritra Acharya all represented Gargieston at the annual East Ayrshire Schools Quiz organised by the Rotary Club of Kilmarnock.

Although they didn’t manage to win, they managed a very high score in front of a large audience. We are all very proud of you, as you represented the school so well!

Why not try some of the questions they were asked…?

What letter falls between E and T on a keyboard?

What year did the Queen and Prince Phillip marry?

How many degrees are there in a 1/3 of a circle?

How many time zones are there in the USA?


Right of the Month!

Our new right of the month is  ◊Article 7◊   and what a very important one it is!


Image result for we have rights children article 7

“You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the Government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).”

We will be learning a lot this coming month about the importance of Article 7.

Why not share your learning with someone at home?

The RRS school group!

Image result for un rights of the child



Wider Achievements in P4B

Fantastic news for Lewis as he achieved the most improved player award for his football team, Bonnyton Thistle!

Well done to Dominic for his award for swimming 400 metres!

This relates to Article 15 of the UNCRC:-
You have the right to be with friends and join clubs— unless this breaks the rights of others.