Morning my fellow Yogis 🙂
Happy Friday everyone! 😀 I have loved seeing you all getting involved doing the yoga poses this week! Todays pose is:
‘Dancer Pose’.
Hope everyone has a lovely relaxed weekend, stay safe and keep smiling! 🙂
Morning my fellow Yogis 🙂
Happy Friday everyone! 😀 I have loved seeing you all getting involved doing the yoga poses this week! Todays pose is:
Hope everyone has a lovely relaxed weekend, stay safe and keep smiling! 🙂
WC 13 January 2020
Appointments should be made with the Head Teacher , please contact the school office for an appointment time.
If you are currently at our ECC , please ask your child’s key worker for an enrolment form.
On the day , please bring your child’s birth certificate and 2 items of proof of address.
The workshop will begin with an introduction to the Curriculum for Excellence and how this translates into the high quality learning experiences which your children enjoy in our school.
Following this, we will host an interactive session where you can learn more about how you can support your child’s literacy development at home.
Your child will join you for this part of the session. Following the workshop, you will be gifted a home pack complete with fun activities for you to play at home.
These workshops will take place on Tuesday 12th November at 9.15am and 2.15pm.
Please enter your details below if you with to attend these sessions.
P1A and P1C will visit Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride on Wednesday 23 Oct.
P1B will visit on Thursday 24 Oct.
Leaving school at 9.30 and returning for home time.
Pupils should wear school sweatshirt/cardigan and casual bottoms. Suitable outdoor shoes for outdoor activities and waterproof jacket.
Packed lunches can be ordered from school or you can supply a packed lunch from home – last day for orders 4 Oct.
Please visit ParentPay to give permission and pay for this outing.
Thank you.
We would like to invite P1 parents and new families to a Bug Club workshop. Bug Club is the reading programme which we use throughout the school and it would be helpful if the parents of P1 pupils who have no older siblings within the school were able to attend.
We have planned two workshops in the hope you will be able to attend at a time that suits you best.
Wednesday 18th September @ 8.30am.
Thursday 19th September @3.15pm.
Please enter your details below if you wish to attend.
Scottish Maritime Museum , Irvine.
Primary 1 C and P 1 D will visit on Monday 4 March .
Primary 1 A and P 1 B will visit on Tuesday 5 March.
Entry – £4.
Cost of transport will be covered by the museum.
School uniform and packed lunches.
Please visit Parent Pay to settle the costs and give permission for your child to attend.
Thank you to everyone who attended our McCoo Showcase.
We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Shirley Husband is offering signed copies of her books.
Each book costs £8 or a pack of all 3 books can be ordered for £20.
Please order using the form below.
Please send the correct money into the school office in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked on the front of the envelope.
Last orders Friday 22 February 2019.
Harris McCoo
ECC & Primary 1 Showcase of Learning
Our children in the ECC and Primary 1 have been very busy learning about Harris McCoo and his family.
They would like to share their learning with you on Thursday 7th February.
In order to accommodate both our morning and afternoon children, this short showcase of learning will take place at 10.45am and 2.15pm.
Please complete your details below if you wish to attend.
Base 1 will visit the Museum of Rural Life
in East Kilbride.
P1B & P1/2 A – Friday 2 November.
P1C & P1D – Monday 5 November.
Leaving school at 9.15am and returning for 3.15pm.
Waterproof jacket and wellingtons. Packed lunches can be ordered if required.
Slips will be in bags from wed 24th and should be returned by 30th, Please bring packed lunches in disposable bags with names on.
Old casual bottoms and school sweat shirt please. Morning snack will be required.