Category Archives: School Events

Tai Kwon Do Club

Tai kwon Do Club


P4 and P5

Starts Tuesday 18th September – 9 Oct


4 week block


Please give permission below for your child to attend.

Only pupils that have given permission online should attend.


Bethany’s Girls Football

Bethany’s Girls Football Is Back !

P5s – P7s

Starting Tuesday 18th September


Tuesday 27th November

(excludes 16th Oct)

Outdoor clothing required as we will be playing in the MUGA

3.30 – 4.15pm

Please give permission below for your child to attend. Thank you.

Netball Club – P6 and P7

P6 and P7 Netball After School Club

Fridays from 3.15 – 4.30pm

Starting Friday 7 September.


If your child wishes to take part

please complete the permission form below.


Only pupils with permission will be allowed to stay for the club.





Reach For The Stars Electives

As the children mentioned during the Reach for the Stars presentation, we have introduced ‘electives’ in school.

Mrs McKee and Mrs McLaughland consulted with the children to gather their views about which activities they would like to see on offer. Electives should be motivating and engaging for the children and activities that they really enjoy and look forward to participating in.  Mrs McKee was delighted to see so many active electives being proposed and has already met with our new Active Schools Co-ordinator, Cherryl Fulton, in order to offer as many varied sporting opportunities as possible.  There were also many other electives ideas suggested by the children from cooking and crafts to K,Nex and knitting!

We will do our best to offer a range of electives each block and keep our ideas fresh, creative and innovative therefore encouraging our children to ‘Reach for the Stars’!



After School Homework Club

Wednesday 20th June was the last after school home work club this session.  Therefore there will be no homework club on Wednesday 27th June.

Thank you.

Scottish Orienteering Championships, Glasgow

Well done to all the P5, 6 and 7 children who represented Gargieston at the Scottish Orienteering Championships in Glasgow yesterday. A great time was had by all and they even managed to avoid all the thunderstorms in the area!

Particular congratulations must go to Sam McCallum of P6 who won the P5/6 boys event – an amazing achievement, Sam! Well done!

Thank you to Mr Smith and Mrs Mackie for their preparation leading up to the event and to Mrs Work for these terrific photographs on the day.

P5A Titanic Assembly

Image result for titanic

*P5A would like to invite parents to journey back to 1912 and enjoy our Titanic Assembly*

*Monday 4th June – School Assembly Hall*

*Please arrive for 2:35pm to be seated as we aim to start our performance at 2:45pm*

*P5A children will receive a slip for parents to fill in – please return this to Mrs Kerr indicating the number of seats you require*

We can’t wait to share our learning with you!


Gardening Club

Just a reminder that there will be no gardening club on Wednesday 9th May 2018.

ECC & School Photos !

The photographer will be coming into the ECC


**Wednesday 2 May**

It will be CLASS GROUPS this time.


He will be visiting the school pupils


**Thursday 3 May**


Individual photos will be taken in September.



Gardening Club

Image result for gardening

Now that the snow and ice have finally cleared away, the Gardening Club will be commencing for the Summer Term.

The Club is open for any pupils within P4 -P6 and will run from 3:15pm until 4:15pm.

Starting Wed 25th April – Wed 20th June.

Could any pupils, who are interested in coming along to the club, please see Mrs Bloomfield in Base 1 to pick up a permission slip.