Category Archives: Base 1

P1 Parent Workshop

The workshop will begin with an introduction to the Curriculum for Excellence and how this translates into the high quality learning experiences which your children enjoy in our school.

Following this, we will host an interactive session where you can learn more about how you can support your child’s literacy development at home.

Your child will join you for this part of the session.  Following the workshop, you will be gifted a home pack complete with fun activities for you to play at home.

These workshops will take place on Tuesday 12th November at 9.15am and 2.15pm.

Please enter your details below if you with to attend these sessions.

Please remember to label all clothing

Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled before sending them into school.

There have been a few items of lost property already that we are still looking to locate.  Some items with names on them.

Please can all parents double check clothing to ensure that you have your own child’s items .

Please hand any items that have been accidentally taken home into the school office.

We are also looking for a special hair band that may have been taken home by mistake. Its made up in the school blue tartan fabric.

Many thanks.

Base 1 Trip

Base 1 will visit the Museum of Rural Life

in East Kilbride.

P1B & P1/2 A – Friday 2 November.

P1C & P1D  – Monday 5 November.

 Leaving school at 9.15am and returning for 3.15pm.

Waterproof jacket and wellingtons. Packed lunches can be ordered if required.

Slips will be in bags from wed 24th and should be returned by 30th, Please bring packed lunches in disposable bags with names on.

Old casual bottoms and school sweat shirt please. Morning snack will be required.