Category Archives: Pink Group

Song of the week…

This weeks song is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. We will be singing this within the ECC. Please sing this with your child at home and try out the Makaton. Singing aids your child’s knowledge of  how language is construction and aids with language acquisition. This is why it’s important to regularly sing to or with your child.

If Makaton is something you are interested in and have been implementing with your child please have a look on facebook for Makaton Ayrshire. This facebook page posts information in regards to communication, up and coming courses and a variety of signs. At the moment they are doing an advent of Makaton where a video is posted daily of different Christmas signs.  Please see the facebook page for a video of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (Look out for Miss Clark in the video) or here below is a link from you tube which demonstrates the Makaton.



Just a reminder that our ECC Nativity is on Wed 13th Dec in the gym hall.

Am performance starts at 10.30pm

Pm performance starts at 2.15pm

There will be an after show party for you to have a snack with your child.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Communication Board Update….

Our NHS communication poster has changed and an updated poster has now been attached to our communication board for your reference.  Our top tip is still about asking questions and following this with adding two comments. The yellow button envelope contains leaflets regarding age appropriate speech sounds. I noticed these leaflets were running very low this week so they have been replenished please feel free to take one and should you have any concerns about your child’s speech please speak to their keyworker or our communication champion.

Here are some tips to improve your child’s language:

  • Talk to your child face to face as often as possible
  • Read to your child daily
  • Listen to music together
  • Tell stories real or made up to encourage their imagination
  • Follow your child’s lead within play
  • Never criticize your child’s speech or articulation
  • Use computers and tv sparingly.

Nursery Rhyme of the week……

This weeks Nursery Rhyme follows the tune of “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.” As your child becomes familiar  with the rhyme encourage your child to say parts of the rhyme themselves.  Nursery Rhymes are portable and can be sung anywhere in the car, in the bath, before bed, while making dinner, within story time or within any routine of your day. Nursery Rhymes assist with the development of social skills as well as an opportunity to hear sounds and syllables within words. Implementing Makaton with your child has many benefits including supporting your child’s emotional wellbeing, extending language and communication skills  and it also promotes  fine motor skills as your child uses their hands to sign this aids pre- writing skills.

★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week for demonstrating good walking feet! 😀

Communication Board update…..

Our top tip has changed and is about questioning. Children benefit from early opportunities to promote language skills this aids a child’s ability to exchange information with others in a meaningful way. A delay in language can cause some children to show signs of frustration and can fill them with a sense of miscommunication about what he or she is trying to convey.  Please feel free to look at our board for more information about supporting your child’s communication and language development and please take a leaflet from the yellow button envelope which focuses on information regarding speech sounds.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…..

Please sing this nursery rhyme with your child at home and try out the Makaton. Singing nursery rhymes with your child will help them learn about rhyme and rhythm of language and assist your child to hear syllables within words this also aids your child’s ability to learn to read.

★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week for always following the nursery routine 😀

Our Rhyme of the week is….

Please find on our communication board the nursery rhyme of the week which is one, two, three, four, five and the Makaton signs to go along. Please feel free to go over the signs and songs at home with your child. Please have a look at our communication board and feel free to take a speech sound development leaflet which are very useful and located on the communication board in the yellow button folder pictured above. Thank you. Miss Clark.

★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks winners for doing the best job at tidy up time! 😀